Thursday, March 18, 2010

A bit something

Tuesday was dad’s birthday and we went out for dinner, collecting food stuff from hot point and headed to beach. Wind was blowing well and sea gleaming with ships; it was pleasant moment we four of us shared the night together after long time.

The sea side wasn’t much vast empty and few street lights were out of focus, and the waves reflect clearly, and stars blinked brightly and a flight was passing across. We were till 10.Oclock at beach and dad been forgetting his birthday and since remind by noon, he wishes at least to take us out for dinner. Brother being a vegan, we can’t visit KFC or Food village in ECR what was in our mind then.

Unlike the treat in Hot Chips, ECR with favor and nothing more savor on the arrival of new Scorpio last month, it was sharing; love and nature embrace us more now. Moreover the roadside vendor or hot points round table, nothing deserves the flavor of closed woodland’s drive-in near Anna flyover. The evergreen trees and chirping birds and spacious car parking could never be replaced by any modern restaurant or drive-in or fast food.

Thinking about those days, whether it was hot and crisp dosai or puffed poori, still the blowing wind has the essence of woodland and the aroma comes over the air.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Heedlessly sometime
seeing leaves to applause
and some depart
to colorless green
to fall apart
farewell applause

Leaves applause
in new spirit
caused by spring wind,
and guys applause
in crazy
caused by IPL spirit

Man applause
to praise someone
and unmindful sometime,
the leaves applause
to blowing wind
and strong leaves survive.

Friday, March 12, 2010

VTV - My view

I don’t know which one to take and leave, there might be some ups and downs, but it was a lovely ride across the sky. VTV (Vinnai Thaandi Varuvaayaa) is a very beautiful poem written by Gowtham, and Simbu does a very decent proposal whereas Trisha comes as an angle with cute smile and freak in sari.

The highlight of the movie is songs and pleasant picturesque. The love come romance between the lead was soothing and does some magic in imagination. Should appreciate the background scoring, that pass like a breeze in an undisturbed manner, and just not being vocal, I wonder sometime does someone parked next playing there audio of the same movie songs. Leaving mom at home, me and dad watched the movie in drive-in.

It was against feeling, wishing for songs to keep flowing more than the sequence, and so as the songs influence the movie. I loved the quietness of the movie, and the simple action and screenplay, describes a familiar story in an unusual manner. There’s a small distraction on simbu’s face, at some places it clearly says the huge makeup and obviously he’s very smart in his original tone. I then thought, why dint I continue to be a simbu fan?

There’re mild moments to laughter and to wonder how come a busy cameraman simply follows Simbu in seeking Trisha across the Alappuzha. The white church on bank ashore and the houseboats and river are evergreen blue wonder. The gentle kiss and intense love, embrace the audience to fall in love and like the line says, love is not we go in seek, and don’t leave love that come across u.

Monday, March 08, 2010


Happy Spring
Wind blowing season spring
caressing my skin,
with plenty of wind
stimulating nerves to spring

Wind blowing season spring
brings hard-core energy;
with plenty of wind
wanna leap so high

Wind blowing season spring
creates its own harmony,
with plenty of wind
wanna shake boot and back

Wind blowing season spring
sustain mind refreshing,
with plenty of wind
I continue to smile overall

Wind blowing season spring
drives away the nuisance,
with plenty of wind
peace widely exists

Wind blowing season spring
completes with deep inhaling;
with plenty of wind
conveying fresh breeze

Wind blowing season spring
flowers bloom and spring;
with plenty of wind
fragrance across

Wind blowing season spring
birds flapping strong wings;
with plenty of wind
crushing dry green leaves.

Friday, March 05, 2010


Leaving back memories, the house bird sparrows flew far away and become a rare species in cities. There are days as child trying to catch the sparrows that often visit our balconies and sometimes they built there hay nest in space within pillars and sewage pipes. It’s so nice seeing those small sparrows, sitting in a line on the cable wires that pass across the streets and pierce to feed grain left over the balcony.

Today I see sparrows that are two times larges than those similar ones in light brown and grayish color with tiny beaks. There sweet twitters are something lost reflecting in ears that I can’t recall back in memories. Turn over of large trees and green space into skyscrapers and concrete floors, and lose of time in human to feed grains, the birds drew away from city.
Sparrows are some species survive along human habitation and what all affect us reflects in them and thus the change in lifestyle and passion disturbed there dwelling. Even in late 90s sparrows were spread across in city independently and it was very short in time and period they went invisible almost. They always pick there place for nesting is inside or at the entrance of homes, storehouses and elsewhere people residing. In villages, people tie a bunch of paddy at there home entrance to treat the little birds the grains and to help nesting.

I find some sparrows in valparai surviving along the people dwelling and a sparrow had nested above the shutter of a musical store in a bustle road, where they wander freely and friendly with people at stretching hands end. I wished then I had few of them around my place. Then one morning, I saw a lonely sparrow sitting on a flower pot in the front yard of Solaiyar house and later when I check the capture, the background came in as a surprise with the curved lane of the Sholayar dam. These birds are small, and shares very small space in our neighbor and thinking about them is nostalgia.