Showing posts with label Dream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dream. Show all posts

Monday, July 06, 2009


The place we decided to travel first after arriving kodaikanal was, Poombarai. It’s a beautiful village, with an hour drive or 18km from kodaikanal on the way to Mannavanur. It turned noon when we were moving around with couple of restaurants to get our lunch parcels to only get a replay of no after making delay, and the places we like to go further have no provision of food, so we just gone with bread and jam to stop some more delay. The route we went take us through pine forest, where woods laid nearer in order by nature or whoever, stands tall in almost wet surface, just makes cool like anything and ever green. The fallen woods that remain after removal from way are tuned to live within nature simply getting to ruin to feed nature and they say these woods are banned to remove from here and this one reason helps nature to bounce within at least.

We had nothing to do with the village Poombarai, but it does everything with its pretty views I have ever seen that make impress with the pattern it provides. Parked beside a curve road that gives a clean sight of the valley, we saw the beautiful village surrounded by different shapes and size of lands that carved like steps on the slope of hills and it was well known as terrace farming. One part of the fields in different soil colors, gives a wonderful pattern and few terraces are traced by ploughed and harvested, with remaining terraces into the progress of developing cabbages, carrots, cauliflowers, potatoes and hill garlic, which is noted here.
Terrace farming
Almost with tiles roof, the houses seem even at distinct. The valley that exist other side of the village is wide open to an excellent view of Palani hills where Poombarai situated as its heart, a mountain range in Western Ghats. There’s a wooden view point adjoin to the road side, to climb at our own risk and there’s a small hill top with shrine, where one could enjoy the cool mist and breeze that moves into peace and pleasure looking over the village. At far distance there was a falls flowing like a silver line and as far we move, the view continues along the way; and it was interesting with fresh green vegetation fields. The irrigation was done through a small canal where the spring water collected from nearby areas passes through and wonder how water supplied to the higher terrace when rain fail to visit.

And back in evening, it was another splendid view of mist covering the valley and slowly caresses the village. I wonder how the people would feel being under blanket of mist and just being hidden from the world view for sometime to clear.
village kissed by mist
The village exists like an untouched beauty as its core attraction, with petal like hills surrounded. It was nice to see them farming even on no flat surface and creating something to progress their lives, and not like those people who sell there well growing lands to more money and turn it to concrete floors in name of development. We come across many farming lands, but this was simple marvel. The village is connected with buses from kodai and it was a remote village with no clear signal of mobiles, and it holds a Murugan temple with history of three thousands years and once a year they celebrate cart festival after Thai Poosam that comes in Jan-feb.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Vote for change

With just two days left for parliament election in Tamil nadu, and as i was engaged with a conversation, someone asked me whom will I vote for? Somehow I manage to evade, even though he just want an answers from me and asks me this or that party... I maintain silent and want to say it’s my right to vote for whomever I want, but instead said I am not going to vote for any political party. Whether its amaze or not, I have decided already for whom I should vote for. This was my first polling and I was looking forward to a turn from the common tradition of polling either parties which remains indifferent from there views and promise, and I found this independent candidate called Sarath Babu, a young CEO of Foodking and former student of BITS, Pilani and IIM Ahmed., from Chennai whom I came to know in past through a mail. When lately came to know he was standing from my constituency (south Chennai), I was interested in knowing about him more and I agreed when i came to read his views on entering politics and going through his intention, I decided he is the right person to vote.

He is someone, took career based on his passion and this was something I like more in him, when common people only aim on IT and he who came from the poverty chooses to be an entrepreneur with his intention and will power, inspire anyone on interest. I feet nothing wrong in openly saying who I like to vote for, whether it kept secret or not it’s the true. I am not going to see which party gonna rule the government or who become a prime minister, because it’s not in our hand and my single vote gonna change nothing, but an initial step to change tradition. My cause to poll him because, some one brought up from poverty can understand well the bottom of lives, the worth of hard work and what the true need was.

More than seeing what has done repeatedly; free of cost, illusion… we need something better into society and let that comes from an energetic and educated youth. There are politicians whose lips spoken about giving way to youngsters, but I don’t see it comes from there heart, if it was, we could see more young leaders. Slate is something we all began our life towards knowledge, and what we’re going to write on this could reflect and change the political intention. Whether he wins or not, it’s an initial step taken toward a change and I wish everyone supports him to victory. This isn’t a campaign post!
Read more about Sarath Babu here and watch video below.

Friday, April 03, 2009

A dream on consciousness!

Peace globe Matrimandir
Matrimandir, a peace globe in Auroville near Pondicheery.
We are just born to live and we bear nothing to go. In between we claim something that belongs to us, which is not. We’re just traders and not proprietors to this world, so what does we fought and pain carried on each other days? The one we own is only our life. That too lives up to we live. And what are we chasing behind in money, rank, religion or laird may remains, but do we are are impossible. Today we make for us or to our children’s future, but how far things stable is uncertain and inevitable. There nothing belongs to anybody and it’s the trust that we had on earth is human being. The one authority that controls the self is conscience. When we have everything in, what are we searching for things physically and something in name alone? What we believe in world is truth, and if not the human being, I could not see anything more than the conscious.

The other days I dream this world a place gives importance to human and not where he belongs and what he believes or his position; a world that prevails in true to self and conscious. People care for each other in concord of being human and support in term of stress and misery, share whatever the joy, where young ones are learned about human value and to think beyond there family and friends. Everyone gets equal opportunity to chose there carrier in education and employment, not alone depend on marks, but also encouraged by talents and interest, sweeping away the mockery and reservation based on religion. Where the ego, destroys the separation and makes equation between poverty and rich, of high and low status people. The authority that truly depends on conscious and truth, more than enjoying the power, uses the opportunity to work on there responsibility and make things easier to share.

The belief that kept individual and the self that does not disturb the consciousness of others. A unity among people with varies self and belief, in basis on human; and wealth that does not decide the relation, the competition that only based on opportunity and merit, not to displace the relationship. Something that interest me to think about unity and consciousness, something that matched my dream and to know there was an ideal world exist within nature and the essence to live among human being. Auroville is one place I heard and felt unity among humans and a piece of land that signifies a Peace of land. I was too surprise with peoples approach with good will and works done with no distinguish in gender. After visiting and learn about this place, these days I wish I live in such environment and practice the consciousness to live and let live in peace.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wild dream

One night one dream
like a track rolled out train
one moment slipped my heart.

I don’t know who she was
such fair and strange
but she wasn’t whom I expected.
At first sight itself we hold hands
to unknown relationship
to suffer even after awaken

The words that spelled from her
is unexpectedly awe...
her luscious lips spoken way
is the sweetest...
anyhow the proposed place
mentally hesitated me at summit

She hasn’t left my hands holding
beside, sitting closer to me
by someone watching fire in eyes
I couldn’t face here visage
as it expresses love and desire
where I am conflict to answer
for her night proposal

Everyone seems indifferent around
leaving me at undiscerning mind
perhaps I am sustain to love
but unexpected a desire propose
and before it exit or continue
someone woke me arouse.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Third eye

More than politics – it’s my thoughts.

Now its time for political buzz in India, ahead of parliament election to form a new government in heed of peoples need, and I have something to say about it. Like many, I too wish for an alternate government to form in center which wasn’t visible to me still, even though a third front dawned to face the parliament election head by Left. What the change we expect is not from the same political parties or politicians and not a political government, but people’s government. That can be given only by those come from public indeed and truly understand the peoples need. Are those contesting in elections are from no political background or support and those independently contest win all the phase? No. This was something rarely happens and like Madhu Koda who was an independent legislator to become a chief minister of an Indian state Jharkhand. We need politicians from public and not from the same background.

I see, there is no more interest in public to enter politics and many are even lazy enough to stand in a queue to poll there rights. Everyone have a dream of becoming a Computer Engineer, Doctor and even ready to become an actor and fashion designer, but not a politician and agriculturist. The rates of those wish and write exams for IAS, IPS and other government official post have been down. For what these courses have been not intended I find was, more than being a respected officer with less earning, its better to settle with much eared through private companies or to live aboard – am very sorry if it hurts somebody here. But doesn’t it have a little truth? I am not accusing totally and everyone have there rights to decide on the present and future, but I too have a mind to wish it would be worth the public interest turn upon politics. Of course there are some people individually won in local elections such as counselor, panchayat… but they are not completely deserved to people and mostly it’s for political influence and power.

The political manifesto is proof how well our politicians understood the people. They never allow people to open there mouth by sticking no cost announcement and free gadgets to everyone. They tell they give more importance to youngster to involve in politics and party, but whom they are if we see are not below 40 nearly. I wish and dream India caught up with more youngsters involve in every form, including politics and agriculture to take country at balance. Never have I said engineering and doctorate are not important, they take them to higher status in knowledge and society, so everyone wish it easily, but at same time there are hard work fields like politics and agriculture seems dry without courage to take steps in advance. I agree the equipments are more advance in agriculture field, but who involves in making product is less and uneducated mostly followed by tradition. It’s not a simple business anyone could do, it cause more strength and life involvement, but when our scientific knowledge adds in progress, we could find increase and easy productivity in cultivation and food processing with enough or little water and price. I would like to criticize the government which promise to turn the wastelands into cultivation, according to manifesto, brought me sorrow seeing there carelessness and isolate to allow the agriculture lands to turn concrete floors.

Back to third eye. When we have illicit and criminals in politics why not some individuals with truly care for society and people. In day today everyone follows the preceded idea alike other politicians, so when everyone sawn at that view, we miss who truly deserve. We are uncertain in finding the right person to heed our need and the reflections cause confuse in selecting true color. It’s so easy to find which is black and white, but everyone heads with a grey color makes us pause from taking right decision in voting. In which belief and cause do people poll there vote and do there questions answered later? In day today with many parties contesting the election, the votes are shattered and no party gets majority and put at risk of uncertain fall. What I wish is any party to come with majority and unity among alliance to strengthen the country and bold enough to take step with knowledge and kind at heart.

Someday I dream, pace of youngsters in parliament and cabinet, lifting up politics and agriculture to standard and make it regard. Clearing away the uproar and confusions, bringing discipline and respect to the leaders and house. The sound and resonance of same in silence and kind of minds to agree in heed of peoples need, keeping away the political grievance. How many leaders today are being inspirational and roll mode to younger generation to say I want to be like this leader and about to follow his path? Don’t we lose hope with corruption and the bad names created by filmdom on politics? Last but not least. I am someone willing to poll my vote in ‘May’ parliament election and I am in a state of mind similar to what I have written above. I like to vote, to whom the matter is uncertain.

The title was something caught my attention from a news i read today.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Upper and Lower Nirar

Day4: Dec 27, 2008. The last day in valparai, but not the least!

I felt very quiet and pleasant at moment spared at Upper Nirar Weir. It was just like gone to a picnic, to do anything under no restriction up to our courage, because the place was surrounded by dense forest. It was noon we reached the Upper Nirar after visiting Nallamudi Poonjolai. The road was rough for sometime though we took a short lane along tea valleys so there wasn’t much movement of vehicles and it breeze so fresh in shadiness of roadside raised trees. It’s a place I almost liked in valparai for its complete serenity, cool breeze and pebble streams that run across. It’s a place that said to be almost wet, as it was very close to the area that records the second highest amount of rainfall in India, but what we had to experience is less water that runs like a stream and sunny weather.
Pebble stream Nirar
Upper Nirar tunnel
As soon we had our lunch, we went down near the water that passes into a tunnel. The canal was just two footstep of water then, my uncle and bro got down to enjoy the stream water. They took over the place for sometime and gone wild similar to the woodsman, caring a bough in hand in scare of animals and we go on tease them by warning. I too was feared and drew up fast as I felt some strange movement. Wherever we go, the elephants dung is left before us to wonder ‘here too’! What a miss opportunity it was to find no solo elephants until climbing down the hills. What the weir and dam is doing is a wonderful job in diverting water into certain passage as in heed of peoples need. It was a two eye tunnel, which carved more than 15km deep into hills to lead water into Kadamparai dam, but I am uncertain with the fact. And the dam water was open to lower Nirar dam.
Upper Nirar
Upper Nirar
From the dam we could see the Grass hills peak, an evergreen rainforest area and where it believed everyday rainfall without fail, and Upper Nirar is first in place receiving water from Chinnakallar River. The other side of the dam has some tribal settlement and could see a ruin bridge that ones used for there transport. It was a surprise shock for us for a moment, to have a sign of tiger standing at a distance to know later it was a plant and believed it had came in smell of maya – as she was barking sometime and no wonder if there was a real tiger, because it’s a place one could see wild animals at anytime. I just wished to be there some more time as the place was placid! The Grass hills was something I eagerly looked forward to visit, but the road lead to that place was not good then so I decide to not get troubled ourselves.

By evening we visited the Lower Nirar, which is on our way back from Nirar Weir. It was late to know an elephant passed our way minutes before our arrival, says an old lady who sales something near the Lower Nirar Dam. It was the Dam build along with Upper Nirar in 60’s, by the government of Kamaraj. It also has a tunnel as big as a way to run a lorry. This is one of the worth projects, truly for peoples need and what the earlier govt. done when mechanism and instruments are not good like today and with the only excess of human power. The tunnels that cut across the hills and rock are certainly awesome! Clearing many doubts of those age and clever strategic to achieve this, is not a simple thing to think. Just how much intelligent and hard work it needs to them, to be accurate with the digging process and link the either sides of the tunnel. The darkness really made me astonish, thinking about the fear and courage of those people involved in this process.
Lower Nirar
The Nirar Dam was a placid reservoir and one of a highest dam in valparai. The view from the dam was scenic and water flows milklike with mild resonate. It was closing time for public and so as some guys caught into trouble by driving inside the tunnel and blocked by elephants, we dropped our plan to visit the tunnel and head to the back of the tunnel some 15km away from the dam. It was an uncommon site where the tunnel ends. Mostly, people don’t come here as it was uneasy to disclose unless you’re more aware about valparai. It was just like a canal and foot path across; a small flow of water from an uncertain hole and the places was surrounded by little flowers. It’s over all gloomy and of course the sun was setting down behind the mountains was such a pleasure indeed. That was our last day in valparai and no other way to deny the accommodation at our relative’s place; hence the wonderful cottage we stayed was handed over to someone booked and we wish until last moment they arrive to leave it unoccupied. It was a night uneasily forgettable to me to the surprise of hornbill noise. I waked suddenly to hear the noise sweet as ever like a romantic guys whistle and I wasn’t expected even though I saw a sign board of Hornbills near there home.
End of Nirar tunnel
End of Nirar tunnel
Sorry it doesn’t end actually, there are some more to share promptly about valparai and traveling... Hope u don't have problem with pictures at large 500px × 375px? if anything, let me know. Because I see unequal pixel when checking pictures at Internet Explorer at minimum size of 400px × 300px indirect from flickr.
how many of u check blogs with Internet Explorer than FireFox?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wild hut

Wild hut
A bamboo hut
on top of wood, and
palm leaves tie wrap
the uncertain awe
among not yet civilized

The dreams yet wild
disclose to sky, and
tap against the bushes
in lag endanger species
to cause under raw

Let me live in the hut
in mid rich rain forest
one night to fall asleep
on Mother Nature’s lap, to
let birds and indigenous lullaby.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Athirapally and Sholayar Dams

Day 3: Dec26, 08

More than the Rainforest, there was much we covered on the first day in Valparai, visiting Athirapally Falls in Kerala. We plan to begin early our travel, as we need to cover much distance across dense forest, but somehow we managed to leave home by 9 and reached Sholayar dam by 10. We could see the backwaters of Sholayar reservoir about 9km on the way before the dam. That was a pleasant view of the reservoir water in sky blue color and clumps of tea gardens around. We moved after taking some pictures and because of some restore working going on, the permission was denied to enter the dam. Then after breakfast in a small restaurant near sholayar, we proceed… What’s special about the Sholayar dam is ‘it’s a second highest dam in Asia constructed by rocks’. This is one important place in valparai to attract tourist.
Sholayar Dam

Sholayar Dam
On the way some 30km away we found a scenic place called Sholayar dam-2. In the middle of thick forest of bushes lies this undisturbed blue pool! This space is completely haven of nature which needs to be protected from humans claim and one of my favorite sites is this, what I wish to survey again. As it was in the mid-rainforest, seems never get dry and receives water from Sholayar-1. The water from this dam passes through three large pipers and not clearly, after used for hydropower, the water is drive into a channel which persuade into small falls and lake on the way later to flow from an height of 80ft as Athirapally falls to merge with Chalakkudy river. A small falls I mean is something more delight than the huge Athirapally, which is crowded and unfit to enjoy the water than just viewing the stunning waterfalls. We stopped at somewhere in between before to Athirapally, to find a large stream and falls where my bro and uncle went to bath, which was occupied by some guys and with there support they stepped into the forced water. They never have a mind to leave the place and unless we forced to bring them out of water.
Sholayar Dam-2

Sholayar Dam-2
I haven’t expected the Athirapally Fall to be such crowded tourist place. This is a place renowned as shooting spot and it is also called as Punnagai Mannan Falls, where the movie's suicide scene was shot. Except me and driver, everyone climbed to the top of the falls to take a dip in water before it falls and we parked our vehicle somewhere to view the falls. After they return, we had our lunch in a hotel there and it’s the Kerala cuisine that savor’s different. On our way back we stopped at few places to take snaps including a waterfall beside the road and I know it could be something wonderful when it flows fully. It had darkened even before we left the dense forest. The sky opened and closed with either sides of trees and shrubs with crying of monkeys and birds. About 7 in evening we stopped nearby Valpari to have our coffee/tea, and got to hear some scary stories from the village guys about Cheetahs attack and there surprise at seeing our pet, told, the villagers wishfully had many dogs alike ours to only get distress by losing them to cheetah. They also advised us to keep our pet safe, where cheetah could come for its smell. Valparai with milk shortage often, people here got to taste Cuttan Chaya (a tea made with hot water or black tea).
Athirapally Falls

A plesant stream
I think and felt how wonderful the nature was about to be boundless ones and still, where rivers had there freedom to run and flow wherever it needs, to fill our thirst. But our stupid minds blocked with sketches and fight each day for the natural resource. The Sholayar dams remained to be an important part in storing water and connecting interior states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala in support of water shortage or flood. The dam water that flows into KL is driven back again into the TN through the Parambikulam-Aliyar Project, after filling there needs. Something I wonder about Valparai is ‘it has the excess number of dams of 6 within a small region of hills’ that are nearly connect with each other. I think these links could be an ideal in connecting dams and rivers across nation. The purpose of everything was to save the water, the integral part of our lives and future, and the though that rose at that period of time should be praised actually.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sholayar Rainforest

Sholayar Rainforest
It’s a refreshing morning to wakeup early to sense the moister ambiance and to visible the fog masked mountains. The great energy sprinkles in me like those dews on lawn and flowers, even though little stressed physically in lack of bearing cold. As said before cold was not much though at night, but till sunshine warms, I am unable to hold anything properly. This is something I am experiencing every time more on initial days of my visit to hill stations. It was something consent when the numb skin face the sun light in recharging energy. Our first day plan was to check Athirapally Falls in Kerala, which is about 100km from Valparai. Indeed it’s just a destination I loved to travel in-between dense rainforest! It was such an experience ever in my life travel across a massive rainforest into deep, where mystery dumped forever. The woods covered completely leaving little space to vehicles, where we can’t find anything conceals beside those thick and nearly bush. The SUV strikes those bush and tough hardly ride on that road less. The ghat was narrow and carries many ditches to store liters of water! Though there wasn’t rain in early past and current, so the path visible clearly nor would it have been the worst drive through this uncertain trail – a relative who come along said!
Sholayar Rainforest
On the way we come across Sholayar Dam 1 – 30km away from Valparai, and two check posts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. One need to sign and mark the reason to cross the boarder, because it was highly dense forest and haven to endanger animals, woods and shoals. It was just another dream come true for me, next to Valparai. As we’re unaware about the forest, animals and poisonous insects, we weren’t allowed to wander by my parents. Throughout the way we visible elephants dung on middle of the road and broken branches where provide a sign of elephants just crossed. We peeked far long the way; thought we can’t find any animals including a elephant is a great disappointment. We stopped in between to listen to the strange sounds and twitters the forest provides! The lion tailed monkeys leap across those high woods, by creeping branches to strike and dismantle to turn our attention. From a distance we find something moving on the road, when getting near we were at surprise to find a crab stretching its mass! On the middle of the rainforest, we stopped to sight the Sholayar Dam 2, around thick bush and shoals. This is some place I wish to visit again in future to experience some more to memories. This is a route that is highway, links Kerala and Tamil Nadu. On this stretch not many vehicles are visible, and even the Tamil Nadu state govt. leaves bus only twice – one in morning and evening. To travel on this rainforest is up to our courage and strength – of drivers!
Sholayar Rainforest
The remaining pictures will be updated soon, here and in Flickr.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A dream

Lights on dream, only I open doors
and lead to expand through express
Life for dream, even if I workout carefully
I can’t give life to departed
Living on dream, even disperse and distance
hours after waken still last dreamed

Thinking of dream, its free lack of demand
and it’s my secret none can’t seek
In dusk, my dream gives colorful gleam
in display of firework show faraway ashore
Flowing colorful dreams and a strange feeling;
like rough waves and fear of shattering something
I still enjoying like the moment never re-turns

Dream on my dear hero; exist nearly
anytime rarely in night dreams
Tales to reality, everything wonders is dream
in fantasy everything is possibly in desires
Love or passion my dream, it lasted no more;
some rage like people disputing protest
banners and weapons, resist me dreaming
and the night dream ends eternally.