Showing posts with label rain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rain. Show all posts

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Mandous and Karthigai Deepam

Cyclone Mandous, which has been making headlines for nearly a week, made landfall very close to Chennai last night, with winds reaching up to 72 km hr, but caused only minor damage to a few trees in the vicinity. The rain was also moderate rather than intense. It had been raining on and off in the neighborhood all night, and with all doors and windows closed, the wind noise didn't disturb our sleep, even though it was possibly the coldest night of the year.

My hands and legs felt cold, but it wasn't hard enough to cover up or wear an additional layer over us, and we also turned the fan to low speed. Apart from that, the cyclone had little effect on us, and only my father couldn't go for a walk. The cyclone activity picked up only on Thursday, which was favorable because I had an appointment with my cardiologist on Wednesday that had been postponed for various reasons for the previous three weeks. 

My heart condition had been consistently stable for the last three years. My echo test sounds adequate, and the doctor was pleased with the results. He asked me to return for a checkup after a year rather than the usual six months. I inquired about the throbbing on the left side of my body and difficulty breathing, which he suspected to be anxiety, and told me not to worry. 

On November 6th, we celebrated Karthigai Deepam at home. We can also call it the "festival of lights" of south India or Tamil Nadu, as we ignite Diyas or clay lamps on the evening of Karthigai Deepam, likewise for Diwali. Diyas are typically lit on both sides of the doorway, on balconies, on window sills, and on steps to make them look lovely. Here are some photos of the Diyas we had at home. 

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Summer Special

 (I wrote this poem on May 10) 

Overnight, the weather turned cooler 

Shawarma exhausted news channels

Refreshed through the shower-ma

Because of the bypass of Cyclone Asani

Chennaiities experience the weather in Kodai 

In the season of Kodai (summer), 

The moister wind blows to cool everything down.

The wind chimes ring cheerfully 

As the chilly air enters via the window, 

Excitement mounts in the body 

Meet the cheerful memories at the summit 

As is typical during the summer 

The summer rain churns it into something even more special.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

P.s. If you are unaware, "Kodai" is a word that refers to summer in Tamil, and the same word is also the abbreviation of Kodaikanal, a hill station in South India. 

If you're from India, you might know my reference to Shawarma. The issue refers to the same following the death of a student in Kerala after she ate Shawarma, a renowned Levantine cuisine consisting of meat chopped into thin slices, stacked in a cone-like structure, and roasted on a slowly revolving vertical rotisserie or spit.  All shawarma restaurants are now subjected to rigorous testing by the health authorities to ensure that the food preparation is hygienic. Some southern districts have prohibited selling Shawarma. 

Monday, November 29, 2021

RGB Monday

 Umbrellas from different walks.

November 2021 had come to an end. The entire month has been raining for us despite the rainy season, and this is a repeat factor of 2015, and Chennai needs just 5 mm of rain to defeat the same. And to beat a 100 years of record, we need another 39 mm in less than a day. 

Typically, the northeast monsoon begins in mid of October lasts up to mid-December, but this year it was raining on and off from late July - at the beginning of November, we have achieved our share of rain already. We have overdone our season by 80% of additional rain, and yet we haven't completed it, and the meteorology has forecast a couple more depressions in the sea. 

Heavy rains over the last two days have caused floods in Chennai and its suburbs.  The 3rd week of November saw a terrific rainfall over the north Tamil Nadu and southern Andhra, which had flooded all the rivers and riverbank towns. And before we all come out of the disaster, the easterlies (or trade wind) took hold of the situation;  still, many parts of the region have no power. It's 3rd or 4th time our street flooded; gladly, it didn't take days to recede. 

Friday, November 19, 2021

Outcome of Rain

The day is quite Drizzy and breezy with cold 

Rains for the second consequent week 

Chills down to nerves, to seek warmth  

A cup of tea worked well at this point 

To pull out the numbness through its brew;  

The weather could not be the same for long 

Cheers before it is too warm or cold 

The rain washed away the hazards in the air 

Like a mountain breeze its refreshing to breathe 

Compensates the desire for travel to mountains;  

The street full of shed leaves from the raintree 

Resembles a glimpse of the fall season 

Like the tiny leaves, life spread with happiness 

And collecting it as a pile is a mounted joy.  

P.s I share below a short photo video of recent rain and flood captured from the balcony. 

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Monsoon Air

The flooded street and neighbor's garden from this week's rain

The walls feel cold 

As earth feels colder 

Taps run mountain stream 

The wind blows its chillness 

Want no air conditioner 

Depression departed

The water recedes, yet wetness 

The monsoon isn't over 

And we already overdone; 

The excess goes to sea, flooding shores

And stagnation troubles citizens; 

Unnoticed critters come out 

Defines life and trouble

Media scares what was normal 

Too much is human desire; 

And he falls prey to his own error.

Tuesday, November 09, 2021

The Rain and Flood Seems Unending to Chennaities

Deepavali passed away quietly, literally, due to the less noise of crackers. Buying and bursting of crackers have come down this year, and there are reasons for that, which was the loss of interest and laziness, and beyond that, the court restrictions and weather, Diwali demanded fewer crackers. I think the Deepavali post can wait sometimes - I'm working on a short video on fireworks - and before that, the rain takes away the charm even before the festive weekend conclude. 

There was rain often around the city for the last few months has filled the reservoirs with enough water, and the saturated earth stopped quenching water has resulted in a flood following the Sunday rain. It was moderate to heavy rain begin from the night of Saturday to Sunday evening has left Chennai city flooded. It was a  heavy downpour recorded in a short period of 12 to 15 hours, reminding the citizens of the 2015 historical flood

I woke up in the morning to see our street (pic above and below) turned into a river! Since we live on the main road, the water from every other street (in our area) has to flow through our street and the stormwater drain. The rainwater kept flowing fully throughout the day till night since the stormwater drain was insufficient for the abundant water. 

The Sunday rain measured at 13-24 cm in less than 24 hours. Thankfully, the rain took some break later that night despite the red alert from the Meteorological department; there was some moderate to light rain yesterday and today.  Due to the formation of low pressure in the Bay of Bengal,  the rains will continue over the next week.  

Even before the northeast monsoon began a week ago, it rained sufficiently all over the state, and this monsoon rain will only be a bonus that cannot enjoy, rather people suffer and the water to the sea. The rainwater flooded my neighbor's house and garden opposite to us. If you remember, it was the same neighbor who reworked his garden damaged in last year's Nivar cyclone, who faced a similar situation on Sunday. Though he worked swiftly in pulling out the water, the prediction of rain going be distress to him. 

First time I hear the loud noise of frogs after shifting here. Frogs croak wasn't new to me, and I have listened to their chorus siren plenty in our former apartment with an open plot in front of the house. Now I think I miss many a thing related to rain after moving out from there, but that high-pitched croak reminded me a lot, and I'm glad at the same time we have moved to the first floor, which is pretty safe (during this time) than staying at the ground. 

Let's see what nature held for us, and whatever wish people have the ability to face the crises.

Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Time to Light - Deepavali

The thought of just a day left for Deepavali brings excitement within. Though the weather wasn't that favorable to celebrate Deepavali - the festival of lights and fireworks - as it kept raining for the last few days and a warning from meteorology that there could be rains across the day of Deepavali. The covid has its share already in defusing the light of Deepavali; the supreme court's guidance has gripped the firework sale, but at masses, these don't matter when purchasing things and celebrating the festival. 

I love rain, and it must keep away drought, but never during the festivals, especially Deepavali. 

I hung rice led serial in our living room for Deepavali 

I see a general feeling of excitement of Deepavali is missing among the people; perhaps their lifestyle changes and influence of gadgets has kept their interest away from the festivals and celebrations. I have fond memories of Deepavali, the most anticipated days of our life - from childhood till now - an inexplicable feeling embraces. Since I grow up lighting fireworks, it has become an inseparable thing during Deepavali, and every year, I buy some fireworks as I enjoy the same. 

During childhood days, we begin celebrating Deepavali a month early to the festival. We buy crackers loosely from the nearby petty shop and burst one by one during the weekends. I recollect how joyful the days are then - with our neighborhood friends, we go for cracker hunting on the day of Deepavali, picking up the unburst crackers on the road to burst. Roaming the street is my favorite pass time, then, and it's fun as we keep talking and walking around the streets in our area.

I miss so many things right away, and when I think back, I feel the pleasure and pain equally. Not only that I miss those days, but I also couldn't make up with the contemporary world, even for the smallest desires and right to be human. Though I buy a variety of fireworks, what I could light was only a sparkler. My world is little with endless vision and works to do, but being a dependent, I could not achieve anything without aid from anyone. 

Hope you all have a Happy and Safe Deepavali! 

Wednesday, October 06, 2021

வண்ண விதானம் / Colored Umbrella

ஒரு வானவில் நடந்து சென்றது 

சாலையில், வண்ணத்திருவிழா! 

கோடையில், ஒரு வண்ண விதானம் 

மழையில் நனைகையில்; வண்ண நிழல்குடை   

வண்ண இழையில் நெய்த வானவில் 

மடங்கிவிடும் கைப்பிடிக்குள். 

A rainbow walked

On the road, color festival! 

In summer, a colored canopy

When soaking in the rain, a colored umbrella; 

Rainbow weaved in colored fabric

Folded into the handle. 

Friday, July 23, 2021

July Rain

Begin July it's raining almost every day in the evening and somewhat warm in day times with pretty blue sky. This pattern of rain is unusual for us during this month and season of sunshine. The month of July would bring good wind into our state of Tamil Nadu, and perhaps this time seems to be the best winding season to lead the rain, although the Upper Air Circulation has been the cause of rain.

The southwest monsoon is rocking the western part of the country, including the western ghats of Tamil Nadu, and in the Nilgiris, almost all dams are full to open the shutters. My dad complains daily that his evening walk is interrupted by the rain. The rain clouds suddenly cover the sky by the late afternoon or evening, and it was my duty to alert mom to collect the dry clothes from the balcony rail before the rains drench.

We're working on our bath and veranda floor, and this rain had caused some difficulties and every day we had to cover the area to prevent wetness from the rain. For about a week, I had difficulty using the restroom and was forced to use the restroom at my uncle's home next door despite some difficulty. But things settle for good now, and we are fine with the rain unless it was flood type.

Linking this post with Skywatch Friday

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Covid’s Decline and Govt.’s Leniency

Guys, I’m frustrated by people's response to lockdown 2.0, and they don’t seem to care about the situation unless exposed to the virus or someone from their family or friends circle suffered to death.  The government, too, carries an indifferent attitude in handling the situation despite the lockdown and decline of covid cases; the surveillance of the people's mobility becomes an eyewash.

The covid in India has been a decline despite its continuous threat. Our state Tamil Nadu is still under lockdown, but you won't believe it if you visited because people continue to defy from wandering the streets unnecessarily; the government showing leniency in implementing the restrictions with a chaotic state of what is to be relaxed.

The newly formed state government is happier that the covid is declining and lift their collars as an achievement of their governance. But I don't understand what kind of achievement was this could be when taking no action (as an opposition then without raising a voice or giving pressure on the former government to implement the lockdown, while waiting for election results) when the covid infection rising to a peak and reduces later. If they had taken action earlier (including the former government), we hadn't need to go this far to grab a deal of reducing 1000 cases per day and miserable of losing thousands of lives.

The government is also making a great mistake by removing the officers in the covid experience who have a better knowledge of dealing with the covid issue than the newly appointed officers. Will the government realize this and keep away the prestige of relying on officers appointed by the previous government? 

I could only feel glad that they haven't changed the health secretary to have a base knowledge of the issue. Lockdown had already unlocked; however, they say it was only a relaxation, the people weren't sensible to follow the restrictions, but at least they wear the mask at mass except a few who deny it.

The government reports weren’t reliable, but we have no other way than to accept what they say; now the opening of the liquor shops against everyone’s desire in the state had exhibited their senselessness toward society. I know I bored you all by writing on covid, but I couldn't stop writing, seeing how things work senselessly around me. So here I leave a couple of rain shots (for a change) contrary to the hot summer days, but some evenings cool down by the storm clouds and occasional rains. These cool umbrellas were shot from the balcony, and as I took it through the rail's gap, I cropped these to keep away the steel bars.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Nostalgic Wind


The nostalgic wind blows me

down the memory lane

I cherish the essence of reminiscence

melting down like ice on leaves

as winter gives way for spring.


It wasn't a surprise as the season returns

even if relationships aren't in form as before

memories could not resign from office;

the heartstrings feel the gentle strokes

as wind touches the senses.


The squirrels and parakeets’ screech

despite their shrieks, the afternoon

remained silent in the void of curfew;

the winged birds fly, and the wind blows

who dares to shut their doors?


The wind becomes stronger later

as storm clouds gathered to oppose

the sun shutters its shop earlier; 

the memories of summer rain harvested

as the storm, at last, hit hard on us.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Preparing for Bro's Wedding

Brother’s wedding arrangements were going in full swing, and with only two days left for the occasion – of Nov 25th evening reception and Nov 26th morning marriage – the invitation process came to an end with Panthakaal on Sunday. Panthakaal is a pre-wedding ritual, where a wooden pole is planted in front of the house (a few days ahead of the wedding) after prayer for a trouble-free wedding ceremony. In the bygone era, word of mouth was the only source of communication; so pole planting ensures the passers-by get to know about the wedding and also the good news is passed to others.

Now, following the Panthakaal, Nalanggu is performed on him for the remaining days to the wedding. Nalanggu is an activity of applying turmeric paste on the cheeks, hands, and feet of the bride and groom by the married women, and as a blessing, saffron is applied to their forehead. Mostly it’s a 3-day ritual, and we are having guests visiting us every day to perform the rite, and my brother is at hold at home from Sunday.  Other than relatives, we invite friends and neighbors to visit us to perform the ritual, and for me, I get something special to eat at home in the evenings and at night as we have guests.

Everything goes well until now, and our house got a cheerful look like the wedding lights that set home in the festival glow. But not to forget, the Nivar cyclone is nearing us and threatening to mess the celebration mood as it is predicted to strike exactly on the dates of the wedding. We have no option other than facing anything that comes our way, but we hope the cyclone passes off quickly before the event began.

The last few weeks were kind of huff and puff for the parents, and presenting the invitation has kept them away from the afternoon naps and our bedtime to past 11 pm. My uncle's family next door has taken care of me while my parents were away on an inviting spree, we still can’t reach out to many of them as we got a very short time, and the pandemic is another troublesome kicking ass as well. Conducting a marriage in a situation of social distancing and mask-wearing is a different experience we’re looking forward to, and hope things work well for us safely and securely.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Midnight Rain

The northeast monsoon opened its doors with a bang of a thunderstorm and rain ever like before in the last three years, beginning from midnight to dawn, it poured near 200mm of rain in a brief time. The rain flooded the roads of Chennai city (yesterday) within an hour or two of the downpour, though it drained hours later into the day, the rain at night was such forceful to increased the risk of water entering our home as our terrace got flooded. The overflowing water that cascaded through the staircase filled the balcony and came close to the threshold.

Our threshold is less than an inch high (which we kept it low to allow the wheelchair to cross easily) had come boon in blocking the water, while our uncle’s portion, at the other end of the balcony, with a two-inch threshold, couldn’t stop the water from entering their home! They were busy throughout the night, pulling the water out of their living room since their balcony is a slight decline from ours, the water easily flows into their side to flood the home. And it’s a usual thing that happens with them, whenever it rains forcefully, but before it extends, we need to workout it sooner.

The night was roaring in a thunderstorm and a kind of laser show in lightning. Though I didn’t wake up to see all that happens outside, the sound of the activities and flash of lights conveyed me the drama. The garden of the house (pic above) opposite us was in stagnant rainwater, and it took nearly a day to recede. The metro water workers had dug a couple of digs (pic below) on our street, to clean up the drinking water pipes that was going on for some days, had messed up the place with heavy rains. The meteorologists predicted heavy rains further into the day, but as usual, the weather went in contrast to what they said, and there wasn’t rain after that.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

It Rains

It rains as if never going to rain

A trial of the northeast monsoon

Draw trail as if clearing the way

For heavy rain to run down the drain.


The day was brighter and sunny

To ever think of raining

Until silvery clouds float in  

To become gloomy and rain.


The pitter-patter of rain

Continue its rhyme, wordlessly  

like a kindergarten kid, I

rejoiced singing along the rain. 

The beautiful sunny day in the morning contrary to rain in the evening.

Linking this post with Skywatch Friday

Thursday, October 01, 2020

October for Me


October, often reminds me of Mahatma Gandhi’s specs perhaps because the O – the first letter of the month October – resembles the shape of Gandhi’s specs and moreover October 2nd is Gandhi’s birthday and it could be the reason to connect O with his specs. Gandhi’s birthday is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanthi and we’re proud to say he’s the father of our nation!  

October Sky is one of my favourite movies and the teens experiment with rockets in the movie reminds me of the childhood days as kids when we explode firecrackers and the Indian festival of light, aka Diwali or Deepavali also often fall on the month of October is appropriate to connect. Diwali is a festival that we could not be far from fireworks or firecrackers and it is fun to play with those and watch rockets boom the sky with light and colours stroke a chord of sight.

Ayutha Poojai is another childhood delight that falls in the month of October this year. The festival celebrates weapons or tools, is conducted to maintain and cleans the machineries that helps in production and day-to-day activities will pull-off for a day or two to give rest to them and worship for the wellness of machineries and business. I grew up watching my uncle’s garage as our home was adjoined then and putting a step outside the home is left into the garage. So I don't need to say how well I put on delight during the Ayudha poojai festival which is celebrated as a family festival that please me when I join the employees  in decorating and cleaning the workshop. The festival was so delightful until my uncle was alive (he passed away in Dec 2001) and later they celebrated the festival but the spirit went missing. You can check the link here to read how delightful the festival was then.

October is the starting season of Northeast monsoon which bestows with rain across south east India and dipping of temperature makes favourable weather for traveling. Except for the areas along the Western Ghats, the Tamil Nadu experiences hot weather across the plains and it is from Oct to Feb the weather turns cooler. And it was the time I love to travel as it is a pleasure to do the same with windows rolled down rather using AC – only for highways cruising and dusty roads – the weather out here is inviting for a ride but I do remember the pandemic isn’t over.  I wish at the same time the monsoon flourishes this year at least to say 2020 wasn’t drought!

Hope all is well at your side and great month ahead.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

A Weather, Reminder of Mountains

The weather has been pleasant and cools these days (in Chennai) and it wasn’t raining either but still, the clouds, continue to seize the sky, kept low the temperature that lures me to dream of mountains. Though not exactly, I feel a mild cold in the air to embrace me and my mind cling to the memories of the same feel. It’s been more than a year I visited mountains or stayed overnight other than the home esp. this cool weather is impossible to restrain the thoughts of Smokey Haven or what I call a bird paradise – Thandikudi – nestled in the lower Palani hills of Kodaikanal. It was a place that wasn’t too cold as Kodai or hot as plains but comfortable weather to stay all day out exploring the locality of coffee and pepper plantations and listening to birds in woods.

Glad my uncle built his wood houses there, so it was always a hassle-free and home-like stay for us and it would be fun if two more families of my uncles join the stay. I too used to the comfort of the woodhouse or to say my uncle had built the house easily accessible by the wheelchair so that I could visit it anytime without difficulty. He knows how I enjoy staying into nature or travel to hills and the woodhouse was first executed for personal use before the idea of renting happen. The weather is one pleasing thing about this place and no matter what the season was, it never drops out of comfort and the weather in Chennai right away is something that makes the mind think about. Perhaps due to Aadi (the season with high wind blow, falls between July-August) is believed to bring a successful year of rain and these cloudy moments brings hope as the southwest monsoon had smashed this year.

I leave you with some nature and cool images for the glimpses of the locality from different times of the visit. I love being there any time of the season and it has something to please or offer with the arrival of differences in nature like the migration of birds, flowering environment and wind.  

Linking this post for  Good Fences by Gosia

Monday, August 10, 2020

RGB Monday

Here is a kind of line houses in Valparai, what is just a piece of what was washed off in the recent landslides and flash flood in the high mountain ranges of Munnar; killing nearly 50 people belong to the families of tea labourers. The southwest monsoon is smashing around the Western Ghats Mountains of Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and many a places are flooded and Munnar, a beautiful hill station in the Idukki district of Kerala is one of the top producers of tea and many a labours work here are from the plains of Tamil Nadu.

The landslide turned into a major disaster, where rescue operations are still underway as people are being dug out of the mud. The disaster location being close to the
Anamudi, the highest peak of south India and the popular tourist spot (Eravikulam National Park) for Thar goat sighting, exposed to cold winds and rain to extend the rescue operation. Valparai is nothing less to Munnar, and these two places are bordered by a valley that separates the two states. And their living conditions were also similar and the workers were all settlers from the plains to work in the tea plantations. It’s the workers of Rajamalai tea estate went to grave before buried really. While the covid eradicating away the lives in plenty, the plane crash and landslides were doing their better half. Nature has its own plans and no one can predict its move and we could only mourn for those died.  

Friday, July 31, 2020

Another Rainbow Evening and Altocumulus

Last Sunday happened to be another rainbow evening and second in the month of July. The former one is here, if u want to see. I was happy to see the favourite thing appear over the sky again, exactly close to the same location, direction and angle. Though it was mild this time, the blue sky and clouds on the backdrop steer the sky to look prettier. Following that we got a sort of pleasant weather for few days caused from mild to heavy rain, and some time the sky looks cloudy and altocumulus spread wings over the blue sky. The sky comes up in pretty pattern these days and the altocumulus show up in day times settle for mild showering or supposed to rain scenario. But not to forget, the menacing mosquitoes had doubled its troops and began attacking from evening through night. 

Altocumulus clouds from the morning of the same rainbow evening.

Above is the rain scene (snapped through the balcony) from two days back and it was a heavy showing for nearly an hour and it continued for few more hours pulling back slowly in pace to rest.

Linking this post with Skywatch Friday

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sunday Shots: Rain Scenes

Some umbrella moments or rain scenes snapped from last monsoon season. From today morning the whole city is under showering and for last two weeks the rain seems to peek now and then to keep the temperature down to normal. While we’re happy about the rains, the triggering of mosquitos has become a nightmare all these days and they even bite during day times. When we already fighting with Covid these days, the mosquitos were a threat to other fever related illness, so we’re in need to be more awake in preventing the bites and hit the mosquitos.

My balcony is one of my favourite spot at home, and overlooking the street is a better entertainment to sit around the evening or anytime I find leisure. In lockdown days I often hangout at balcony to check activities on road as it becomes lesser but it was almost back to normal now up till 7pm. Today being a Sunday, its total lockdown across the state as all Sundays of July is declared as total lockdown by the govt. and it’s quite peaceful out here other than the TV volumes. Lol

All pics shot with mobile (iphone se) as it comes handy than looking for camera.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Skywatch Friday: Rainbows

Last week the weather turned wonderful one evening and the sky formed storm clouds that almost supposed to rain.  But things turned different and surprise, when a rainbow appear on the sky.  I have seen rainbows before but I don’t remember when I saw one last in my city, Chennai. My neighbour pointed out the rainbow that curved up above the sky just outside the balcony and I was out already watching the sky and the storm clouds scattering instead gathered to rain.

First the rainbow appeared mild in colors and was difficult to notice but sooner the colors increased to look amazing and it was a nice curve and I don’t know it made quite a bow. Actually it was a double rainbow and I didn’t notice the second bow, which appeared mild, until I look into the picture. My camera couldn’t capture the colors perhaps because of bright sunlight and these are mobile shots from iPhone se. 

To say the sky's the only changing things in my life for last few months or from the time of pandemic began; sky watching has become an activity and I go out into the balcony to see the sky after I wake up and got ready and do the same before go to bed. I don’t know why I want to see the sky or at least want to see a star or anything celestial before get into the bedroom and I think it’s perhaps because of lockdown and fewer activities on road want me to look for something active even though I know the celestial activities aren't quicker.

Linking this post with Skywatch Friday