Friday, February 21, 2014

Rangoon creeper @ home

Rangoon creeper, also known as Chinese Honeysuckle and “Irangun Malli” in Tamil is a vine with red flower clusters that found in Asia and many other parts of the world either as a cultivated ornamental or run wild. The creeper seen rooted commonly only in a small hole in cemented ground, grown exactly the way it described at one of the corner of our house, thriving and climbing high on the Frangipani tree.

Bunch of flower @ neighborhood
The Rangoon creeper is a ligneous vine that can reach from 2.5 meters to up to 8 meters, has leaves that are elliptical with an acuminate tip and a rounded base. The clusters of flowers that are fragrant and tubular, opens white in color which changes to pink, red and finally to deep maroon. The plant grows on a support is very useful in covering fences and walls and the growth rate of the plant is generally fast and don’t make heavy fertilizer demand.

Rangoon creeper
Rangoon creepers being a vigorous twining climber, booms profusely throughout summer can reach as much as 70 feet in tropical climates. The creeper that does like medium to bright light is found in thickets or secondary forests of the Philippines, India and Malaysia.

These pictures were shot in September 2013 and the picture above is a close-up macro on the flowers.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Glimpses of Moon

Glimpses of moon
Collage by Jeevan
Through the leaves of lettuce
peeks the pretty moon
even not so in full bloom
a sight still spectacular.

Exiting home at night
to get some breeze in brief
but got into the sight of moon
an elegant beauty that enticed me.

After weeks and months
I found the fluorescent moon
leaving behind a gloomy sky
that get life and light through it.

Wonder, how I forget the moon
an eternal inspiration
that keep alive my thoughts
ascent under its silver shadow.

Monday, February 17, 2014

My level of comfort

Life is quite stressful and pain already, but the Oct 17th is a day I could not forget and also don’t want to remember which took me further into my future’s setback. Just a week early going into the cast for my femur fracture was quite terrible and it was a moment that ever in my life felt so painful and even an inch movement in leg touch the extreme. It was four month since (today) the incident happen and only I was able to visit the doctor on Friday even I was out in car twice. He was treating me from the home, looking at the x-rays which his staffs come and take at home; and only to wear the cast I went to his clinic in a small ambulance. I am quite well now and only my knee has to bend little more to sit much comfort… I am still unable to stand on my feet which enabled shifting me much easier from one place to another then. I feel little pain in my left knee only on which I could put strength and I also lack balance and fear to put much effect when attempting to stand with weak bone.

The fracture wasn't in my bone alone; it also broke some comfort levels I enjoyed, which I am sure to lose sometime in future at step by step progress  has skipping few steps all of sudden. I have planned a lot using the standing ability of mine esp. on traveling progress, which is the mainstream delectation in my life and I almost dream on traveling delight. What was my mindset exactly four months back wasn't quite same now, and I have to prepare myself to face the loss of ability and how to travel from shifting one seat to another. We own a SUV and using it for the last 6 years esp. because of the comfort level it provides to me and I could travel long distances without any difficulty in our car and now being unable to stand, I couldn't climb into it. I have only two options now on traveling, which was to change the car with low height or modify the SUV with Turny Swivel seat or place wheelchair lift at the rear.

Right moment, we are in intense search of house and only two weeks were left to shift the home… parents were going thought great stress and headaches because of it. The house we hoped to occupy had dropped at last moment, as the owner of the house demands more rent out of our budget; we are now even looking at apartment’s rather independent houses where pets are allowed. Our entire thoughts are about getting a nice house right now and only then I could take the next step as altering my wheelchair into much comfort and modify the SUV. Why I much hold with SUV was, because it was the car I could take anywhere and it makes wonderful drive on any terrain except mud roads, I am more love with it as it is my favorite vehicle. I have traveled nearly all mountain passes of Tamil Nadu with this vehicle and I never experienced difficult with the car getting breakdown or spoil the plan.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Back to mouse

Do you agree mouse is convenient than touch pads in laptops? I feel quite comfort using it after a while get used to touch pads and touch screen. I think working with mouse is much faster than scratching the touch pad and I really wonder it is me alone feel such way or there are other who could agree.
Dad bought me a touch mouse from Logitech and it was cool operating from the little space on my wheelchair tray, aside the laptop. The touch is available only for scrolling vertical and horizontal by swipe one finger and it also has buttons for start menu and desktop screen apart  right and left buttons.

Beginning with ball mouse and later with optical, the wireless and touch has made it very smooth, soft and convenient on any flat surface. When using ball mouse, we needed a mouse pad and the mouse often get struck with dirt inside and has to clean it by remove the ball  and it also survived very short. The funnier part was, we sometime play with that ball! Lol 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

How beautiful it feel?

Romance under moonlit
Picture by Jeevan
How beautiful it feel?
Holding someone’s hand
and stroll on the sand?
At the end of the day
while sun kissed the sea.

How beautiful it feel?
Taking someone into behold
where eyes only speak?
At the end of the day
life delights
under the twilight sky.

How beautiful it feel?
Sitting together with someone
who’s very close to heart?
At the end of the evening
life glitter
beneath pretty moon lit.

How beautiful it feel?
Kissing someone very sweet
before saying good night?
In the absence of light
splendid silhouette
conveys our love.