In the same way, in Tamil Nadu the Election is going like Democratic festival. Political parties are running here and there, giving promise, they are handling many ideas to cover the Voters. Like Drama Director, the Election Commission is in charge to watch them. We can feel the conclusion of Election Commission’s enthusiasm on forcing the character rules in Tamil Nadu in the recent by-election held last year; we can feel the same conclusion now. The Election Commission has found above 3 lakh duplicate Voters and disposes them all. The Election Commission warned that eight thousand people have been received arrest warrant and got absconding. Some Illegal Propaganda (pracharam) Banners and Parties advertisement boards have been removed and controlled by heavy rules.
After involving in Reviews by opposite parties, for supporting the Current government, the Election Commission has taken action on Chennai Police Commissioner for giving a single interview and enquire is going on. Voter ID card service has been initiated quickly. By the actions of Election Commissions, putting false vote will be mostly avoided. So voters can go to polling booth to poll their vote with secure feel. Election Commission is a healthy Government Machine. It’s good for our Democratic if we allow this Machine to work properly.