Thursday, May 10, 2018

Mangoes ?

Season's Fruit

During a drive on ECR (east coast road) we come across some farm houses and found this tree thrive with fruits inside a fenced house. I actually thought the fruits were mangoes and this was shot last summer, so due to the season I was thinking it was mangoes until showing it to my grandma today to make sure but she told it wasn’t mangoes. The fruits were hanging a lot from the tree and what u sees is just a branch of fruits hang close to the hand and can be plucked even sitting from the SUV, but we didn’t do that to get unnecessary scolding from the security.

Do anyone know the name of this fruit species?
We also come across this (pic below) simple wooden gate, leading to an abandoned or uncared farmhouse or land, worn out its white paint.


Linking this post for  Good Fences by Gosia

Monday, May 07, 2018

RGB Monday

Colorful Street Shopping

Colorful Street Shopping

I didn’t shop anything there and this is a scene outside the Bryant Park in Kodaikanal and these shops sell mostly t-shits, sweaters, handbags and hats. The road along the Kodaikanal lake has many shops alike selling colorful things to attract tourist. 

Have a nice week ahead 

Thursday, May 03, 2018

An update and Azalea

Mom’s surgery goes off really well and she’s responding as well and shows nice improvement within 24 hours. Talked to her in morning through video calling and she sounds good and confident in vocal as if she is ready to go home. But she’s supposed to stay two more days at hospital in doctors monitor and treatment.  Things weren’t bad as expected and dad taking care of my needs with the help of my two uncles and brother and he was at hospital yesterday from noon to late evening and the operation took 1 ½ hour and she’s sent to room in an hour. Heard that she haven’t slept last night fully because of pain, which has reduced a bit only in morning and she was able to attend the nature's call normally and will be taking food as well.  

I really need to thank you all for including her in your prayers and sending greetings for her good well. I hope she recover sooner than we expect even though she has to take 3 months rest to completely heal to do other things and being an active woman all her life taking rest should be difficult for her and for us to prevent  her from working. Our dear ones (and also close relatives) are helping us in whatever ways they could and it’s their sheer love and care turn things work for us and such occasions are truly blissful to experience relationship and its core meaning of love.  Wish we never forget their aid that comes out expecting none. I leave you some photos on Azalea; I shot during my visit to Bryant Park, Kodaikanal.



Azalea is a flowering shrub in the genus Rhododendron and bloom in spring, with flowers often lasting several weeks. Azalea is shade tolerant and prefers living near or under trees, and many cities in the United States have festivals in the spring celebrating the blooms of the azalea. I have no idea about this flower until checked Betsy blog on Biltmore Garden. 


Linking this post for Floral  Friday Foto 

Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Another level of challenge… waits ahead

A very difficult phase is waiting for us ahead. Before I say why, I need to tell my life isn’t myself but made of two more lives and do you want me to say what the other two was? Of course, who could be other than my mom and dad? We three were a ring of cycle and any damage or cause happens at any part of the circle will affect the rotate of the cycle. From the beginning, they were the two pillars supporting my entire life, though every parent support their children but the things carried out to be haven’t been same and my life is totally depend on them although they gave me complete freedom of thought and decision making of my own which has never been apart them. There have been many occasions where one has to take care of me in absence of another and they have managed it well all these years despite the difficulties but the upcoming days can’t be same as mom is waiting for a surgery tomorrow.

She has been suffering from prolapsed uterus for last few years and doctor has suggested her to go for operation to remove the uterus before it become complicate but she continued to postpone all these days only because of me – thinking who could lift me or help dad if she got operation. Because she was advised not (at all) to lift anything heavy post operation and complete rest for 45 days. Though the 45 days rest couldn’t be that matter since dad could manage (taking care of me) with the help of my brother and uncle, and the aunt and grandma could help making dishes. But quite no to lifting (for mom) will sure make a broken hand for dad and we can’t expect others to be there all the time and dad too has works to do and leaving alone mom could be very difficult. Though she could help me all other ways rather than lifting, will add load on dad and there will be the need of Hoist lot.

Lately she was feeling very difficult and pain in abdomen and it forced her to look out for a relief and remedy where there is the only option, an operation to acquire relief. She had never undergone a surgery in her life and being the first one, anxiety is not an easy thing to come out though she looks stronger and confidence and wanting for a relief is what I could see in her. She will be admitted to the hospital in evening for further check-ups before going into the operation tomorrow. Initially we prefer for a laparoscopic surgery but due to prolapse doctor decided to go for the surgical operation and she would be in hospital for next 3 days. I wish she got the best treatment and nothing goes out of planning (because we lost our great grandma a decade back due to a surgical mistake for the same cause) and this should be the first and last operation in her life. I have seen her suffering all these days and when she lifts me she would feel pain at abdomen later but despite these she continued to support me and I wish, and hope you too wish her the best, great sigh of relief.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Herd of Sheep


Those who follow me know that I love taking road-less travelled and every time I plan a trip I try to explore some unusual places and routes and this way I took an unusual road to Kodaikanal last year, which took me through refreshing sights. By taking this road I have covered all the motored roads to Kodaikanal, even though it’s a link road it takes through some beautiful mountain villages, including Thandikudi, where my uncle built the woodhouse. The 40 km detour takes us through newly scenes and experience of traveling. It was showering and drizzling alternately as we travel through the countryside, we come across herds of sheep blocking the road for a distance we could see.


Although it took few minutes for the shepherds to clear the sheep, seeing such big herd is a wonderful scene and allowed me to take photos on the same. Since it was about 4 pm, looks like the sheep are driven back to their shelter following grazing through the day. There were more than 3 big herds of sheep following one behind another and for us it was a long journey from Chennai and as we move close to the mountains the weather turned gloomy and rainy which was the reason I couldn’t get more clear photos and the following ones are shot from inside the car.




Linking this post with SATURDAY CRITTERS