Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Down to earth

25th anniversary

It would have not happen, this day
haven’t combines you in marriage
the agreement in your hearts
to face the future ever in disaster
or happiness, in inevitable world!

You were still bond and assume either
accepting the thesis now and then,
in time we born to share your caress
and cease yours dreams replacing ours,
you never oppose occupation.

When crisis strikes you in stubborn
you hold it with courage and mind
to care your tears not shatter the hope;
none would have done ever in world
bearing much beyond there strength.

In history of 25 years lifetime
you spent mostly looking after ours,
keeping beside your dreams and desires
hiding the significant truth behind the marriage;
we are obviously sane to sense honor
been your children in heaven you shown.

Am still and ever been thankful
for nothing and anything,
showing vastness within your hearts
taking away the anguish and anger
to move further into sunshine
like shadow, taking away the darkness
to give alone lights to future.

Today marks my parents 25th anniversary, I wish you all bless them for a healthy and happy lifetime. There is a small get together at home this evening to celebrate there anniversary, hope they enjoy the moment!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

War to peace?

If we tell tamilan, there is a bound. When we tell human, that is immense. Who will kill someone alike us and don’t we sense about the same when one is hurt or killed? In wars we are losing our sense, the nature of being person. What are we taking with us is nothing, and what remain forever is only to practice until mortal. Like how lives are created and what are we destroying is not belong to us, we are only to enjoy. What’s happening in Sri Lanka is well known, the tigers and army are involved in war ever been drastic, causing anxious much to lives and belongings. There is no more distance between TN and SriLanka, but we are unaware about the situation mostly and in bind hands watching the deadly fight, killing most of our innocent civilians, those expecting there rights to be praised. Past is past, nothing can claim justice, more or less taking arms would turn the situation worst, in a narrow path only one vehicle can travel. Either sides never give away, none can pass. This what happening at our neighbor, both sides are armed enough to fight or not, but isn’t right to think about the bare hands?

We, calling tamilan, are a part of India and the only people protest against the war in Srilanka. That was the reason or not for the centre to lack its concentration on the issue, to send its representative for talk after so long of varies protests and hundreds of lives lost. I wonder what the distress the 48 hours of ceasefire going to comfort the situation in Srilanka? It’s completely an eye wash, truly can’t believe the hatred of past is forgiven by the congress government to stretch it arms to stop the war against the tigers, within the innocent civilians. I really felt stupid what the guy MuthukumarMuthukumar did to protest against the war in protecting the Tamilans in srilanka by setting himself on fire. And more its frolic what the political leaders and some actors tribute him as a hero, and his death as a sacrifice to show there support in violence. Does this look fine to those admiring leaders, more than to condemn, praising the act, which is suppose to encourage. Killing hundreds of lives in war, just this one life signifies to those watching and ordering advance in war! How blind some people are, and I am quite against those killing themselves without living the normal life they got. I wish to tell the world please give your wonderful lives to exist, to the fullest, which we disabled to lack and crave living normal.

I see the gate open, but no one is interest or sign to think cross the border to give an attempt to solve the crisis. Just keep on urging the centre by protest procession, hunger strikes and conducting shutter close, why not pressure the invited leaders by Sri Lankan president for a peace talk with tigers and if possible with the government. Instead of indirect talk with center govt., there is a welcome note to converse directly with authorities to express our rights and thoughts to convince the situation comfort. May wish or not, agree or disagree, just we request you leaders to go and save our humanity or sent some representatives who represent u, if you pause of security and comfort. As soon as possible we stop the advance of either sides, would save the remaining lives. There could be a political solution for sure, if the minds accept the truth. For instance Nepal is a country, ones with armed Maoist fight against the monarch to give people the republic, where they leave the weapons and later people chose the maoist to rule. Where the dissimilar between Americans, has witnessed dismiss of color discrimination in hope for a global change. None is less to another, we are created similar with wisdom and heart, and what important is how well we express them. Let peace to remain please.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Comedy king expire

Our veteran Tamil comedian, the great actor Nagesh passed away today. Gunddu Rao was known popularly as Nagesh, suffered from a prolong illness is survives by three sons. He is aged 76. No one is equal when it comes to comedy before Nagesh, he is a man of humor expressions and a well character artist. Definitely it’s impossible to define his immense characters he holds across generations for more than 50 years in Tamil industry ever since any actor stood. Who can forget his story explanation in Kathalika Nerammilai and his best performances in Server Suntharam, Ethir Neecha and countless movies… this man will never going to lose been fame in Tamil cinema, thus how he stands in our hearts though cries and laughter, what not to believe he is no more. I wish we all remember and admire him forever he lives through the Tamil cinema.

Friday, January 30, 2009

For a change

I never give importance to appearance, but I like to be simple and good looking when it comes. I searched and worked for hours to give a change to my blog page and finale unsettle with nothing then to allow upgrade my template. It’s like having butter in hand to seek ghee! I am much satisfied and comfort with the new look, and creating my own header. Its really wonder, how long have I blinked without knowledge of HTML codes and this is one makes everything easier. So glad that I able to replace my sidebar with no more difference, and being so nice to save the old template codes in notepad, that I could be turn back at anytime in case. In recent, I receive comments that one of our buddy can’t see the pictures, so I though this change could turn something.

Life was tough this week without my power wheels and has been ceased from free movements. It was suppose to move, but it resist to turn right on Sunday, so left to service and still they are making it right. Only we miss something, the need increase and get to realize the importance of things. The lack bothers these days, increase the strain of parents, except movement on caliper. What exclusion seems an escape in facing challenges? Today went to a diagnostic center to take a hip-joint X-ray in advice of my therapist to clear his uncertain. From there went to uncle’s workshop-with home to take my sis along to Elliot beach and on the way joins my dad’s childhood friend. We spent an hour or some on the shore and drew to Hot Point restaurant to have some supper and left home.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Smoking stream

Smoking Stream
This picture was taken one early morning in Valparai last month. It’s a wonderful sight to see fog like rising from the small stream far near the place we stayed. A relative who guide us said, in summer days they used to take bathe in Kuzangalaru (Pebbles River or such streams), and those times water seems to be warmth! It’s really amazing, with almost cold weather throughout year and only in summer these streams bliss. There was a group of guys near the stream burning something to warm them to celebrate there existence.