We have two join cots for the three of me, dad and bro, where I lie on the left and dad in middle. On the first day I was on taking half the place of dad to turn on right, in the years time I was unbalanced on right and somewhat I manage with pillows, but only for an hour and some I could hold and then I was back to normal to make night unpleasantly anguish. And it was dad to moves me to the place of where I feel comfort and it was a hard thing for him alone. That night was not alone disturbed, the next day I was moved to center with mom and dad at beside to feel me gracious. Though it failed to turn worst and makes to feel that last night is better when I loss to lack of sleepless night. Even though I am not going to exit this, and going to try how much difficult it gives me. I don’t know what to react, to be happy that my parents look for me more or I am giving more trouble to them. While brushing I couldn’t control the drops from eyes and it was very hard to conceal.
dear jeevan,
you must be another Stephen Hawking.if not in science,, in writing, in blog writing and you should achieve a lot and live longer as Stephen does.be bravo.come on, cheer up..i know you will.and i accept that sometimes we break down..right.share your sufferings.we are with you.
My desires of good luck Mrs. Pratibha Patil to govern the great Indina Nation.
Good luck
Jeevan I feel ya pain...everyone suffers in some way or the other...but plz dun think ur a burden to ur parents. They r the only ones who love n care for u unconditionally.
I could understand your feelings. Having been in person and seen you struggling, I am with you. It is a great feeling to have such wonderful parents. As a parent, I would say it is not at all a burden for them. Parents would never feel unless they are a different one. Honestly no parent on this earth would feel that. So please do not hesitate to try new things. I think you should look for some bed which suits your purpose. Probably ask your Dad to enquire some hospitals whether they could order any special bed for you, so that they need not turn you always. Did you ever think of this motorised wheel chair couple of years before. See how it changed your life. The same way this will also get solved. Never worry! Just carry on your good things. Convey my regards to your lovely parents.
Dont worry my friend..Everything will be solved.
Be happy and dont ever think that u r a burden to your parents..
haiyoo.. no feeings jeevan.
I know it's easy to say.... but still.. :)
Our birth is never a burden to parents at all. Pain is something we all go though in different ways.
As long as you smile and make them happy, ther is now worries at all isn't it. You are like a flower to them and they always like to see a beautiful blossom everyday.
Do wat you like and keep yourself and others happy.
Ponniyinselvan – Thank you ma. Your words are inspiring me… sorrow if I make u feel. Cheers! :)
David – thanks for ur wish on our president, its nice that u spread this news through ur comments.
Keshi – hai sorry da… what u said is true, all come and go they would be still for me, only for me. Hugsss.
Balaji – Thank you so much friend! I accept yours; there would be some parents who are gifted to their kids… I compare myself with those who are gone into struggle with not much care; in this at least I have this life to live with my parent’s and well wishers around. I heard about those beds, which helps to turn. some days back one known person was trying to get that special bed for there MD child, don’t know have they brought it, would check and decide. all of your courage is a big strength for me.
Balar – thanks friend. hum… of course I will do.
Karthik b.s. - :) Thank u.
Priya – I am always trying to feel them happy, they don’t know that I get worry of our stage… but they can easily identify how I am. There is never an objection from them what I do, in this I must be blessed where my parent’s listen to my thoughts and agree on what ever I do. Thanks priya.
i love you my friend..i know how you feel...
Thank you dear! i too love... Hugsss:)
Hi Jeevan!
Sometimes reading what other people have written helps let me (not only me) know that I'm not alone.
Jeevan, your parents are proud of you as I'm proud of my son, who as a kid could't walk as other kids walked.
Never lose your hope.
Krishtyna - Thank you dear. I wish you all well.
These will only make you more stronger and better. You are doing great and you will soar to great heights. Time will answer
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