View a negative experience in your life like how you look at a photo negative. A single negative can create an unlimited number of positive prints!
-----------------------------Teacher: "I killed a person"
convert this sentence into future tense.
Student: The future tense is "u will go to jail".
TTR fined Ticketless girls:
Churidar girl fined Rs.100
Half skirt girl Rs.50
Mini Skirt girl Rs.25
Next girl was fined Rs.0 (nothing) why?...
It’s very simple, because she had the ticket! Thirunthungapa ;) (be corrective)
Batman fights with enemies
Superman protects the world
Spiderman drives away the criminals
He-man fight with evils
Doberman is reading this sms.
How the word mokkai did come into existence?
Once a pone time when an Englishman was covering all the blades in a blade factory, unfortunately one such blade cut through his finger. Every one around him was tensed and they came to help him, but as the blade was not sharp he wasn’t injured. He told the blade is not sharp, I am okay, I am okay, I am okay’…
Others mistook it as ‘I mokai, I mokai and later by translation it became mokkai. So how is this Mokkai?
Happy Weekend to you all :)
Sms shares by friends Prasanna, Elango and Gold Pandi.