Friday, March 18, 2016

Orange and Yellow Marigold


Marigold is a common name in English, derived from Mary’s gold, and it was taken from the fact that early Christians placed flowers instead of coins on Mary’s altar as an offering. Marigold is often used in festivities honoring Mary. In Nepalese culture, marigold plays a significant role where marigold garlands are used almost in every household, esp. during the Tihar festival (similar to Diwali) and it is also sold in the markets for daily worships and rituals.

Yellow Marigold

Marigold, rooted to North and South America blooms naturally around the world in colors of golden, orange, yellow and white, often with maroon highlights. The The orange and yellow marigold here was shot at Kodaikanal during one of the visits. 

Linking this post with Floral Friday Foto


  1. Terrific photos of the Marigold/Saamandhi flower.
    The lighting on the orange flower is particularly beautiful.
    Well done, Jeevan!
    Have a Happy Day!!
    Peace :)

  2. they are beautiful.

    i named my yellow lab pup marigold years ago - because she was bright, beautiful, but she was a stinker. :)

  3. We have these Marigold flowers here too and I love their smells after rain. So refreshing.

  4. Beautiful flowers and lovely colors. One pic could have been along with the leaves so that we could gauge their actual size :)

    Destination Infinity
    PS: I don't see Samandhi poo around here much nowadays!

  5. Beautiful Marigolds, Jeevan... I love BOTH colors... We have a few flowers blooming in our yard now --but the weather people say that we're going to have more COLD weather coming... Fun fun.


  6. This is one of my favorite flowers. They don't over winter here and have to be replanted in the spring. I like the story about Mary's gold. I had never heard of it before. Good photos.

  7. Reminds of gold, yes...

  8. Ever since I visited India, Jeevan, marigolds always bring back happy memories of my trip there. Lovely shots.
    Many thanks for participating in the Floral Friday Fotos meme.

  9. Both are so pretty!
