Saturday, December 12, 2009

A take

It’s been a while I blogged I know, and I wonder how I lack interest on blogging. I have been worrying a lot about my health these days and can’t avoid thinking a lot related to my health. We have consulted couple of doctors in meantime except our family doctor and one was a general physician, whom we met mistakenly instead of meeting a chest specialist.

First our doctor had preferred overdose tablets and it happens to reflect in some intestine problem in me and so we stopped the treatment for mucus clot and took medicine for intestine to settle down to accept the medicine. After checking with chest specialist, he revised the tablets and preferred mild ones so thus he could increase the tablets how far my body accepts.

I never thought it would take much time to get cure, when I came to know I need to take medicine for about 6 months to get dissolve completely the clot. More than the cause created by my health, it’s my mind that struggled a lot to cope with deficiency and still being in touch with the same set of mind, I’m trying hard to come out of the conflict I’m going through.

I find myself wondering at my attitude, thinking what others might think about my change in mind and seeking people. There’re many times I like being lonely and found bliss being alone, but it was totally different now and I really hate like never before being inside home and being alone. I must say my parents was my great support these days, and found what interest people.

I think sometime is relation mean only for celebration and people who can never think about us in meantime, what is there in celebration alone. Keep away the thought of others, I was thinking a lot about me these days and almost forgetting about everything and people, I exist in an unreal world where worries alone. I hope to be back in normal here soon and check everyone. Take care

Friday, November 27, 2009

Update on my health

Before I go something in detail about my health condition, I thank you all from my deep heart for your support, wishes and prayers for my quick recovery. It was your comments and suggestions drive me into enough courage and thoughts to face my problem and now I’m progressing on a right path.

Without much delay I meet our doctor that day and conversed in detail about my problem and expressed my doubts and fear about spitting blood. It was all what I was thinking about and as well as agreed the doctor, wrote a list of tests to diagnose the problem and supporting causes.

It was a tough day yesterday visiting twice the diagnostics center and taking a complete test of blood, urine, CT scan, echocardiogram, ECG… to know what causes this problem. We went early morning to the center with empty stomach and took varies test, except echocardiogram for which we’re called to come by The center was little far away from our home and visiting twice happen to be a hard thing for us and again by evening to collect the report and checking with doctor at night, the day end at complete tiredness.

Must say the people in diagnostic center are so helpful and when there’s no power to operate life, the guys carried me with wheel chair to the upstairs for eco test and there’s a lady who was very friendly and was at beside helping us until we come and go.

The reports come out almost normal, and my heart is working well as favorable except the CT scan which identified a mucus clot in lungs, which is behind the spitting of blood while coughing. The doctor says there’s nothing to worry about it and it could be dissolved by tablets soon. He advised me personally not to fear about anything and not to believe whatever is written on internet, like many of u said here.

He’s our family doctor and seeing me from childhood, conversed with me in detail about the reports and suggested few adequate changes to get well soon. The cough that was disturbing me for the last couple of days is very less today after taking some huge tablets. He told to continue some tablets for about a month to dissolve the mucus clot as it was hardly stick to lung walls and considering my health he has given mild tablets to recover fully but little slowly. Thank you all again for your support, courage, suggestions, prayer and wishes….I hope to recover soon and feeling better now. Think I need some rest for sometime now and will do check yours when I feel good. Take care all, hugs.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Blood spit again

Continuing the scared night and life these days, from Sunday the blood happens to comes if I cough stressfully and spit. This time there is not much excess of blood, but it was thick and dark in red. Thus I’m feeling so fear and anxious about my health now.

I’m taking the same medicine doctor prescribed last time when I face such cause and when I check his clinic last night, he had just left before we arrive and I’m continuing the same medicine and today we‘re gonna visit him again. Let see what he says about my problem.

In between I searched on Google with the symptoms I go through and got to know this problem might be hemoptysis! But I’m not sure and I’m not a doctor to be right. Sometimes I get little fever and cold, and sure I will check the doctor today and get test whatever is necessary to know how comes the blood. I wish to be back normal soon and hope you all wish me too. hugs.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

World Television Day

In a split second, pressing a button will transport us to a whole new milieu, time and a world; and another press of the button will bring us back right to our living rooms. This miraculous transporter is, of course, the television.

Today each and every home own a television and knowing more about the importance of information and entertainment the government has come forward to distribute free television sets and about what they give in means of politics or tricks, it helps people who are suppose to explore the world from there homes.
Tamil Nadu Govt.'s Color TV
This is a free television set given by the Tamil Nadu Government
From the back and white to the late LCD and led, television enclose us into a world of entertainment and almost everyone watches television and learn something new everyday and keep in touch with current affairs about the world. The extension of televisions to rural and remote area excess there lives to new and modern civilization.

But where we’re heading isn’t healthy, because television excesses our duties many times and attracts our kids to face setback in health and education, and families to suffer with serials and youngsters to go crazy about cricket. There are some terms to enjoy television so that our lives can be set top box or DTH to exist clearly.

There’re times where only DD exists and watching the Friday movie on night is one nightmare we can’t forget watching in-between plenty ads. And super he-man samurai is one program I watch intend and almost never miss the jungle book on Sundays. Still I’m enjoying some programs in DD esp. news are quite impartial compare to satellite channels.

The UN General Assembly declared November 21st as World Television Day, to recognize the role played by television in decision making by drawing attention to threats to peace and security and social and economic issues. The first World Television Forum was held on November 21 and 22 in 1996 and UN invited all the member of states to mark the day by ‘encouraging global exchanges of television programs and focusing among other issues like peace, security, economic and social development and the enhancement of cultural exchange. Here we go on some facts about Television

John Logie Baird operated the first real television system in 1926.

The BBC began regular telecasts in 1930.
The first practical use of television was in Germany.

The first colour television was approved in 1950.

In 1956, Robert Adler invented the first practical remote control.

The Kennedy-Nixon debate was the first split-screen broadcast, in 1960.

The history of television in India begins with Doordarshan. On September 15, 1959, Doordarshan was set up as part of AIR (All India Radio). In 1976, DD became independent Color TV came into vogue with the 1982 Asian Games.

Up to the early 1990s, there were just two channels.

1991 saw the entry of foreign programmers, including Star TV and CNN.

In 1995, the Government of India passed the Cable Television Network (Regulation) Act, making registration of cable operators must compulsorily transmit at least two Doordarshan channels.

More than 130 million homes in India have a television set, with at least 70 million receiving cable TV.

Doordarshan continues to head the channel list – the 50-year-old network reaches 44.9 per cent of Indians.

Friday, November 20, 2009

A visit to Sai Baba Temple

Last Thursday we went to Injambakkam Shirdi Sai Baba Temple and it’s been long time since I visited the temple and it was my parents wish to take me along with them. Few years back I used to visit Sai baba temple often and most of the time it was mylapore temple, but I like visiting this temple more because of its clam environment.

Many changes have happened inside the temple complex and couple of shrines has been grown and new pavements been laid and along the spacious car parking, the temple looks more beautiful now; and peacefully located on the east coast is chirping by birds and green yards.
peace lamp
Every time we come around this temple, without our knowledge the streaming theme rubs our minds and conveys peace and serenity. I have some memories that always struggle to remember the debris I go through this temple and when I think back I could imagine the hardship moments I gone through in faith then. I can walk about those days, and the main shrine is elevated by few steps and climbing on it is a task for me and dad to carry, staring the steps and image in mind revolves rather, parents come after circumambulating the shrines.

The idol made of marble is east facing the sea and a huge hall to aid devotees to settle down for prayers and a lawn that leads a path close to sea. As we near to the main shrine, two women welcomed us with warm smile and offered us tea and biscuits. One of there is so kind and facing her sense me she is perhaps in some distress and I come across her smile again and later leave home with a bye. That small gesture of smile stays with me all and I could remember her visage among few strangest I never met again, but this women’s face is so familiar.

I wished later whatever she might go through get dissolved and peace prevailed in there lives. There are many crows inside the temple complex and everywhere there mess. I heard various chirps but only could see crows everywhere. There’s a small nursery and I’m not sure but anyone can devote a plant to temple it seems.

I couldn’t take my camera along with me, so i can't share any pictures of the temple! But this temple is so peaceful and pleasant to capture.