Monday, June 27, 2011


Sunrays poem
Wrote this poem inspired by the stunning rays, I captured while nearly Bangalore lately.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Happy B'day dear mom

Happy B'day dear mom
A real life angel, mom
born this day
especially for me
20 years early before
I come into this world

Today, there isn’t a world
without her and dad
who bear me unbearably
with concern, care and kindly
standing behind me, lifting above.

To say about mom
she’s the foundation of home
and wellness of our family of 4
who nod for everything alike
despite getting scold from dad

In my smile and happiness
lies her sacrifice, very strongly
despite however trouble
she never shown strain on face
instead, care and love beyond pain

I don’t believe in god’s exist
but never denied anything
she brings in love, in what she believes
and whatever I say
the black won’t fill at all

I no need to say enough
because she is everything
and there isn’t a day without her
and in my every action
she reflects a lot.

I just don’t want to think a lot to make it more impressive, I just write what I feel this moment. Today is my Mother’s Birthday, so I wish her all the best and good health... forever to be strong.

There’s another sweetheart born this day is our friend Keshi. I could not forget her Birthday easily as there no need a reason to say. Wish u very Happy B’day Keshi.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Fuel-less vehicle, cycle
never runs out of gas
unless air loses in tier.

Cycling is an exercise; almost today
was once touched
the entire lifecycle of human.

Pedaling the bicycle was fun
and once the cheerful rides
were totally different today.

Once life changed
the lifestyle changes along;
resist holding the handlebar.

At its edge survival, bicycle
holds the way to restore
the environment at better position.

- Jeevan

Monday, June 20, 2011

Six years old

My blog has grown six years old and I still write with same enthusiasm and whole hearty and have come across a lot of people who in turn continue to follow me as a reader, friend and many who left the blogosphere but still continue to support me as a silent reader has brought many changes into my life and I have learned a lot through there blogs and visits that encouraged me to withstand the strain I go through life has perhaps shaped me as a person to work with more confident and sustain here thus far.
Its me
(Its me, photo captured in kotagiri.)
Today many social networks and forms have come but like blogging nothing gives me content feeling and doing something worth to keep myself occupied and sharing my thoughts, experience and feeling with others. I just believe that best is yet to come even I am content with things happening and this attitude makes me progress and inspires to write more on places I explore and explain my thoughts and deeds in detail.

I take this chance to thank you all for being beside me, encouraging and supporting from overseas and I am still blogging is because of you, whose comments and messages convey me your direct support which influences a lot in leading my blog. I not alone thank you, because this two little words is not enough really to show my gratitude whose kindness and attitude in accepting the variants in thoughts and sense are not an easy thing to appreciate but accepting the truth is what I appreciate about blogs and being reliable to either is the source of this blogging.

Whatever I say, sometimes I write for myself. It’s the pressure that I need to release somewhere and things I can’t accept being abnormal and incredible against the sense and passion that derives me not to leave this space created for me to voice in society and access communication with others. There are networks like Facebook, Orkut, and Twitter… but nothing satisfied me like writing a blog. Yours truly!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

I become a pilot

There’s no age to play things and it depend on mind completely and such things happen sometime seeing someone playing with something. I wish to play always and never feel I am growing except my thoughts and no one complain about it since mostly everyone treats me at home and families as a kid and I agree with it and only sense and knowledge have grown and physically I’m in a child’s stage.
RC helicopter
I was at HAL Aerospace Museum in Bangalore recently checking the amazing old and renovated aircrafts at display and at the end of our walkabout inside the museum; we enter the main building to find out something and got to know about this remote control helicopter. First I wasn’t liked as I was looking out for RC Car, knowing my cousin’s interest and the helicopter takeoff really I want to go for it and it was wonderful from then to see it flying and operating was very fun and enthusiastic.

I enjoy it so much operating it and now I gave it to my cousin who’s in behind buying it to enjoy as much and it’s not easy to operate a copter in real and I was happy to be a pilot for this little helicopter sometime. The copter takes off 30 feet in height. Here I post a video (below) operating RC Copter. Mission impossible! :D