The parrot was taken refrain a branch of the gulmohar one evening and kept on cleansing its body with its beak sometime. As usual I was getting breezy outside the terrace and watching birds chirping around, I saw this parrot sitting on a branch, lonely, while others flying above the sky as habitually.
I brought the camera actually to capture the mynas, that where taking refrain side by side on a branch, but before I click back, they flew away and the parrot came alone. As it was sunset taking west and I was facing it thus, captured the parrot that fell into black along the branches. Just to make an impression, I add white color to the grey background.
p.s Thought it was pleasant at present, there was something (I don’t want to say) annoyance going along, that stops me from blogging quite sometimes. I can’t avoid even when it showcase its true face that anguish and general visage that often express love and desire. I wonder were gone these thus when I was struck with phase that cause great distress and fear. I just want to say in front of these faces, but I no more bear strength to rip and I will never get peace by hurting these and expressing my emotions, but I learn every time what relationships mean through these that happens occasionally on vacations.