He's one year and two months old and knows where to plug the charger pin into the laptop.
My parents, who usually plug in and out the charger, are frequently perplexed by the laptop's charging port's location. But my nephew Kavin remembers the point and plugs in exactly, even though he occasionally pulls out the charger when he is in a bad mood or in the middle of his mischief.
Kavin is on foot and walks through; though not totally balanced, many things went to a higher level that he couldn't reach, and what truly struck me was his grasping power and repetition of what we do. I know all growing kids do these things, but when I experience it, it looks unique and amusing to watch. But I still think he's smarter than most toddlers I have met.
Apart from my parents, no one knows or has learned how to put the footrest and other supporting things in my wheelchair and even don't know the pattern of things to be followed. However, Kavin, on the other hand, observed how it was done and attempted to assist me by picking up items that went after another, but he was unable to execute them or too little for this work. He is also aware of my phone, and if he picks up, he hands me over my wheelchair board, and at the same time, he places the phone on his ear as if he is on call. Among the other mobile phones, his first choice was my iPhone SE 2016 because it was the smallest among the phones at home and could easily fit in his hand.

He likes upbeat songs, and when he wants to play them, he will hand me the remote and insist on playing them with hand gestures and nods. I oppose kids watching television or using smartphones, but occasionally, beyond the policies, when he sweetly asks me, I can't say no, and I also can't stop his parents when they do the same to force him to eat. I'm happy with them not showing him phones except for a few minutes on a video call with his maternal grandmother and aunts.
Aside from these, there are numerous things about him that I admire and marvel at daily. His presence always brings cheers, despite his share of mischief and stubbornness, which belongs to the kid. I just wonder how kind and sweet he is to me in particular, and I feel his special attention to me; perhaps he can recognize me as different from others. Sometimes he shows me the light at the end of the tunnel, but the other side of my life has taught me not to over-expect. But, in any case, when he's around, life is fantastic and raises me to new heights.
Photos from his first birthday |
His delicate touches and the authority he is taking over me give me a feeling I can't put into words. Even though my cousin's sister's kid and nephew, Jeswanth, gave me the tender feel of a baby (after a long time) before Kavin was born, I wasn't as close to him as I was with Kavin to experience the long-lasting essence of a child. From the time I woke up till I went to bed at night, I indulged in his mischievousness, smartness, and intellect, with him wishing me a good morning and night.
I end with a quote I wrote:
"A child is a reflection of ourselves, and it's time to behave politely." But that doesn't mean you should never show the negative aspects of society."