Thursday, January 07, 2010

A Bug vs. Bud

I am on treatment for a month long now to get cure the mucus clot in chest and there’re months to go still to get dissolve the clot. But now it seems like no more a matter except swallowing 8 tablets per day and again it was my mind that struggles to get clear unnecessary thoughts. I am trying hard to come out of some thoughts, but still I’m being touch with it in some ways.

I’m going through some symptoms lately and now, though they aren’t certainly to be serious and pass like clouds, still somehow I worry in a force. I just want to blog and be active here alike back and sit before the computer, but nothing comes to mind and couldn’t get interest to read or write, and so I move away. At least I just want to post some pictures, but even that could not be done. I’m much worry these days will I lose my ability to be here and I forced a lot myself now to write something here.

In between last week a black bug or beetle went inside my ear bud at mid 2.30 am! I sense like a bug goes inside the ear and before I wake up my dad it went inside and began to buzz or grind, which makes me annoy a lot. We put slide, buds to throw it out, but it refused to come out and kept buzzing inside and besides creating pain and irritation.

Don’t know what to do and the pain was heavy, so decided to go to the near by hospital and checking out couple of hospitals with no doctors and almost closed, the other one was opened with a sleeping doctor. Since it was a 24 hours hospital, the doctor waked up from his sleep and attended my ear. Putting me lay on the cot and switching on the focus light, he tried with small scissors to bring it out and being aware about the bud tone and a non-ENT, he at last tried by splashing water inside the bud and the bug slowly came out and my bro standing beside suddenly take it out.

I thought it was a small one and will come out easily, but only seeing it size we realize our mistake. It was a mid size one in near 2 cm. and seems it has harmed my ear bud. To avoid further harm doctor put an anti septic injection and it was the first time in more than a decade I was injected a medicine. It was disturbing me for couple of days and now fines enough. But mind still at constant pace of worries and might take sometime to be normal and hope to continue reading your blogs soon. Take care. Hugs

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year

The year has come to an end and whatever happens in a decade seems like happen lately and wonders whenever think about the past years. It feels like we have just foot stepped in 21st century but 9 years have already pasted. This year was little tough for me and most of all it was my mind that get disturbed by my health deficiency, and best of all is traveling, meeting new friends and writing, which I think have improved and more highly is friends support in blogging.

I have thought to do many things this year, but time has passed now and only a day has left to year 2010. I know past is past and tomorrow is hope which leads our life to so many times. Let’s hope everything would be fine in year 2010!

There are 365 days in a year, but there’s no other day like January 1 we welcome so enthusiastically. Days are infinite and this day 1 is also like the other, but we give more importance to this day and it’s something refreshes our mind and shows new hope to life certainly. On this day we realize the increase of our age and it’s the only day in the world where everyone celebrates.

Moreover people from various culture, practice celebrates this day on there own tradition, but there’s no less of celebration. There’s hope whatever begins on this day continues throughout the year and let us hope and wish good things continues in our lives too. Happy New Year :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas

X-Mas 2007
Christmas is the most celebrated festival in the world, and I always like to take part of this festival. Other than faith, I like the fun shared through this festival all along the decorations and mood that I also celebrate the world festival.

Last year I was in valparai on the occasion of Christmas, and the churches in the municipality are decorated with lights, trees and rhymes of Christmas. It was a beautiful evening with sun setting down behind the hills and a pleasant atmosphere to sense; we were playing around the lawn even after night dawn.

Against our cottage there was a small church decorated quite simply and beautifully, and in nights the lights continued to blink. The setting of the birth of Christ still exists in my view and the whole evening was just fun. I took varies pictures of the decoration, but somehow it was erased from my cam. It certainly happened to be a winter festival and like never before.
Merry Christmas
Scared heart church, Valparai
Now, I’m driving myself into the mood of festival and trying much I can do to celebrate the festival. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and hope u all have fun. Take care :)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

A take

It’s been a while I blogged I know, and I wonder how I lack interest on blogging. I have been worrying a lot about my health these days and can’t avoid thinking a lot related to my health. We have consulted couple of doctors in meantime except our family doctor and one was a general physician, whom we met mistakenly instead of meeting a chest specialist.

First our doctor had preferred overdose tablets and it happens to reflect in some intestine problem in me and so we stopped the treatment for mucus clot and took medicine for intestine to settle down to accept the medicine. After checking with chest specialist, he revised the tablets and preferred mild ones so thus he could increase the tablets how far my body accepts.

I never thought it would take much time to get cure, when I came to know I need to take medicine for about 6 months to get dissolve completely the clot. More than the cause created by my health, it’s my mind that struggled a lot to cope with deficiency and still being in touch with the same set of mind, I’m trying hard to come out of the conflict I’m going through.

I find myself wondering at my attitude, thinking what others might think about my change in mind and seeking people. There’re many times I like being lonely and found bliss being alone, but it was totally different now and I really hate like never before being inside home and being alone. I must say my parents was my great support these days, and found what interest people.

I think sometime is relation mean only for celebration and people who can never think about us in meantime, what is there in celebration alone. Keep away the thought of others, I was thinking a lot about me these days and almost forgetting about everything and people, I exist in an unreal world where worries alone. I hope to be back in normal here soon and check everyone. Take care

Friday, November 27, 2009

Update on my health

Before I go something in detail about my health condition, I thank you all from my deep heart for your support, wishes and prayers for my quick recovery. It was your comments and suggestions drive me into enough courage and thoughts to face my problem and now I’m progressing on a right path.

Without much delay I meet our doctor that day and conversed in detail about my problem and expressed my doubts and fear about spitting blood. It was all what I was thinking about and as well as agreed the doctor, wrote a list of tests to diagnose the problem and supporting causes.

It was a tough day yesterday visiting twice the diagnostics center and taking a complete test of blood, urine, CT scan, echocardiogram, ECG… to know what causes this problem. We went early morning to the center with empty stomach and took varies test, except echocardiogram for which we’re called to come by The center was little far away from our home and visiting twice happen to be a hard thing for us and again by evening to collect the report and checking with doctor at night, the day end at complete tiredness.

Must say the people in diagnostic center are so helpful and when there’s no power to operate life, the guys carried me with wheel chair to the upstairs for eco test and there’s a lady who was very friendly and was at beside helping us until we come and go.

The reports come out almost normal, and my heart is working well as favorable except the CT scan which identified a mucus clot in lungs, which is behind the spitting of blood while coughing. The doctor says there’s nothing to worry about it and it could be dissolved by tablets soon. He advised me personally not to fear about anything and not to believe whatever is written on internet, like many of u said here.

He’s our family doctor and seeing me from childhood, conversed with me in detail about the reports and suggested few adequate changes to get well soon. The cough that was disturbing me for the last couple of days is very less today after taking some huge tablets. He told to continue some tablets for about a month to dissolve the mucus clot as it was hardly stick to lung walls and considering my health he has given mild tablets to recover fully but little slowly. Thank you all again for your support, courage, suggestions, prayer and wishes….I hope to recover soon and feeling better now. Think I need some rest for sometime now and will do check yours when I feel good. Take care all, hugs.