Saturday, June 18, 2011

I become a pilot

There’s no age to play things and it depend on mind completely and such things happen sometime seeing someone playing with something. I wish to play always and never feel I am growing except my thoughts and no one complain about it since mostly everyone treats me at home and families as a kid and I agree with it and only sense and knowledge have grown and physically I’m in a child’s stage.
RC helicopter
I was at HAL Aerospace Museum in Bangalore recently checking the amazing old and renovated aircrafts at display and at the end of our walkabout inside the museum; we enter the main building to find out something and got to know about this remote control helicopter. First I wasn’t liked as I was looking out for RC Car, knowing my cousin’s interest and the helicopter takeoff really I want to go for it and it was wonderful from then to see it flying and operating was very fun and enthusiastic.

I enjoy it so much operating it and now I gave it to my cousin who’s in behind buying it to enjoy as much and it’s not easy to operate a copter in real and I was happy to be a pilot for this little helicopter sometime. The copter takes off 30 feet in height. Here I post a video (below) operating RC Copter. Mission impossible! :D


  1. Jeevan its a beautiful and colourful helicopter. Infact I feel like playing with it. Age doesn't matter to play with these lovely things. I liked your post very much.
    You are welcome at my new post-

  2. Aircrafts capture my attention like no other, and there is perhaps very little else that I'm interested in like I am in aircrafts!

    And so, I can wholly relate so very well to this wonderful post!

  3. That is so beautiful, Jeevan. My husband has a passion of trains and plays train games.

  4. nice thoughts and very interesting
