Friday, August 27, 2010

Hard work

While thinking something I get to think how things come from and a thought that always rise in me came to answer that everything is because of ‘hard work’. The hard work that done physical is behind everything and nothing comes easily without a stress.

Today everything has turned mechanize and computerized, but still there is something called hard work being built behind the machineries and each machine depends on either, hooked like a chain which is in hands of hard workers. I believe if we dug deep into a machine, it will end up at the hands of labors, who hard work.

Around the world, the hard workers are not getting there real worth for their cause and almost goes to the owners who just own things. I just see it through my eyes and feel it through my sense, that those don’t know what hard work means and never care about it, survives with joy and celebrate in parties. Those who hard work works all along there life, ill treated by owners and managers, and infamous and rich keep them under service.

I sense what hard work means even thought I don’t do anything hard, and for me every movement is hard work and I know because I go through the moments that unbearable stress being borne by my parents to give me life everyday. I believe the hard work never and should not fail, and it brings smile on our face and makes life easier.

Basically all comforts come from hard work and our lives are bound to be.


cyclopseven said...

You are 100% correct.

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Without doubt, Jeevan!

Priya said...

Damn true.

Kavi said...

You are so right ! Intellectual capital has far outweighed everything else !

Rajesh said...

I agree with you everything comes from hard work. Fruits of hard work are sweet.

Anonymous said...

That's a very very pertinent, and as usual, honest post Jeevan. I specifically agree with the part where you say some people keeping working hard and others just keep playing the fool!

Hope life is treating you well!

Ponniyinselvan/karthikeyan(1981-2005 ) said...

Parents are parents.
convey my heartfelt regards to them.

myonlyphoto said...

Jeevan excellent thoughts. I thing the same, and you know the minute I slack off, I can see my sloppy results, lol.

Lakshmi said...

As they say, no pains, no gains..wonderful post and well said