Showing posts with label floral friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label floral friday. Show all posts

Friday, November 04, 2016

Immortality Re-blooming

Being a follower of Betsy’s Joyful Reflections, I have admired the beauty of Iris bloomed in various colors and patterns, many a time in her blog. I have been to mountains many a time, and have seen variety of fancy flowers bloomed in the gardens and cottages we have stayed, but I ever seen an Iris until last year when I visited Cloud Mountain.


I was really amused to find a White Iris bloomed in the courtyard of the guest house we stayed in the Cloud Mountain. One side of the huge courtyard has a flower bed lined by some beautiful flowering plants and the White Iris was the only blossom from the few Iris plants grown as cluster of leaves.

Iris is a perennial plant grows from bulb and usually has 3-10 basal sword-shaped leaves growing in dense clumps. The flowers are in the shape of a fan and contain one or more symmetrical six-lobed flowers. The three sepals, which are usually spreading or droop downwards, are referred to as falls.


The Iris I capture seems to be Immortality Re-blooming or Bearded Iris boasts of pure white petals with a lemon beard (a tuft of short upright extensions growing in its mid-line), which are the plants filaments. Iris is a name derived from the Greek word for a rainbow, which is also the name for the Greek goddess of the rainbow, Iris.

Linking this post with Floral Friday Foto 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Floral Bowl

The bowl maybe small – in brass
Filled with red rose petals
And a hub white rose.      
Flowers Bowl

Like chef garnish a dinner
Mom’s simple floral order
Adorn our tea table. 


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Friday, March 18, 2016

Orange and Yellow Marigold


Marigold is a common name in English, derived from Mary’s gold, and it was taken from the fact that early Christians placed flowers instead of coins on Mary’s altar as an offering. Marigold is often used in festivities honoring Mary. In Nepalese culture, marigold plays a significant role where marigold garlands are used almost in every household, esp. during the Tihar festival (similar to Diwali) and it is also sold in the markets for daily worships and rituals.

Yellow Marigold

Marigold, rooted to North and South America blooms naturally around the world in colors of golden, orange, yellow and white, often with maroon highlights. The The orange and yellow marigold here was shot at Kodaikanal during one of the visits. 

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Friday, February 12, 2016

Carnation of India


In our previous house, we had couple of Crape Jasmines aka Moonlight or Carnation of India along the side walk. Native to India, the evergreen shrubs thrive with beautiful pinwheel shaped flowers has dark green leaves and pointed edge. Also known as Nandiar Vattai in Tamil, the shrub grows up to 4-6 feet in height with spread of 6 feet, blooms throughout the year and has flowers in 5 petals clustered to the stem tips. The roots and stem of the shrub has multiple medical benefits and interestingly the flowers of the single form are unscented rather than the double form with pleasant fragrance!

Carnation of India

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Friday, January 29, 2016

Pinkish Orange Flower


Parents brought some flowers for worship at home and with that I find one of the roses prettier and picked it up for shoot. Being Friday (a day considered as auspicious for those believe in religion) and flowers interaction with the day seems to be abundant, so I decided to share many of my flower photos on this day, while linking it with Floral Friday Foto theme. I have many photos on flowers, shot during my various travel to mountains/hill station and from the flowering plants around the home and in neighborhood. I will make a weekly post with one or two flower photos. 

Pics shot with galaxy S4 mini
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