
Every year the diwali brings a bore thing of sharing the Diwali sweets with relatives after worshiping the “Nombu”. Some of our relatives brought us diwali sweets and snacks, and now it’s our turn. So mom and aunty prepared Athirasam, Murukku (twine) and Ottaiadai on Friday. I also helped mom by kneading the flour and shaping it round, so she drop it in the oil and fry. In the reason of kneading the sweet flour, I drop some flour inside the mouth, it was very tasty. I am the first person to taste it in bake, after some times if will taste as much. On Sunday dad and mom got ready to visit some of our relatives house to distribute the Diwali sweets. As I was expect to know about the situation of the city in the rain, so I was with them. Actually I was not interested to visit relatives house, as they used to urge to come to their house, I just sit in car and listen to music.