Friday, April 28, 2017

Yellow Daisy-like Flowers

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The Euryops daisy is a large perennial bush that bloom all season long or until cold temperatures appear with yellow daisy-like flowers. Euryops is a member of sunflower family, native mostly to rocky sites in southern African, but the photos were captured at Coonoor while detour around the hill station in the Nilgiri.

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Euryops pectinatus is a vigorous evergreen shrub that grows up to 5 feet tall and wide, with silvery green, hairy leaves and yellow, daisy-like composite flowers; they bloom from early summer to autumn. The bush grows best in full sun and well drained deep soils, but need moist. The images were shot during evening sunlight. 

Linking this post for Floral Friday Foto 


  1. If sunshine were a plant...!


  2. That is a new flowering shrub for me to see. It has a nice clear yellow color and the flowers are great shapes.

  3. Gorgeous Daisy blooms and wonderful snaps, Jeevan!
    Have a Happy Weekend!!
    Peace :)

  4. Beautiful light and bushes!

  5. Flowers at hill stations are always a treat to the eyes :)

    Destination Infinity

  6. So many flowers! thats a beautiful sight!

  7. Very lovely flowers.
