Showing posts with label Flower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flower. Show all posts

Monday, July 26, 2021

RGB Monday

 A colorful flower stall... 

Near Thiruporur bus stand on the outskirts of Chennai.

Friday, June 04, 2021

Hibiscus from Neighbor’s Garden

Life is so exhausted and disastrous what perhaps everyone knows what it was. I have been writing a lot these days related to covid and decided to change topics to what l like most. Nature is the best medicine for all, and let us take the nectar out of flowers to add some sweetness to the heart that filled the sour of tears. So was the post today.

The neighbor's garden opposite to us is not flourishing as before, and the neighbor hasn't spent much time gardening, but how can we anticipate a son, who lost his father less than 2 months ago, to do active gardening? But the weather wasn't that kind enough for plants to flourish or flowers to bloom.

The flowering pot plants have changed positions where I couldn't take photos of the few bloomed hibiscus despite the interrupt in wires and grown branches of trees. I see the red and yellow hibiscus bloomed more among the fewer blossoms of hibiscus, and all are replaced as facing the neighbor's house, perhaps because watching flowers can give some solace to the hearts and forget someone who lived for 94 years is not easy.

I didn't take any photos of the neighbor's garden in the last two months, or I need to check the camera to see if I have missed downloading any photos into the laptop; anyhow, I like to share some photos of the hibiscus I shot in March. So here it goes…

Btw. The lockdown and the situation with covid keep promising as cases of covid continue to reduce across the country, as well as in our state; the lockdown may last few more weeks with slight relaxation, but perhaps a week later. 

Saturday, April 03, 2021

Neighbor's Garden Flowers

The temperature has started to storm us here in Chennai, and the hot inland wind blowing stronger than the sea breeze has increased the heat. Heat is a common thing during the summer, but I feel it's early for the season, and I terrific what it holds further travel into the season.  Anyhow, I wish it wasn't severe as predicted.

Coming Tuesday, we are going for the state assemble election; the propaganda by the political leaders and candidates are rocking the state at every nook and corner, as the last date for the propaganda being tomorrow. The two main political parties are scorning each other rather than announcing the core activities they supposed to do.

Like how the temperature rises, covid 19 cases in the state and country is rising to an extreme level; the election field has become a hub for spreading the virus. We expected severe restrictions to implement on post-polling, but I don't anticipate a lockdown again, instead, there would be some enforcement to bring down the virus.

Oleanders along the driveway of the neighbor

Coming to the post, I share some of the photos of hibiscus and other flowers I shot from the neighbor’s house opposite us. I hope you remember the post I did here on the neighbor's rebuilt garden, and his hibiscus continues to bloom daily from his neatly arranged pots close to the gate. I take photos of the flowers whenever I see them clearly for a shot, but lately, the neighbor's father (age 94) wasn't well, so was his hibiscus, as he couldn't take care of the garden like before.

Hope you like the photos.

Red Hibiscus

Yellow Hibiscus

White Hibiscus 

Orange Hibiscus

Some cute roses

Linking this post for Garden Affair 

Friday, March 26, 2021

Fields of Marigold, off Veedur

During my Veedur Dam visit in February, we come across a surprising sight of the marigold fields on the dam road, after the Veedur village; and it was a kind of loop road that goes around the backwaters of the dam and links back to the national highway.

It was a refreshing sight of yellow; though it wasn't a large landscape of yellow, I never got to see a marigold field of this much. And it was a great divertissement from the regular and boring sights of the highways and there's also a patch of mixed colors of an orange and yellow and yet un-bloomed bed of dark orange or red marigold. 

It seems it was the dam water that made flourish the marigold. Though the marigold bloomed on both sides of the road, the view towards the backwater (2nd pic above) is scenic, and the blue sky and the sunny day made it glowing. Aside from that, a kind of white wildflowers bloomed in the barren lands, but still, I doubt whether they are wildflowers or a kind of cultivated flowers.

Field of white wildflower

The field of flowers stretched only for a few km on the east bank of the reservoir, and it seems only the land around the dam is fertile, unlike its dry northern part where we drove along before drawing away to Puducherry. This reminds me of the rose fields I saw around Nagalapuram, at the border of Andhra and Tamil Nadu, had Pichatur Dam as its source.

The bed of red marigold ready to bloom

Linking this post for Floral  Friday Foto  

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Neighbor’s Rebuilt Garden and Flowers

The neighbor, from the opposite side, has rebuilt his garden damaged in the cyclone and monsoon. I count this house and garden as one of the unchanging faces of our neighborhood. The home dwellers are always the ones who prioritize their privacy and never socialize with others easily.  As neighbors, for about 40 years, we aren't well aware of either world. Perhaps, because we aren't in touch with them for 12 years, as we relocated from 2005 - 2018, but I don't think they would be socialized even if we continued face to face. 
The view of the house shot from the 3rd floor of our house (by my mom) and the garden view was blocked by the Indian tulip tree before the flood and rain.

Due to the rise of the road, the house and the garden went down, though they raised the driveway, long back, the garden remained to the low level.

The house belongs to a 94-year-old retired wing commander, and he maintained the garden until he was active, and later his son took over the onus. I see he inherited the interest in gardening from his father, and he even overtakes his father in bringing a lot of flowering plants to the garden. The Nivar cyclone that hit us on Nov 26th (the same day of my brother’s wedding) had flooded their house and garden, and the extended rain had further worsened the situation.

I think it's the passion that kept him in the recovery mode of the garden, and man, no one would have spent like him in bringing back the garden when the situation for priorities are different. He had dumped many truckloads of rubble and fertile soil to uplift the garden and the works were going on for weeks before he got back his beautiful garden.

I watched the entire progress of the work from the balcony and also the hall, as our door and the window opens up overlooking the garden; I entertained by the elegant work of the gardeners from the nursery in the next compound. I saw the fall and rise of the garden, and I'm glad he decided to give life to the garden instead of giving up.

After leveling the ground, the instant turf laid at the center of the garden, and many tiny plants were laid around and across the lawn beautifully.  In between this, he bought many plants, as he used to, and continue to do; he replanted them in the new and old pots and neatly arranged them in the front of the garden and close to the gate and along the driveway. I see people stop by the gate and fence to look at the plants, thinking he has kept the nursery.

He has planted different kinds of hibiscus in the pots he had kept close to the fence, and it allows me to look at the flowers and take photos in the camera. As I have only a point-and-shoot camera, I have limited zoom length to capture the flowers at a distance of 20-30 feet doesn't get me fair pictures of the flowers, but still, I feel content with the result of details.

I see different colors of flowers every day, but they last only up to a day, and the next day there's another. I don't know how long they continue to bloom, but I keep an eye on them and take photos whenever I see them bloom. And these are some of the photos I shot on different days after rebuilt of the garden. I wish I could continue to take more photos of the plants and flowers to share here as long it blooms or exists. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

இமைக்கா நொடிகள் / Unblinking Seconds


கண்கள் வழியே காதல் மலருதே

கொடியேன நாளங்களில் புது ரத்தம் படருதே

உற்சாகத்தில் இதயம், வேகம் எடுக்குதே

வெயிலோ மழையோ, மெய்மறந்து போகுதே.


அவள் அல்லி மலரோ அல்ல, அழகில்  

குறிஞ்சி மலரோ அல்ல, வியந்திட

முல்லை மலரோ அல்ல, மணத்திட

மனம் ஒன்றிய பிறகு எம்மலரும் சம்மதமே .


அவள் அருகே இருந்தும் மௌனம் பேசியதே!

வளையோசை மட்டும் தனியே ஒலித்தது

இமைகள் மூட மறந்து உற்று நோக்குதே   

கருவிழியின் கொள்ளை அழகில்

- விழிகள் விலக மறுத்து

சிறு பிள்ளை போல் பிடிவாதம் பிடிக்கிது.

மேகம் திரண்டு மழையென பொழிந்தாலும்  

இமைக்கா நொடியில் பரவசம் ஆகுதே.

----------------- -----------------

Love blooms through the eyes

Like the vines, new blood spread in  the veins

In excitement, heart take the speed

Either it's sunshine or rain, mesmerized.

She isn’t  a lily in beauty

Or Kurunji to be surprised

Nor Jasmine to be fragrant

When the mind is united, any blossom is consent.

Although she was nearby, silence spoke!

The whisper of bangles sounded alone

The eyelids forget to close and stare

At the robbing beauty of the iris

The eyes refuse to roll  

Stubborn like a small child.

Even if the clouds gather and rain

The unblinking seconds be ecstatic.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Haiku Yellow

Behind the fence, blooms
a beauty in yellow, quite
under the lime tree. 

Linking this post for  Good Fences by Gosia and Floral  Friday Foto  

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Haiku Fence


Yellow flowers grin, 
the barrier in chain fence 
couldn’t stop its outgrowth.

Linking this post for  Good Fences by Gosia

Friday, August 30, 2019

Indoor plants, a new hobby

As an initial step to bring nature into home, I purchased couple of air purifying plants (Spider and Golden Pothos) in black ceramic pots from the Amazon. The plants come well packed and undamaged with boxes having holes for the plants to breath. In our previous house in backstreet, we had enough space around the house and mom had dozen of pot plants lined the alley and the courtyard had a neem, tree jasmine (Indian cork tree) and custard apple trees outgrowing from the neighbour’s compound turned our stay cool and close to nature with birds like the babblers, koels, parakeets… made pleasant the evening as they pass by these trees. Our current house too faces trees lining the opposite side of the road, as well as the trees and plants from the neighbours (who have enough garden spaces) produces a green scenario that I love facing daily.

I like having flower pots at home and once had roses, hibiscus, marigolds and some jasmines but the plants haven’t stayed long or continue to bloom as we couldn’t maintain properly. Our house in first floor, now, doesn’t have spaces to keep plant pots and it was the reason we left some pots at the previous house and some gave away to grandma but now I like to have some plants that grow inside the home that could be placed on corners and at available spaces. I was also concern about the air quality inside the home, as we living on the main street, lot of dust enter the home during the day time and we also have a dog so I was specific about the indoor plants that act as natural air purifier. We already have electric air purifier that we use only at night but I like to have these plants that clear the air and keep interior green. I decided to buy couple of plants monthly to place it wherever there’s space and also looking for flowering and bonsai plants.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Monsoon Feel

Rain always brings cheers to mind unless it was a kind of downpour or flood like situation. Chennai kept receiving rain now and then in the evenings mostly make feel cheerful, refreshing and relieving from the midday hot weather. During my vacation I experience wonderful showering moments with distinct pattering though the woodhouse and trees and coffee plantations and on the hills the weather was much treating. I tried to capture rain through various possible ways I could and managed to click some pretty images exposed to fresh green foliage and flowers. I’m stuck by thought of what to post and the evening rain comes to rescue and yet enjoyable. Here I share an image that gives me monsoon feel!

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Hell of a week!

Last week I was caught up with terrible cold, cough and fever that kept me out of my control, though I still have cough to keep me sleepless at night I feel better from Sunday. Once cough starts it lasts sometime to settle down along with spitting off sputum. First I checked with our family doctor and he prescribed medicine and said it was some infection but last week was quite hell and I couldn’t do anything and was feeling comfort only at slanting position. Again he changed the medicine but the cough/cold continues without a sign of reducing so we took an X-ray and visited the pulmonologist who I used to check early. The doctor found any abnormality rather said it was the weak muscles prevent me from fully coughing or bringing out the sputum that trouble me. My lung fields are clear with 99% oxygen so it was absolutely a flu or some kind of infection but the matter was my muscles are more weaker than before to make the fight tougher and it was a kind of warning that I need to address or be more cautious with things that caught cold easily. That’s all from the side of my week... I thought to do many things last week but was troubled by the cold to think anything out of my box.

Here’s something pretty capture for you from the uncle’s woodhouse in Kodaikanal! My uncle grows pots of Japanese roses and those are the flowers I capture first every time I visit there. The photo captured after showering. 

Monday, July 01, 2019

RGB Monday

A simple colorful stage decor at sister's marriage last month. It was in between the floral decor and traditional pots and lamps the marriage ceremony was happened.  

Friday, August 24, 2018

Floral Garlands

Floral Garlands

During my travel to Munnar (in Nov 2017), we stayed at Udumalpet for a night before proceed toward the same, we waited around a junction in the morning, while my dad went to buy breakfast the flower shops around there caught my attention but it was the fragrance of  flowers dragged me toward its helm. The weather was drizzling then, and the morning wake up from fresh showering turned things refreshing around us and the sprinkled flowers and garlands reproduces an essence and sense that could still recollect. It was around 8 am and due to morning rain, not many shops were opened except the few flower shops hanged out with freshly tied garlands looking out for customers and the waiting time got me the chance of shooting these.  

IMG_8587 IMG_8589

Linking this post for Floral  Friday Foto  

Friday, July 27, 2018

Bougainvillea bloomed in neighborhood


During an evening walk other day I capture these pretty Bougainvillea glabra turning the quiet road of this into very pleasant in the presence of these blooms, making way outside the compound of a school campus in neighborhood.  Sometime I used to take my iPhone when going for walk in evening to capture anything interesting I come across and if it is within our area or streets I just keep away this little weight from the pocket. The pictures were bit edited with Photoshop to bring out some rich colors and neat look.


Bougainvillea glabra, the lesser bougainvillea or paperflower, is the most common species of bougainvillea used for bonsai. glabra is heat and drought tolerant and frost sensitive bougainvillea and it needs full sunlight, warm weather and well-drained soil to flower well.

Linking this post for Floral  Friday Foto  

Sunday, July 08, 2018



Suns scattered on ground
though they don’t glow like real
they own their sunshine.

Yellow strawflowers 
in the universe of green 
outshines like a sun.

P.sHaiku inspired by yellow paper daisies captured from one of the wildest place in Theni. 
Commonly known as the golden everlasting or strawflower, is a flowering plant native to Australia and it grows as a woody or herbaceous perennial or annual shrub up to a metre tall with green or grey leafy foliage. Golden yellow or white flower heads are produced from spring to autumn; their distinctive feature is the papery bracts that resemble petals.

Friday, June 01, 2018

The winner shines alone…

The winner shines alone…

... in the radiant hard work, 
vibrant mindfulness 
and vigilant downfall. 

Linking this post for Floral  Friday Foto  

Friday, May 18, 2018

Friday Review: Iravukku Aayiram Kangal

After long time went to drive-in theatre to watch Iravukku Aayiram Kangal (the Night has Thousand Eyes) learning that the Tamil action thriller film has come out well. It was last September I went to the theatre and I mainly avoided going to theatre thinking of high ticket price which has gone up from ₹ 120 to ₹ 167 per head apart parking ticket as ₹ 70! There wasn’t a film released for 45 days from March to mid-April protesting against this high rate in theatres but still there isn’t difference and I feel ₹ 120 could be the fair amount.

Arulnithi is one of my favourite actors and I like his choice of subjects and realistic acting which is one important reason for me to watch this movie in theatre and being a night show it well suited the subject and mood. I rarely go to night show when I feel the movie is worth watching in theatre despite any trouble. Iravukku Aayiram Kangal is an excellent thriller surrounds a mysterious murder where the protagonist (Arulnithi) is suspected and he go on his own trial, after escape from the police, to prove his innocent.

The screenplay is so gripping and keeps glue to the seat and most of the scenes surrounds that one night put watchful eyes from others. The movie has lot of plays, gaming within one another to hook with the subject. Arulnithi as a call taxi driver picks up love with Mahima Nambiar, who isn’t cute but also smartly performed. The songs are cut short and adapts to the scenario which is one of the plus to keep it engaged. And all other characters did their job well and Ajmal with chocolate boy look did smart villainy and after Anjathe and KO he got to shine in negative shade once again.

Directorial debut Mu.Maran had created an expectation from him by building a solid screenplay around a simple storyline, and made certain the string doesn’t loose anywhere. The highlight of the movie was the climax even though the movie has twist and turns all over the subject, it gets intensify as we near the end. The cinematography is truly appreciate and it’s the core area where it played well to sustain the mood esp. during the night scenes and Arulnithi balanced the tense and love at the right level.

Iravukku Aayiram Kangal is watchful and worth watching in theatre!

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Following is a shot of Yellow Daylilies bloomed against the wall of Tea Museum in Munnar… to join  Floral  Friday Foto 

Yellow Daylilies

Thursday, May 03, 2018

An update and Azalea

Mom’s surgery goes off really well and she’s responding as well and shows nice improvement within 24 hours. Talked to her in morning through video calling and she sounds good and confident in vocal as if she is ready to go home. But she’s supposed to stay two more days at hospital in doctors monitor and treatment.  Things weren’t bad as expected and dad taking care of my needs with the help of my two uncles and brother and he was at hospital yesterday from noon to late evening and the operation took 1 ½ hour and she’s sent to room in an hour. Heard that she haven’t slept last night fully because of pain, which has reduced a bit only in morning and she was able to attend the nature's call normally and will be taking food as well.  

I really need to thank you all for including her in your prayers and sending greetings for her good well. I hope she recover sooner than we expect even though she has to take 3 months rest to completely heal to do other things and being an active woman all her life taking rest should be difficult for her and for us to prevent  her from working. Our dear ones (and also close relatives) are helping us in whatever ways they could and it’s their sheer love and care turn things work for us and such occasions are truly blissful to experience relationship and its core meaning of love.  Wish we never forget their aid that comes out expecting none. I leave you some photos on Azalea; I shot during my visit to Bryant Park, Kodaikanal.



Azalea is a flowering shrub in the genus Rhododendron and bloom in spring, with flowers often lasting several weeks. Azalea is shade tolerant and prefers living near or under trees, and many cities in the United States have festivals in the spring celebrating the blooms of the azalea. I have no idea about this flower until checked Betsy blog on Biltmore Garden. 


Linking this post for Floral  Friday Foto 

Friday, April 06, 2018

Colour of Summer


Knows as Kalyana Murugai or Mull Murukku (Erythrina Indica) is a thorny tree of rapid growth in warm regions and is planted for hedges. During March/April the tree blooms after shedding all its leaves and the crimson coloured flowers with numerous petals, spread in all directions is a feast to the eyes.


In Sanskrit, the tree is rightly called kinjukam meaning a parrot, as poet kalidasa likens the petal of this flower to the beak of the parrot. Sangam poets compare the colour and form of the petals to a claw of a lobster, blood-stained nails of a tiger, painted nails of a woman and to a cock’a comb. They have also recorded that crows, cuckoos and other birds eat the petals, filaments and pollen of this flower.

Ps. I captured these pictures during a visit to Kodaikanal, last year

Linking this post for Floral  Friday Foto 

Thursday, March 01, 2018

Yellow Gate


Captured the gate during a detour around Vellore and the yellow gate, radiate through sunlight, caught my attention at glance, as I shot (using iphone) from moving car. The  gate lookalike belong to a residential or farm house since the road we took take us through hills and villages, flourished by farm lands.


The bush of orange flowers bloomed beside the gate is an additional attraction to the scene, enriched by coconut palms and banana trees proves the wealth of fertile soil, and being a hilly terrain is pulse to the environment.

Linking this post for  Good Fences by Gosia