Thursday, October 13, 2005

Amazing Living

Late post, It is continue of Cow power, in between this, I had put my friends meeting post and Earthquakes post. Now continues…

Touch it and you’re Dead!!

There are several hundred species of fish that can generate an electric discharge. Of these the best known and the one that produces the greatest discharge is the electric eel (Electrophorus electrics). This amazing fish found in the muddy river of northern South America is capable of generating a powerful electric discharge of up to 600 volts, sufficient to kill any unwary swimmer who touch it.

Special electric organ within the body produce the electricity. It uses the electricity to stun prey. It is also believed that the fish uses the electric field with which it surrounds its body to find its way around in the turbid water of its river habitat. The fish grows up to 2.5 meters long and look like an eel but it is not a true eel. It is related to catfish and crap.


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  3. Prasanna - Thanks friend. i will Venkitu sir.

  4. this electric eel sama danger polla iruke..never heard of it before reading ur post!!yes man its really sad when so many innocent people die..esp in kashmir where those ppl have alreadu suffered so much..btw have u seen anbey sivam?think u will like it..

  5. Jeevan,
    There is a great Aquarium at Monterrey Bay, California. Its around 2 hours drive from where I live.

    They have EEL exhibits there..and they even have an instrument that measures the shock.!

    I was fascinated..when I saw it..!! And like you said, that's a lot of voltage.!!

    I admire God for these creations.!!

  6. Scientist coma new plans no more thermal power,atomic power use eel power.

  7. Siddharth – very dangerous Fish, I dint saw anbey sivam, but it is very nice movie.

  8. Venkitu sir – I also know about Monterrey Bay, I took eel photo from Monterrey bay site. They are very rare fish.

  9. Awakening – Super idea friend. how is u r Ooty journey?
