Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Jeswanth, my newfound delight

The Covid seems took a back seat in our state (wishfully slip to a nil stage soon), and we switched into a night lockdown mood since almost all activities are allowed in the state up to 7 pm; we happily continue to downgrade in numbers. Among a lot of negative things crunching us for more than a year and a half, and though we have practiced living among them, there's always a longing for a positive effect. And one significant effect that caused a lot of cheer was my newborn nephew Jeswanth.

My sister (cousin) delivered a baby boy last month, and he instantly took all our attention towards him, and passing a day without seeing him was like something. He's cute, just like every other newborn baby, but he looks special to me in all ways. It's been a long time I felt a baby, and now he has given me that chance with soft touches and gentle strokes on him. I loved the way it feels though I don't know how to define it, it feels nostalgic, reminding me of the distinct essence of my cousins (as babies) who clung to my heart.

I was amused to think that his mother is one of the cousins who I remember carried in my hand, and now I bear another coming out of her. The little boy just started to look at us, and staring into his eyes is magical and mystical as we never know what goes into his mind or is he really staring at us. He's precious and mind-blowing to keep away anything that bothers us in his presence and enclosed by his tiny fingers for grasp feels awesome.

I'm just looking out for words to define his presence. I'm glad we live next door, so it was easy to watch him and bring him home to play. She's my father's brother's daughter, and being her first delivery, she was looked after by us according to the custom; she will be staying with us for about five months. It excites me as I could see him growing sometimes. The last time I came close with a kid was my other nephew, Barath, who doesn't even care to meet me later, but my love for him will remain the same. Then came my former neighbor's kid Achu, who visit us daily since we lived in the same compound before they went on transfer.

The little boy sleeping on dad's lap
Jeswanth is my newfound delight, though I don't believe he will be different from others; I decided not to think anything further rather enjoy his presence and gain cheerful memories to cherish forever.


kestrel said...

What a cutie, your Jeswant. Babies just bring out love and happiness and make us start talking "baby talk." All of a sudden, our language changes, our voice changes and we start being silly but a good silly. Enjoy Jeswant. As children grow, they forget or maybe they just have too many challenges in life to connect with us. Same happened to my niece and nephew. But I am just happy with my memories of them as kids and they have children of their own now. So happy to hear that your state is out of lock down and positive numbers are going down

Destination Infinity said...

Very cute kid. It's good that you are able to spend time with him now :)

Destination Infinity

George said...

Congratuations on the new one in your life. He is very cute and adorable.

Bill said...

Very special and beautiful photo, Jeevan. What a cutie he is and it's wonderful that you can spend time with him.

Tom said...'s good to hear that the Covid situation is headed in the right direction.A wonderful addition to your family.

Nancy Chan said...

Congratulation on a new addition to your family. He is a cute baby. I love to smell little babies. Good news that the Covid situation is improving.

eileeninmd said...

Congrats on your new nephew, he is adorable.
It is nice you live close by, you can visit often.
Love the photos, he is a cutie!
Have a happy day and great weekend.

Rahul Bhatia said...

Bless the newborn! Stay happy and safe!

Anita said...

Such a darling baby!!He is so cute :))))
I am glad you are happy!

Happy weekend to you :)))

Rostrose said...

Congratulations to you and your family on the sweet little human being. Jeswanth is a treasure, I am very happy for you!
All the best from Austria,