Friday, November 27, 2009

Update on my health

Before I go something in detail about my health condition, I thank you all from my deep heart for your support, wishes and prayers for my quick recovery. It was your comments and suggestions drive me into enough courage and thoughts to face my problem and now I’m progressing on a right path.

Without much delay I meet our doctor that day and conversed in detail about my problem and expressed my doubts and fear about spitting blood. It was all what I was thinking about and as well as agreed the doctor, wrote a list of tests to diagnose the problem and supporting causes.

It was a tough day yesterday visiting twice the diagnostics center and taking a complete test of blood, urine, CT scan, echocardiogram, ECG… to know what causes this problem. We went early morning to the center with empty stomach and took varies test, except echocardiogram for which we’re called to come by The center was little far away from our home and visiting twice happen to be a hard thing for us and again by evening to collect the report and checking with doctor at night, the day end at complete tiredness.

Must say the people in diagnostic center are so helpful and when there’s no power to operate life, the guys carried me with wheel chair to the upstairs for eco test and there’s a lady who was very friendly and was at beside helping us until we come and go.

The reports come out almost normal, and my heart is working well as favorable except the CT scan which identified a mucus clot in lungs, which is behind the spitting of blood while coughing. The doctor says there’s nothing to worry about it and it could be dissolved by tablets soon. He advised me personally not to fear about anything and not to believe whatever is written on internet, like many of u said here.

He’s our family doctor and seeing me from childhood, conversed with me in detail about the reports and suggested few adequate changes to get well soon. The cough that was disturbing me for the last couple of days is very less today after taking some huge tablets. He told to continue some tablets for about a month to dissolve the mucus clot as it was hardly stick to lung walls and considering my health he has given mild tablets to recover fully but little slowly. Thank you all again for your support, courage, suggestions, prayer and wishes….I hope to recover soon and feeling better now. Think I need some rest for sometime now and will do check yours when I feel good. Take care all, hugs.


Lakshmi said...

get well soon jeevan, am sure with some rest u will soon be alright..take care

Kavi said...

Yay !

Get well soon my friend !

Anya said...

Thanks for the update :-)

I am so happy for you !!!
Take it easy and relax
take a break .....
Get well soooooooooon !!!!
((HUGS)) from us

tulipspeaks said...

I'm pleased to know about the update Jeevan!
Take care of yourself. :)


Devika Jyothi said...

Glad to read this, Jeevan...take care, take rest and be well soon :)

The Blogworld sky will not fall! :)
friends can and will wait,


venuss66 said...

I am so glad to read this.
Take ur medicine and have a good rest.Take care. God Bless.

Preetilata【ツ】 said...

feels good to read the positive update jeevan.

do take proper rest n care. m sure u will be perfectly fine soon.

my prayers and best wishes r always with u dear.

take care :)

Balaji S Rajan said...

That is a great relief. From now onwards take complete and keep your mind fresh and happy. Follow your doctor's advice.

gP said...

god bless nanba. all is well, you shall be allright. take rest :)

Anonymous said...

Take care my friend :)

Resonator said...

Get well soon brother..
Take rest..

siva // ശിവ said...

Our prayers are with you...

Anonymous said...

I appriciate ur positiveness.once u start to live to the moment life is great.enjoy what u do[it can be even sitting idle] this will give u satisifaction

Urmi said...

Get well soon. I am sure you will be completely alright if you take full rest for few days. I am praying to God for your speedy recovery. Take proper care of your health.

krystyna said...

Hi Jeevan,
Sorry I am late...
I read everything about your last health problems. I understand you.
Thanks for this optimistic last news. I strongly believe
you will be well very soon..
Think only positively... it is always helpful.... meditate that you are completely well.... again and again.
I'll send you my positive thoughts and energy.

Blessings & hugsss

cyclopseven said...

Glad you have seen a doctor. Things will be back on the right track. I know you are a man with very strong mental strength. You will be fine not because of medication, but from you inner strength. God bless.

Devilish Angel said...

Take care Jeevan...

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

So relieving to know you're recovering. You'll be very well soon :)

Roads of Japan

Ponniyinselvan/karthikeyan(1981-2005 ) said...

jeeva dear,
all our prayers are with you. cheer up.

geeth said...

Get well soo jeevan. Glad to know there's is nothing to worry about.. take care.

Rajesh said...

Glad to hear you are on the path of recovery.
Get well soon my friend.

krystyna said...

My best wishes to you, dear Jeevan!

Rajesh said...

Friend, how is your health now?
Long time no updates from you. Take care.

Anya said...

I hope all is well Jeevan !!!
Take care ........
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :-)

Devika Jyothi said...

Jeevan its been a pretty long while...hope all is well,


Dawn said...

Dear Jeevan,

I am sorry to hear about all the proceedings and happenings - I can only say that I am glad that I came here to read this that everything is getting under control.
My best wishes and prayers are always with you.

Your name means life so dear just have faith and make your will strong as you have lot many things to do in this get well soon my dear


myonlyphoto said...

Dear Jeevan glad that you are okay now. Stay healthy. Anna :)