We will be very healthy, but who know what will happen to us next minute, suddenly we feel sick, or affected by any disease in this pollution world. So that time, we need a person to solve our problem, he is Doctor. What every happen to us, first we visit doctors and then only god. Can we imagine a world with out Doctors? In the Medical world, doctors have discovered many medicines to cure rare disease and working day and night for us. And now its time to thanks them for their great work in this World.
After mothers and fathers, it is the turn of doctors to celebrate their Day on July 1. Doctors Day offered an opportunity to express gratitude to doctors for the selfless service to mankind, it said. Doctors Day came into being in 1991 when the Government of India recognized July 1, the birth as well as death anniversary of Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy.
Its time to remember about My Family Doctor R.Nandhakumar. From my memory day, I am getting treatment form him. Whatever problem I get in my health, I will visit his clinic and get cure. My brother & I have scolded him many times for pinching injection, instead of getting angry he will smile. Even if, we call him in the mid-night, he response us, and my dad and he was good friend, he was treating my grandma for at least 23 or 24 years. Some time I feel happy to visit his clinic to play with the things, which is on his table. Whenever I go I try to secretly steal the scenery photos form his table, if we use the medicines by his advice, sure it will work out well. He was one of the Best Doctors in Chennai; He was a neurosurgeon in Chennai Government General Hospital, and Professor in Chennai Medical Collage. Nowadays I can’t visit his clinic to play with his table, he is intensity to find medicine for my dieses, he also introduce us to some MD specialist for treatment, every doctors are in research to fine medicines for my dieses, hope they will achieve it. Thanks Doctors, for your hard works to keep us healthy.