Monday, January 19, 2015

Our Pongal

The last we celebrated Pongal in our traditional way i.e. cooking in firewood stove, was five years back, on the terrace of our native home in Adyar. Surrounded by close family members, we settled for a firewood stove, enclosed in bricks, and placing a new mud pot atop and calling Pongalo Pongal as the Pongal (boiled rice/milk) overflows the pot, it was quite delight as we ever so directly celebrated the festival under sunlight. Pongal is a festival celebrated esp. to thanksgiving the sun for it’s entice source of energy and other natural elements for helping farmers in good harvesting. Not only farmers, Pongal is believed to bring auspicious to everyone, the way Pongal boils over the pot.

Pongal Kolam
Mom's Pongal Kolam, - in front of the gateway
Shifted to an individual house in 2013, I planned to celebrate the festival in more traditional flavor, bringing my dear ones into another cheerful enclosure of firewood, mud pot and sugarcanes. But nothing worked out and I couldn't make anything as I wished, as I myself suffered with the fracture in my femur. This year, still living in an individual house with enough space to make firewood stove, we went ahead to celebrate the festival, in our personal interest, as it was not possible to recreate a then moment.  I think personally, Pongal is a social festival and it should be celebrated by all together. Not only Pongal, but I think every festival is celebrated to bring togetherness and sharing.

Follows our Pongal Pot: 
Our Pongal Pot 

Pongal Pot - Yet to flow 

Pongal Pot - Overflowing

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

My celebrations and memories of Bhogi!

Among the festivals we celebrate, Bhogi has been my favourite one once, next to Deepavali/Diwali. A day ahead to Pongal – the harvesting festival of Tamils – Bhogi (Jan 14)  is celebrated according to an old phrase in Tamil: “Pazayana Kazithalum Puthiyana Puguthalum” which means discarding the oldest and let in newest, in all possible ways. Though the way of celebrating Bhogi has changed latterly from the real cause, which is relevant to cleaning up and replacing old seed grains in the storehouse with newly harvested. The generation of ours and the previous ones celebrate it simply by lighting a bonfire, at the dawn, with the old and useless woods and materials related to same.

Pic shot back in 2007 (my last witness to bhogi)
My Bhogi celebrations with bonfire have ended even before the beginning of 21st century or age less than 15-16. It was a time I wasn't conscious about much anything, including the pollution of environment and endanger of fire, and liked burning things without an idea. Though we haven’t burnt tyres or plastic things, or to say literally, my mom never let us uses tyres despite having many in my uncle’s workshop. We usually put card-boards and old cartons into fire, along with household items like worn out grass mats, broomsticks and winnowing baskets. In our street we are the only to make bonfires – as most residents are faith in different and modest – but compared to our neighbors in backyard, who set huge blazes and light tyres, we put less flame.

I think it is the passion for Bhogi influenced me to always wish for bonfire whenever I visit a hill station or mountain landscape with chillness. Bhogi, being the last day of the Tamil month Margazhi, which is a midwinter time here, the bonfires produce enough warm to bask during the cold winter dawn. Personally I used to look forward to this day, as previous celebrations haunt me while festival nears and more than burning things, gathering along with friends make it keen. What is there a festival without some sound? And having a bonfire in front of us how can we miss a beat? Of course, beating the skin drum is a part of the Bhogi which is impossible to forget.

One doesn't need to be skillful of these drums, which is made of bovine skin covering a terracotta ring, but whoever takes the small skin drum is a composer on their own gesture of hands. Waking up early in the morning we keep beating the drum, heating it often by showing on the bonfire flame so that the skin become tight and make loud noise. And we don’t stop there, but go further around the area beating the drums with friends until it quite dawn. For some time or until the Pongal holidays end, we take the drum and beat whenever it feels and sometime heat the drum on the gas stove. Few times I have saved the drum to beat next year by hiding it somewhere, if unbroken, because  parents don’t allow to have skin products at home.

My brother mostly get two drum each year, as he will broke it very soon it was bought, we sometime fight for the one, if drums anymore available. Because the accessible to these drum are limited for a day or two with Bhogi and we used to get it from the pot-pan makers in our area.  Usually we use to beat the drum with a stick removed from the coconut broom, but many used to stick tar to the tip of theirs. Seeing those I too wished having a similar one but except couple of occasions (to my memory) I couldn't make it out. One of my memorable trails with Bhogi was carried out to the streets. During an occasion we (friends) took a cycle tyre from a bonfire in the neighborhood and carried out along our way to show heat to the drums.

I have seen some people used to boil water with the last bit of fire on the bonfire to take hot shower on the cold winter morning. On this day households carry out cleaning process and some whitewash their house with fresh coat of paint. I spent the Bhogi only once at my grandfather/mother place and being a congested/crowded residential area, the festival is light up heavily and waking the street in barefoot means dyeing in black. Many residents there burn mostly tyres and at the entrance of each by-lane a pile of ashes would wait to spread all over the tar road. These years I almost forget there was a day like this! But memories...  

Monday, January 12, 2015


Change is a thing obviously everyone needed and hence to beat boredom or to be frustrated, a change in environment or activity is must at least. For a Chennaitie or whoever lives in a coastal town/city, the first thing comes to mind of escaping could be the beaches, if there isn’t malls, restaurants and events happening around. A place just to relax, breathe in fresh air or sit ideal watching the waves and things happening around, in random, is an entertainment unplanned.

Last week I went to Elliot’s Beach and in the usual way spent something sitting inside the car parked in front of the promenade.  Though it’s good to see new faces and people from various walks, there are certain things keep disturbing. The average fee collected for cars to park at Elliot’s beach is 5 ₹ and 10 ₹ for vans, but what they insist was 20 ₹, that too without producing a ticket. My dad, who is a regular walker at Elliot’s beach, had come across the board, that mention the exact ticket price which is only five, many times, but what they insist is against the regulation of corporation.

The other day when we parked the car, the person in charge demanded 10 ₹ by placing a ticket valued for just 5 ₹... No matter where the partial amount goes, but how dare they bring it into force without any hesitance or thing to prove their price is fair. I think the amount they collect differs from person to person, and anyone dare to deceive could easily implement their task. Among them I find few genuine people like the one who (understanding - with the number plate - that we are from the local) gave us excuse from paying even the fair amount.

If the parking system was like this, the mobile vendors who do business along the promenade have touched the worst state of ever. Already the beauty of Elliot’s beach has lost its charm to the occupation of number of shops/eateries spread all over the sandy beach. Though I am not dared to explore the eateries to put my health at risk, I always go with the bordering items like peas and peanuts. But this time I was quite surprise to note when I bough peanuts (plain nuts), it was very less than usual and priced doubled i.e. from 10 to 20 ₹. But what really bothered me much was what I heard from my dad who came back the vendor...

He has been insisting 150 ₹ from a foreigner to get slices of spicy mango! ...expressed provoke and anger. Even a whole mango doesn’t cost more than 10 ₹ and however rich in class they doesn’t going to extend more than 50 ₹, but in which way a few slices spread with spice become special for him to insist such amount. Whoever let it be, fairness is oneness and just being fair and came  far away from isn’t we have to be cruel or scare them to never turn back. Let us be smart and generous to consumers whichever country and skin tone they bore.

I don’t understand why there’s so price difference between local/national resident and international visitors. Not only tourist places, but I guess at every level/layer foreigners have to pay more than the amount Indian pays. Let’s keep away the economic boon perhaps involved it in, but what comes with food and restaurants? Why do we need to make big holes in their pockets just because they are foreigners? Food is an essential of life and there shouldn’t be partiality/discrimination at least with the price tag at eateries. I don’t know does it happen with every other country in the world or we Indians alone insist this pattern. But I wish we become a moral example to be fair enough at least with eateries. When we say globalization, I wonder why there’s still differentiation. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday Photo: A monkey peek

A monkey peek

Sitting on a Neem tree at the backyard of the home, the monkey looks down at who shoots him alike. Yesterday I come across a bunch of monkeys, wandered around the neighborhood and it was fun to watch their acrobat took place over the cable wires that pass our house. The bigger ones just march past the street with younger ones made a beeline across the cables. 

Thursday, January 08, 2015

Another red letter box and gate from neighborhood

Perhaps, you all know my love for red letter box which used to be my favorite thing from childhood. My neighborhood has many houses with letter box to drag my attention towards their gate and they aren't quite red and I also find some milk boxes similar to letter boxes but in blue.

IMG_8619 copy
Following my previous post on the red letter box, I received few calls from the friends to send my address in regard receiving a card as intention of love and harmony. I really feel gratitude for their sweet gesture and taking time to make a handy note sense touch. While the technology has reached a height unimagined, receiving card through post feels quite nostalgic!

The red letter box in picture above belongs to the neighbor opposite to our house. Since we are 10 months old to this area, though it isn't new for us being a native to same, they are the only family (of four) to share few words and exchange smiles occasionally. They have been a resident of this area for more than 20 years and the letter box is hanged to the gate in front of their doorstep.

IMG_7796 copy

To add an additional gate image to the post, I link to Run a Round Ranch’s Good Fences, is the aluminium plated gate (of the same house) that enclose their car park.

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

New Year Eve

The New Year begins for me with mild disappointment, even before the former end, as I anticipated my cousins to join me on the eve to welcome another brand new year. Though it isn’t a matter really to discus or argues or anything new to complain, as I have been through this many times but I wished they were beside me, like they nod for my midnight cake-cutting plan, despite whatever keeps them away.  It was for the birth of 2013 that we all gathered at our home and celebrated the night in a similar way. Thus I wished to recreate the moment. But at least there was enough greetings shared through phone calls during the wake up of the course to another 365 days.
New year collage (thanks
Excitement is something always exits when beginning a thing or so in anticipation and for the New Year the excitement is something special and always stimulates a mindset to celebrate or at least share the joy though greeting each other for a healthy, wealthy and peaceful journey ahead. I know nothing is going to change big whether we gather or not for the eve, at least it creates an opportunity to share a bit and lean warm greetings through the winter cold night. The night was noisy like ever, while many pedestrians on foot following their faith, bikes and cars sped ferociously creating a bang to head out at risk.

I was at home leafing through the final stage of the book I intend to finish before the yearend as I took vows to read more books in the coming years, I find reading books comforting and inspiring to see life ahead. I also decided to watch enough movies (except Tamil) this year, since my list has been growing with the collection of movie titles from overseas, I want to watch at least a movie per week whether I write a review or not. Coming to the New Year eve, we had a small cake cutting witnessed by my only parents (since bro went asleep already) and cousins couldn’t make up, we spent an hour next catching with dear ones either calling or receiving at phone. Mom used the time to complete her New Year Kolam, she suppose to drew in morning, added colors under our sight as it is untimed to leave her alone to do so at gateway. The New Year day was spent almost in front of the TV, watching movies I haven’t. 

Saturday, January 03, 2015

Kayal – Fall in Love

Kayal is a feel good movie I watched, as a night show, from the usual drive-in theatre here and I enjoyed it quite heartfelt and moved at the same time.  Though the Tamil film is development on the background of 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, the heart goes with the characterization – in a natural tendency, expression and attitude that drive towards admiration. All new/less known faces adds fresh coat to the scenario (that takes on a brief journey from Kashmir to Kanyakumari) and gives a distinct feel related to the local realities.

The most pleasant thing to say about this film, which has pleased me even before its release, was the songs and music.  D.Imman’s composition was such a backbone to this film that featured a straightforward love story, simultaneously stroke the hearts strings causing pain and pleasure. Kayal (representing the title) is an orphan girl grows in a big family and guardian in her grandmother, encounters love when she meets Aaron, a traveller who proposes love confronting the big family, who caught him, along his friend Socrates, mistakenly for helping a runaway couple.

Aaron, along his companion Socrates lives a life travelling almost six months a year and works for the rest to spend their next half-dozen on travelling.  Coming across India, they head to Kanyakumari – almost their last destination of the country – while seeking a bright light which Aaron believes his destiny, finds out that the light  is nothing but Kayal. Feeling the love deep within, piercing the heart, the unrest Kayal leaves the house in instinct reaching Aaron while he’s on the same path, meets with great destruction but yet happy ending.

Epicentre with earthquake and tsunami, the film embark on a trail towards ending with anticipation. But what fascinates me lot was the lifestyle of the friends and love affair which incline some positive vibes, intertwine by realistic comedy produces a whole entertainment flick. The love expressed by Aaron (Chandran) and Kayal (Anandhi) through their eyes were powerful than the words conveyed. Anandhi has an expressive face, whether its pain or happiness receives to be real and natural. The mole beneath her lips was a notable aspect that adds beauty to her already exist face.

Directed by Prabhu Solomen, Kayal communicates the emotion of love and nature side-by-side... unlike his early films (Mynaa and Kumki) the director, even though he decided to send tidal waves, concluded without letting down. The tsunami related scenes were partially graphics and couldn’t provoke anymore, as it isn’t anything different from Hollywood movies, also reminds titanic when the companions run thought the railway station carrying a sack just like Jack and his friend embark the ship. The man floating on a piece of wood plank is also subject to same.

The film locations were one of the worth checking and most of the scenes captured in and around Kanyakumari sent me nostalgic with memories. Amazing to note the director has also shot a scene at the living bridges in Cherrapunji, along many unknown places were impressive. The camera work was fabulous and captured great light moments! Overall, Kayal was admirable. 

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year Greeting

I received a handwritten season greeting from my friend Chandra (of greencomotion.blogspot) along with his lovely photograph on the foggy ambiance of Chattahoochee River from US.

Following my post on Red Letter Box and my interest towards the same as well receiving letters/mail, Chandra expressed his desire to send me a card for which I felt quite pleased.  Today I received his greeting card thought a postman after long back, that I have no memory, leaving the card on the windowsills. I am glad totally! Thank you my friend

Wishing all my friends here a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Take care and enjoy yearlong :) 

Friday, December 26, 2014

Memories of Tsunami

Ten years has passed since tsunami struck the coastlines of Indian Ocean, following the powerful earthquake with an epicenter off the west coast of Sumatra in Indonesia; the memories of tsunami are obvious like picking up shells from the seashore. Though I haven’t affected by the deadly waves directly, I was deeply disturbed and mentally suffered followed by the development of the devastation and scattered reports on mourns to death. There were even rumors (on the advancement of sea) to leave us into panic and living not far from the seashore, it’s impossible to avoid the uncertainty prevailed.

In memory of Tsunami victims!
Memorial Icon of Tsunami in Kanyakumari
Being Sunday, we were asleep than usual and on hearing words something referred to tremor I couldn't continue lying on bed and come out to know what as my uncle asked me that I felt anything. There was an earthquake! But the tremor being so mild only those who were awake and living at certain elevation have felt the tremble and by the time I look at the street everyone where back to their places who came out in panic.  During the disaster we were staying in the first floor of our native house in Adyar, Chennai, hearing the news of tremor triggered panic even before the tsunami strike the coast or sorrow choke the throat.

My first encounter with a tremor/earthquake was in October 2001. Until then I have just heard of earthquake and know how it used to be only after seeing the Gujarat incident that happened on the same year. My expression and experience to tremor was funnier, perhaps not knowing how to react to such feeling/fear I scared so much and throw away the board on which I was painting something while sitting on the sofa. Since I was in caliper I could get out like others who rushed down as soon they felt the tremble, my mom and uncle hurried up unbuckle my shoes to lift me down. In few minutes all of us where on the street shoulder with neighbours.

My deals with tsunami were happen almost in front of the television, only my uncle was dare to go check with the Elliot Beach following the stroke with tsunami. I was staring at the television with awe, while the second longest beach in the world (Marina) enveloped in war of waves. The cars that have always seen running on roads where floated like boats in sea, with boats representing the parking lot. It was heartbreaking to see bodies being dragged to shore and people running towards the road to save their lives to avoid hitting the wall of sea.  The news channels where updated from time to time with the breakup of nature’s terror videos from across the southern countries.

Living close to coastline, I am sure each one of them would have a story to convey on their own related to tsunami whether they affected or not. During this course of tsunami, rumours were also spread to frighten us with the advance of sea levels into the landscape. I couldn’t sleep well for more than a week in panic, spending number of nights in uncertain thinking about the disaster and the visually seen in televisions/internet occupied the mind involuntarily. To relieve ourselves from the nightmare of tsunami and earthquake, we all spent the night of same in the single hall along with my uncle’s family to make not panic.

In the last 10 years I have covered 2/3 of the coastline of Tamil Nadu from Pulicat to Kanyakumari, we heard many stories related to tsunami during our journeys. While I visited Kanyakumari it was impossible to keep away the thought of tsunami and the videos and images were recollected when I sit watch the waves crashing the rocks. I felt unrest at each big wave arrive in force and the tourist boats making leap across them. Even it was fun checking some youngsters enjoy the strong waves and water splashes, something uncertain keep occupied. I also come across Manakudy, one of the worst affected villages in Kanyakumari where a bridge was washed away into the sea enclosed with number of death in the district.

The mindset was very similar even when I visited Velankanni, Cuddalore, Karaikal and Kodiyakarai along many other places aside east coast road (ECR), there are many villages in Tamil Nadu where one can find the traces of tsunami still exists reminding the one of the deadly disaster of our history. Many memories trigger while writing this post and experience with places that well relevant to the tsunami, but I couldn’t bring all of them here. I truly wish these incidents never repeat. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Decor @ Home

Following the star, which I started to practice from long time now.... (but the star is not same)

Xmas Star
I began to decorate tree for last few years 

Merry Christmas
Now continues with led light arrangement at least

LED decor at home
I plan to add more ornaments to my Christmas tree in years to come

Christmas Tree

Gingle Bell
Jingle bell 
Decor ball
Decor ball

Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas Haiku

Neighbors Christmas Tree
Winter cold wraps me
while I dream snow home alone
deck my Christmas tree

There’s festive in air
bells ring loud to motion wind
stars shine unco bright.

Written for Christmas Special of Poetic Forms: Haiku (Week 7, A Repost of week 4)
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PS. The picture above show you one of my neighbors Christmas Tree (inside a construction office) and mine is under decor. Will post them soon

Saturday, December 20, 2014


I think Lingaa doesn't need an introduction. But for those still unaware, Lingaa is a Tamil film lead by Superstar Rajinikanth. The film released worldwide in number of countries is based on the construction of Mullaperiyar Dam and its master (British) engineer John Pennycuick. Lingaa has tried to recreate an era related to the construction of dam and recent issues and illusions relevant to same. The movie revolves around a small village and a Dam that acts as its lifeline has Rajinikanth in dual role, as Linga and Lingeswaran, represented the young characters of different period as grandson and grandfather.

Lingaa is a thief involves in small burglaries with his team for living and he’s resentment towards his grandfather, King Lingeswara, for leaving his successors penniless. But things being like that, he was forced to go to his grandfather’s village, Solaiyur, to reopen the temple built by King Lingeswara as it is believed that only his legal heir should open the temple. Lingaa uses this change to escape from the police for stealing a pricey necklace. But reaching there and on failure of stealing the temple’s Shiva Lingam, he transformed the environment into worshipping and also learns who Lingeswara is.

Later on the film travels back to 1930: where Lingeswara is a King of Kodiyur who on his father’s request becomes a collector in the British Government and also a civil engineer from Cambridge, plans to build a dam for the village of Solaiyur as they suffer from water problem. But the British Government’s decision to not obtain permission forced him to resigns his collector post and goes ahead to build the dam on his own and with the help of village people. But to complete the task he was forced to give-up all his wealth on the condition of a British collector to pass the orders and assist on supporting equipments.

Toward the current situation, the MP of the village tries to damage the dam for his selfish ends at the brim with Lingaa unearth his plan. The film with many star cast has done their part so well and also their performance vice appreciable. But still the film gives an incomplete feel with scenes unclear at their ends and characters failed to reproduce the connection that unrelated even to be a fiction. Obviously the Rajini’s appearance doesn't attract and isn't cheerful like watching a Rajini move. Better he retire soon or choose characters that suit him well rather discomforting himself to dance with his daughters aged or fight like an action king.

I feel the film could have been taken better, taking enough time to come up with better scenario instead recapturing or copy from old. The film was shot around some magnificent places like Mysore Palace, Jog Falls and Linganamakki Dam all situated in Karnataka. Sonakshi Sinha has tried to be innocent to her character but her face doesn't relevant to the other characters and the story that itself based on south India. The entertainment part is very less and wasn't interesting anymore but with this plot to be on period it would be wonderful if it made more on the reality platform.

 R. Rathnavel’s camera performed well, but it makes puzzle at certain sequences like the ridiculous climax fight at hot-air balloon, it’s the work of camera or graphics. Except Mona Mona, which sounds pretty, songs (music by ARR) aren't noticeable or perhaps I haven’t listen to the album until watching the movie in Drive-in. KS Ravikumar’s direction isn't such fair and many usual faces from his previous movies make sour. Overall Lingaa is an average movie which is unusual with Rajini! 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Karnataka High Court (Behind the Bars)

Karnataka High Court, in Bangalore, though the fence.

The picture was shot (from the moving car) in 2011 when I was visiting Bangalore. The red building, known as Attara Kacheri in front of the Karnataka State Secretariat (Vidhana Soudha), is a two-storied brick and stone building painted in red. The Graeco-Roman style of architecture is a structure of vast expanse with lonic porticoes at the centre and at the two ends of the elevation.  

The building constructed in year 1868 was supervised by Rao Bahadur Arcot Narayanaswami Mudaliar. I link the post for Run A Round Ranch's Good Fences

Monday, December 15, 2014

Birds watching

Evening delight
(pic from my archives)
Birds’ wave across the sky
while flying back to home
in magnificent unison
and silhouette version.

Like the prayer flags,
swings across Himalayas,
flocks flew through winds
flapping their wings.

Unlike the human beings,
who hustle and bustle
while come to and fro home
birds fly at peaceful hum.

No, where they set course
or ahead to and fro
against the eventide sunset
to put us on pleasant sight.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Lonely planet

A lonely planet;
where men romance
his dream girl

Imagine as hero
he prepares proposal
before playing live

Pic by Jeevan 
The only planet;
where men landed
apart ruining earth

Capture a image,
quite different perspective,
ever so spectacular. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Short coconut palms

Pollachi (near Coimbatore) is very popular for coconuts and also called as coconut country, contributes two third of totally productivity in Tamil Nadu. I have been to Pollachi more than couple of times, while on my ways to Valparai and Topslip; I come across number of coconut groves or road traveled amid them.

Low lying tender coconut
The trees stands tall all make wonderful sight across the region but during my drive to Topslip, we were surprise to see short coconut palms with bunch of coconuts hanging very close to ground at the village called Sethumadai. The coconut grove was neatly fenced in thorn wires and stone poles painted in white. But actually the fence doesn’t fascinate me then, like the short coconut palms.

Short coconut trees

I link the post for Run A Round Ranch's Good Fences

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

My day becomes brighter

At the end of the day
my day becomes brighter
and cheerful
like kids back from school.

Am out of touch, seeing him
I give away my laps
for him to replace the space
I desire to spend the most.

Whoever hates noise
would relish upon his loudness
that resonates quite the home
in his enriched infant speech.

At his each pace - leap
there’s something energetic
that ever seems to exit
and never fails to astonish.

At the sight of my nephew
I forget what I suppose to do
and nothing becomes important
as he himself comes vital!

I have nothing to offer him -
except my love -
but he wishes to come home
make my days happier a lot. 

Note: If you get Word Verification, it is a Blogger/Google glitch! YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO IGNORE IT AND HIT ENTER! THE COMMENT SHOULD PUBLISH WITHOUT TYPING IN THEIR FIGURES!    Thanks RunARoundRanch, for the notification. 

Monday, December 08, 2014

Marudhanadhi Dam (View)

Marudhanadhi Dam in the Dindugal district of Tamil Nadu is one of the main water resources to the surrounding villages of the same. The dam is situated between the Western Ghats valley of lower Palani Hills.

Marudhanadhi Dam View
During my visit to Thandikudi, I come across an overlook on the dam while travel between Thandikudi and Pannaikadu on the half Kodaikanal hills. The view (from 1400 m) was truly wonderful although there was very less water in the dam since the southwest monsoon hadn't arrived yet then (June 2013).

Marudhanadhi Dam

Saturday, December 06, 2014

Karthigai Deepam @ Home and Neighborhood

Karthigai Deepam @ Home
Karthikai Deepam is a South Indian festival observed by Hindus on the full moon day of Tamil month Karthikai, which falls amid November and December. It is an occasion where rows of oil lamps are lit in every home and temples. Karthigai Deepam is essentially a festival of lamps and lighted lamps are considered as auspicious symbols and believed to drive off evil forces and let in prosperity and joy.

A neighbour's house adorn in lamps
Though generally lighted lamps are important in festivals and rituals of Hindus, Karthigai Deepam is indispensable. We hold the festival of lamps yesterday at home and lit some limited oil lamps at the entrance and windowsills. A few of our neighbors had some splendid arrangements of lamps around their compound walls and stairs across our house-made feels good to the eyes and mind.

Row of lamps
The construction office opposite our side entrance did wonderfully by lighting rows of lamps on their wooden stair and someone stood there to make sure all lamps kept burning. Our oil lamps couldn’t light long due to the wind but to my surprise, the lamps lit on the compound wall of our neighbors keep lighted. Only later mom said those are candle lamps. So what? I can’t understand the logic here.

Karthigai Deepam at neighburhood
Usually, mom used to light the lamps once Thiruvannamalai Deepam (a huge fire lamp, which is called Mahadeepam) was lit up on the hill, following a live relay on TV. Tiruvannamalai Karthigai festival is well-known, and millions of people go to the temple town to watch the Maha Deepam lit up on the hill.

Thursday, December 04, 2014

Sishya School (Gate and Arch)

Sishya is a very popular school in my area called Adyar, in Chennai. Studying at this school seems to be prestigious for many (as it is believed to give best education), since the school accommodate minimum number students to facilitate balancing efficiency and quality education, with economy. From KG to Class X there are not more than 30 per Class with just 3 sections each. I know this school from my childhood days only by name and it has been described to provide higher standard of education and getting admission here does need to be   literate and wealthy parents.

Sishya School (Gate and Arch)
Though most of students here are from luxurious background or economically fwd, I find money isn’t the prior to get a place at this school. Since moved opposite to this school, we aren’t to avoid receiving things happening with the school and the tenant who reside upstairs of this house succeed recently on his endeavour to get a place for his 3-years-old. During our occasional conversations he conveyed that he had registered for his son when he was 6 months in womb! Though both of his parents are educated and well placed at jobs with enough income they haven’t won the admission easily.

There seems to be lot of people in the waiting list, whom should have been registered in the same way (children at birth), as admission is given on first come basis for the minimum number of seats apart certain numbers that are reserved for Christian children, since the school received Christian Minority status. The school comes under the Council for Indian School Certificate Examination has been well equipped with state of the art facilities. Almost student come to this school via only cars and one could come across parades of cars coming in and out of the school, at specific times twice. It was a mild entertainment to watch different kind of cars though it cause annoy and traffic jams sometime.

Sishya School
It’s interesting to note that the school admits minimum number students to not to give away certain aspect of the school. They are certain about the quality of education and encourage activities that involve much physical and mental ability. The school’s ground is an advantage and being one of the big school grounds in city they conduct all kind of sports that student interest. Unlike other school, Sishya commence its first term in January and end with third term in December. The school has two vacation periods that marks with Christmas and summer in May.

I link this post for Run A Round Ranch’s Good Fences! 

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

My favorite season/months

December and January are my favourite months/season as it is the only time in Chennai where weather seems to be embracing and cold. Though each season has its own essence and uniqueness to cherish like the summer cool (sea) breeze, there is so much wish for cold season which is limited with Chennaites. Margazhi is a Tamil month celebrates the winter season with festivals of dance and music. The birth of December has brought cold here right now, though it wasn’t abundant like other part of the world, we enjoy the chillness followed by northeast monsoon.

Fog in suburb
One fog moment in suburb shot last year during same season
The meteorological department has been predicting rains prolong but Chennai doesn't seem to be its favourite place always, unlike it poured few weeks back. They kept announcing rain as usual in one or two days despite already dew set it. I don’t believe there’s chance for rain anymore although I wish there was, as we aren’t sufficient with rain this year there’s risk of water scarcity. I feel cool/cold in evening and early morning for last few days (and even feeling feverish by night) following dampness in weather and low pressure in Bay of Bengal. The sun wasn’t anymore hot and it feels cool even at mid-day. I also prevent sitting under the fan and almost switch off or let rotate at least number.

This is the season where I feel travelling a lot. Due to less in temperature it’s the best time to hit the road and explore places mostly on plains to enhanced cold in mountains. The Christmas, New Year and Pongal that fall during this season also make it cheerful and stimulate the mood to celebrate. It is the season I always want to wake up early morning and relish upon the chillness that we get to experience without paying electric bill or travelling sum to some hill stations. But except few occasions I ever lived up to the moment and it’s only the warmth that binds me inside the blanket leaving not the comfort being.

For those interested can check my previous posts related to December (here) and Tamil month Margazhi (here)

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Parry’s Corner, Chennai

Parry’s Corner is a well known junction in Chennai, named after the EID Parry’s building that stands at the corner of the intersection of North Beach Road and NSC Bose Road near Madras High Court. Paris or Parrys is a household name among Chennaites, which is an important place for commercial banking and trading and also very famous for bazaars, is one of the most congested areas in Chennai. The NSC Bose Road has many historic buildings and EID Parry’s was the second oldest business house in India exists for more than 200 years.

Parry’s Corner
The EID Parry’s (India) Ltd., date back to 1788 when Thomas Parry arrived in Madras and registered as a free merchant and setup a model business of piece goods and banking. Acquiring the plot and garden house across the way from the High Court, Thomas Parry developed it as the office of Parry and Lane and remodelled the house in Palladian architecture. Followed by several partnerships the firm became Parry & Co in 1839, made it the premier house of business in the South and one of the leading businesses in the country.

EID Parry’s building
The EID Parry’s building, also known as the Dare House is named after John William Dare’s contribution to Parry & Co, as the most significant partner. He was recognised in the name of the Art Deco building that opened its doors on the Parry’s site in 1940, is now houses the headquarters of Murugappa Group. Next to the Parry’s building (on the NSC Bose Road) is the head office of the TNSC Bank.

The six-storied Art Deco building/home was built in 1970 on the pulled down of Ramalingam Building, owned by the Madras Provincial Cooperative Bank. By 1974, when the Bank moved into the new home it become Tamil Nadu State Cooperative Bank come head office.

NSC Bose Road buildings
Between the Anderson Church (see the steeple in left) and TNSC Bank on the NSC Bose Road are the buildings of State Bank of Mysore and LIC Bombay Mutual Insurance. Both the building sits on the site where the Anderson Hall and College exists once. The organisations also used the old buildings till their new once opened in 1957 and 1955 respectively. Interestingly both the buildings are constructed in Art Deco style and the Bank of Mysore (center) is architect by B.R. Manicam who was the architect of Vidhana Soudha in Bangalore.

Source of Reference : Hindu Metro Plus, The house that Parry built

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Fenced Paddy Field

Fenced paddy field
During one of my outing on the outskirts of Chennai, I come across a meadow of paddy which I find amazing. The thing to feel amaze was not that I haven’t seen paddy fields before, but their existence. Though villages and farm lands around the Chennai are rapidly convert into plots and buildings, it’s wonderful to see the lands that are still cultivated. Perhaps sooner or later the landscape going to change but the sights will remain nostalgic like what many places used to be right now for me.
Linking this post for Run A Round Ranch's Good Fences.  Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends here File:icon smile.gif

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Update Life

Following the left eye in 2012, my father underwent a cataract surgery for the right yesterday. When he was done with the left, there wasn't a need to go for right soon since cataract showed very less growth then. The Dr. has advised to go for surgery when the cataract showed 50 percent growth last year, but being caught up with other problems related to health postponed the surgery thinking how to handle life without one another as I was in need of two people i.e. my parents. At this same time last year I was into the cast post fracture above my knee and for more than 2-3 months I was depended on three people to do the natural task as human.

Early before my fracture, my father caught with one on his ankle following his bike fell down at the knock of a car. Being a diabetic patient it took more than 3 months for his wounds to heal and only later we were able to do something for his hair crack which was almost healed on its own lying beneath the wound. Shifting houses has been a task we went through last two years has kept away the thought and care for the cataract. Though he has been going through eye sight problem with one enough clear vision and other getting blur, he kept postponing the surgery thinking who will assist me or replaces him for at least a month to quite recover.

Everyone knows it’s a minor surgery and doesn't last more than 10 minutes and he was back at home in 4 hours. But things don’t end there right? Regular apply to eye drops matters much important and being away from light vital more along with complete rest and control in sugar to sustain quick recovery. Similar to the phase during his bike accident, I come into the control of my mom again but residing close to my native house our uncle’s family (dad’s bro) was helping us in many ways. Do you remember or not, the house we are staying now isn't what we were looking for but to put an end to house hunt then (March) we decided to move here to transfer later slowly.

Though we aren't in hurry now, we have a thought in mind of another house since we experience water problem here and to feed our thought, the house owner has kindly requested us to be prepare to shift house as he had approached for a plan to built a brand new home by demolishing the present one, which is 40+ years old. And also staying opposite to a school makes feel anxious and I really lose my peace during the school time. We have our own houses in the same and neighborhood areas but they aren't convenient for me. We have our home in ground floor only at the apartment and we shifted from their mainly due to short in space and my native house has homes in upstairs since uncle’s workshop occupies the ground space.

In-between I have requested a friend in US (who’s on onsite) to acquire a person hoist (a transfer device which lift a person to move their position), to help my parents to make easy my shifting. As you all know that I have lost the ability to stand post fracture. Initially the transfer between wheelchair and car only bothered me much as I don’t find great difficult with life at home as I used to it daily, but I don’t think that life sustain at this phase forever and I need to think about future with aging parents, a device like hoist will aid them reduce physical stress. He has inquired with PTA/Take-AlongLifts and looking forward to their quotation and shipping method. Hope things goes well... 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Thirudan Police

Titled in the name of a nostalgic game we played during our childhood days imagining ourselves as thirudan (thief) and police and trying to catch the opponents to eliminate. The Tamil film Thirudan Police is also based on the same but the difference was the thief and police are in the same department. Rather being a usual serious action cop story, the film is based on comedy and father-son sentiment and revenge in an amusing way.

Vishwa is a carefree person and dislike his father Singaram; a sincere head constable who wants him to become a police officer before his retirement. But the situation brought him into the same department as his father was killed in a fake encounter planned by an assistant commissioner to save his son from a rape case, as he found the evidence. Vishwa doesn’t seem to feel sorry for his father’s death or shows any interest on revenging the culprits until he realized the worth and hardship of his father as he himself went through it. But how does he revenge, is the highlight set in a light-hearted way.

The movie led by Attakathi Dinesh shows much improvement in acting (following his character as visually challenged in Cuckoo) and also continues to act close to reality make it appreciable. His sorrow for disregarding his father has been carried out light-heartedly though it makes sense and meaningful when he broke down realizing his mistake to misunderstand his father. Veteran actor Rajesh in the sincere head constable suit suits him well, as he had done similar roles in couple of films earlier and though he comes for a short period deserves respect. The upcoming comedian Bala Sarvanan has done best supporting role, and being a constable he guides Dinesh and make fun together.

Naan Kadavul Rajendran and John Vijay played the funny villain roles against the serious assistant commissioner, who launched them to kill the constable Singaram and to help his son to finish off Vishwa. Between the comedy rattle there’s a mild love track with Iyshwarya Rajesh – not so fair but enough with girl next door image – make some pleasant appearance and couple of duets with Dinesh. Music by Yuvan was fine and I liked the song Pesadhe, which sounds pleasant along with a party song by Vijay Sethupathi.

The debutant director Caarthick Raju had done a decent job to be watched by everyone and will be appreciated for highlighting the father-son relationships, apart attaching photos of the actors and technicians shot with their fathers to the credit was something innovative and touching. Produced by SPB Charan, the film has SPB Balasubrahmanyam appear in a special guest roll, sent a brief message to student on father’s behalf. Thirudan Police – A Light-hearted Play!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Park gate and flowers

Garden gate and flowers
Actually this shot doesn’t focused on the blue gate barred in spike/arrow bars, but on the flowers which are commonly known as spider flowers or spider plants belong to the family of Cleomaceae. Close to the gate of Anna Park in Yercaud, the colourful flowers make beautiful lines on both sides as inviting visitors into the park. Though it isn't a big park or garden, there are number of beautiful flowers esp. roses to admire and during summers they conduct flower shows displaying number of flowers.

I was looking for a photo for Good Fences Thursday (run by Run A Round Ranch) and come across this look like newly painted gate of Anna Park from my storage in laptop. To say about the spider flowers, they are native to South America and blooms in purple, pink or white with four petals and six long stamens.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Kayal and Anegan (Music Feel)

For last few days I have been listening to the songs of an upcoming Tamil film, Kayal.  The successful combination of Prabhu Solaman and D Imman, who stroked the hearts with the reverberating Mynaa and Kumki, has once again come together for Kayal, to continue their passion for melody. But I couldn’t avoid the feel that few songs in the album resemble their early compositions. For example Paravayaa Parakkurom exist the feel of listening to Neeyum Naanum from Mynaa! Initially I don’t like this song as it begins with grief but listening two more times in energetic voice of Haricharan holds grip.

Yenga Pulla Irukka is another song that comes close with my favourite from Kumki, Onnum Puriyala. But I don’t complain as I enjoy it on the line of melody and shades of Onnum Puriyala, I only find the loud instruments as little noisy. Unna Ippo Pakkanum is beautiful melody rendered by Haricharan and Vandana Srinivas, and Yengirindu Vandhaayo is a solo solely attribute to Shreya Ghoshal. Apart, Deeyaalo Deeyaalo, which is a thoughful folk and one of the best in the album according to me personally, Yen Aala Paakkaporaen (listen it below) is my most favorite song and feels so evergreen.

Begins with charming strings, followed by chimes chanting the motto of the song soon captures the attention in the sweetest voice of Shreya, singing in fluent. The song travels on a melodic folk track tuned in the traditional clay instrument, Ghatam, was later joined by K.G.Ranjith, taking the song to another step on the soothing front and both emphasis the lyrics into a very beautiful song.  Surprisingly all the songs were written by Yugabharathi!

Along with Kayal, I was also listening to songs of Anegan, a newly realised audio album of Tamil film Anegan. This is also a successful combo following Ayan, Ko and Mattran, Harish Jayaraj and KV.Anand goes hand-in-hand for this already chartbuster on FM radios.  Though I liked the songs of entire album, Aathadi Aathadi (listen below) fascinated me lot! I simply love the melody sung by Bhavatharani, Abhay Jodhpurkar and Dhanush. Among the instruments played, just like Yen Aala... from Kayal, Ghatam has embraced a lot along the gently flow of the song, which also has a bit of Chinese interruption.  

Few other songs that I enjoyed in the Anegan: Roja Kadale is an energetic and stylish song I would go with following Aathadi. Thodu Vaanam is quite melody and does feel usual Harish music. But what surprises me in the album was his attempt on very local song or gana (Danga Maari) that he wasn’t familiar with. No matter what (though it make little embarrassing) the song was enjoyable at the moment of listening and a good change from being totally melody.  

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday Photo: Ice-cream vendor

Ice-cream vendor -

Here’s a photo of an ice-cream vendor waiting for the customers at Marina Beach, Chennai. It was a common sight at beaches but viewing through the camera lens, I find something special with the light and darkness surrounding the ice-cream vendor.

Two weeks back and while coming back from my dad’s friend house in Chetput; we landed at Marina beach for sometime before head to home. Being Sunday it was crowded. But in front of the Vivekananda house, in Kamarajar Salai, where the rain water stagnant into the beach sand restricted people movement. Usually I used to check marina beach after rains to watch the fun happening with the stagnant water along the service road aside the beach sand. Vehicles wade thought the water make wonderful splashes and few times we too have made through it but never in a way of threatening others.

The darkness behind the ice-cream vendor is full of water, so I was glad to shoot the photo without any hindrance at background distracting the view. Though there were few kids playing in the water doesn't interfered in anyways. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Attitudes and Nephew

Today is children’s day in India. The first Prime Minister of Independence India, Jawaharlal Nehru, was born on this day and his fond for children inspired to declare his birthday as children’s day. Chacha (uncle) Nehru is what children called him fondly; who also showed affection towards children and his love for rose often sees him comparing the both, “saying that children were like the buds in a garden. They should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they were the future of the nation and citizens of tomorrow”. He felt that children are the real strength of a country and very foundation of society.

I totally agree with his words above, as I strongly believe good children are gift to society. I like to share something here on the line of children’s day from my personal thought on children. I always admire children for their innocence and being true towards their feeling and attitude. I strongly condemn parents enforcing their personal perspective as the perfect way of viewing things in children. The truth could be only one and it is our duty to teach them irrespective of what we think personally and teach them how to write and let not decide what they have to write. Give way to their true feeling and freedom to let them scribble as their initial expression and respect their attitude if it was right from a common view and not from your personal angle. Everyone knows growing children is not easy task and only responsible parents could lead their children best in attitude.

Along with my nephew...
Along with my nephew, wishing all Happy Children’s Day 
Coming to the actual post here: I had to spent another wonderful day with my nephew Barath at home and going out to beach, last week, after he kept calling me few time as he come back to his grandmother’s house. He thinks that visiting his grandmother house means coming to ours as well. He remembers my name well and the relation between us, as I am the only younger brother to his father (my cousin) whom he was close and share more time than the other younger brothers of his father. I was truly touched by his attitude towards me and I almost melt away when he called me to say bye before leaving his grandmother house to his own.

He exhibits great gasping power and good at memorise. His attitude towards relationship is enriched which I haven’t seen it in any other children who have been close with me latter. In next six months he will be left to school and I really wonder will I get to share time with him like now. But anyhow I am so happy for his love and attention toward me and I used to forget almost everything that bothers me when I am with him. Who won’t fall in love with someone holding innocent smile and share from his heart?