Friday, December 14, 2018

Skywatch Friday : Pretty Sky

The temperature was mild today, with some clouds covering up the sky and the evening too wasn’t any different until I came inside the home. The sky turned wonderful all of sudden as I looked out the window; it was reddish as I faced west and I just came out instantly clicking some snaps on the sky looking partially purple and pink. We are having a depression in ocean and are expected to receive rains for couple of days during the weekend and as indicate of rain the grey clouds turned up after the play of purple and pink.

Linking this post with Skywatch Friday

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Operated on Stents

As you all know the status of my dad, who goes through clogs in coronary artery, was hospitalized yesterday for the stenting and the stents were planted on his heart successfully. We took nearly two weeks’ time to decide from either open heart or placing of stents for the blocks on coronary artery and it wasn’t an easier task as we consulted couple more doctors, open heart has been their first preference but only on our insist they suggest stent as second option and to be done from their referred doctors or hospitals. One of the doctors was strong that open heart is best, but his activities can’t be same and need to be hospitalized for 10 days and more recovery days at home. I know how painful it could be for him if he go through a major operation like open heart and we aren’t in a mind-set to see him suffer from great wounds and feeling sick. So we went back to where we begin, the doctor who guessed and took angiogram to reveal the blocks. He was clear and positive about having stents, and thankfully the major blocks isn’t on the main artery, so his opinion of having stents don’t create serious problems if dad was in controlled diet and continuation of medicine. 

Some report on net says stents aren’t recommended for diabetic patients and those survive on insulin injection. Though my dad was on diabetic for 15 years, which was taken into deep consideration, it was the doctor’s words gave hope and confidence to go for stents. Dad was at CCU from yesterday afternoon to this evening, before shifted to general ward and he’s doing well now and he called me twice after the surgery. Mom and brother were at hospital on exchange duty, where she would be with me at night and visit him on day and same was with brother. My grandmother was at home and my uncles and cousin helps me with day activities. Dad will be discharged tomorrow evening and would be at rest for a month before catch up with regular activities. And being a pensioner the partial amount for stenting will be covered under insurance.  I can’t even image him going through open heart and I’m glad the stents working on him and hope it continues to support him.  

Monday, December 10, 2018

RGB Monday

Colorful Murals


Two Sunday’s back, on a drive into the city I come across this colourful paintings or mural on the wall opposite to Nageshwara Rao Park in Mylapore. The painting look like was drawn in attracting kids with natural elements as sun, flowers and critters and further it has some festive scenes or market clips.

Linking this post with Monday Mural

Saturday, December 08, 2018

Saturday's Critters

A crow preening from a recent showering! The northeast monsoon this year haven’t covered even half the amount it should have (at least in Chennai and adjacent districts) and we’re barely left by a week of hope for the rains as the season ends, and although winter has widespread all over the state, the hope for rain has decline. Though the meteorological dept. has predicted that there could be a formation of low (in Bay of Bengal) in the coming week, its hope of rain is uncertain or should be insufficient.

Due to low pixel mode, I had to sacrifice on the quality of pictures which I only realized after uploading to laptop and I have took many photos without checking it as I keep it always on high mode, something went out of my concern.

Linking this post with SATURDAY CRITTERS

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Heaven on Earth

One of my favorite place on earth - Veerapandi, in Theni district of Tamil Nadu. Hope you don't need a question why, if you watched the video. Music by Anirudh from Vankkam Chennai, a favorite song of mine.