Scattergories challenge taking from Annie, here it goes:
What is your name.................... Jeevan
4 Letter word........................ Jump
Vehicle.............................. Jeep
City................................. Jaipur (the pink city)
Boy Name............................. Jayanth (my bro name)
Girl Name............................ Joshita (I don’t know, but I like the names end this ‘shita’; Joshita means pleased)
Alcoholic Drink...................... Jack and Coke
Occupation........................... Journal
Something you wear................... Jeans (early, not now)
Celebrity............................ Jackie Chan
Food................................. Jangree sweet
Something found in a bathroom........ Jasmine Odonil (Air Fresheners)
Reason for being late................ Jammed in Dream
Cartoon Character.................... Jerry Mouse
Something you shout.................. Just leave it
Animal............................... Jackal
Body part............................ Joint (this is troubling much people these days, esp. elders)
Word to describe you................. Just a human
If you are interested, Go and have fun doing.
What is your name.................... Jeevan
4 Letter word........................ Jump
Vehicle.............................. Jeep
City................................. Jaipur (the pink city)
Boy Name............................. Jayanth (my bro name)
Girl Name............................ Joshita (I don’t know, but I like the names end this ‘shita’; Joshita means pleased)
Alcoholic Drink...................... Jack and Coke
Occupation........................... Journal
Something you wear................... Jeans (early, not now)
Celebrity............................ Jackie Chan
Food................................. Jangree sweet
Something found in a bathroom........ Jasmine Odonil (Air Fresheners)
Reason for being late................ Jammed in Dream
Cartoon Character.................... Jerry Mouse
Something you shout.................. Just leave it
Animal............................... Jackal
Body part............................ Joint (this is troubling much people these days, esp. elders)
Word to describe you................. Just a human
If you are interested, Go and have fun doing.
What's special today about this post? It was posted on Feb 29, one day that comes in four years, the Leap year. Have a good weekend buddies.