the Bala Murugan Temple is coated in yellow, the white painted Rama Temple is
less than a km from the same on the Palamathi Hills near Vellore. Thought the temple look newly painted I
believe it should be an old temple but I couldn’t get any detail about the
temple from the net or anywhere else and I took shot of the temple mainly for
the hanuman statue that stood in front of the temple tower.
pictures where shot from the car while we slowed down or almost stopped for few
seconds as the road was empty, the temple was located at a curve so I could only focus on front (shot from iphone) and the second
one was captured in cam by mom from the side window. The statue also looks like newly
installed and the Hanuman is posed with one hand bearing the Sanjeevi hill (a
mountain with medicinal plants that lord hanuman is believed to bring to cure
Lakshman and Rama) and standing on a mound, which is nothing but a hundial – a
collection box used in Hindu temples.