Monday, September 26, 2011

Bald head

It’s not the baldness that comes in old age or yet to exist for sure in future which is becoming increase among youngster these days. But this one was taken by me or i forced to take due to dandruff and hair fall after more than 15 years I went head shave today.

I have been postponing to take the baldness since shy… ;d but coming across lot of courage and self-confident and most importantly understanding the need and in a hope to get relief from dandruff I nod for the head shave. I feeling very cool head after going through the shave and shower, it was a surprise for the grandma and uncle who visited home to see me bald since they never thought I would go for this.

My parents want me to go for another one or two head shave to quite remove or reduce the dandruff and the next shave could be in next 15 days and it was a thing i rely to get cure somehow than going for the over build-up and quite deceive ads that promise to defeat dandruff.

These days I really can’t withstand the advertisements on television which are almost completely fake and misleading the public into a world that never going to exist in real. It was an ad of shampoo where a model that used a company brand just pulls out the lorry or truck from a ditch with her hair is an extreme fake! I wonder how the directors dare to come out with such ads, keeping a mind-set that all views are idols and fools… ads aren’t an entertainment and there are many to take these ads series and go and waste money, time and health. Some ads are cute and sweet I acknowledge but they are just to adore alone.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

King of fishing

Whose sight uncommon has become a regular visitor of mine to come and sit on the Gulmohar tree right opposite to my house at every morning is a delight to see. Sometime I just think of thanking him/her to come and check me every day unlike some dear ones unwilling and feel bored to spent time with me.
The blue coated, white breasted lady is really a beauty stick to dark red or pink beak and darker blown tufted head as a cap, takes refrain on particular branches either nearby at few steps from our doorstep. I attempt to capture the kingfishers on various moments while they come in search of fishes on the stagnant water opposite to my house, what rains left back as a trace for birds to look after for fishes, snails and frogs.

One day I captured the White-breasted Kingfisher while it took refrain on seed pods of the Gulmohar tree, refusing to move or flip back its position for long time gave me the wonderful opportunity to shoot her. I have tried many times to capture the bird but before I get back with my camera it will fly away… and the bird usual sighted while monsoon prevails and water filled the open ground, but even while it was dry in summer I received this bird at the branch.

I used my point and shoot camera to its maximum optical zooms to this quite nearly shot of the bird which appears little for a large kingfisher measured to be 28cm in length. I captured the white breasted kingfisher on two more occasions and one was while visiting Cubbon park in Banglaore.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


From dusk to dawn
it rained cats and dogs
leaving streets at stagnant
stimulated the sleeping frogs
to croak aloud simultaneously
from the open ground, opposite.

The heavy showering
shutdown the transformer
temporarily to short-circuit
turned the night too darker,
unwind to wipe the night riders
who were in search of sucking blood.

Leaves fresh and green
earth left wet and soak
snails to crawl on walls
sky’s closed due to clouds
brings down cool and moisture
to experience a per-rainy season.

Monday, September 19, 2011

My first quake experience

The late (yesterday) evening earthquake in northeast India, taken away few lives and putting properties at damage has trigger the first ever quake experience of mine in Chennai with less than a month to go a decade ago. While reading the newspaper I recollect the experience of earthquake which turned to be a funny and fearful incident which seriousness is unknown until experienced that day and followed by the grandest devastation of 2004 tsunami which turned hearts heavily.
The time quake struck, I was painting something sitting on the couch and others were watching a movie in the next room. Once I felt the tremor I scared and thrown away the pad I was keeping on me to paint and the colours where dropped to the floor and one of the wooden couch still holds the green colour which remind me the incident every time I look at it. It’s very funny and silly thinking at it today… but the real fun only followed then.

The parents who felt the movement rushed out of the room like to do what to do… then than decide to get down to street. The others from uncle’s family who stayed then in upstairs are all rushed to the street and calling us to come down soon... but since I wore to calliper shoes it wasn’t easy to get me out. The uncle who arrived at that moment and along with mom hurriedly unbuckled the shoes bore me to the street, where we joined with few other neighbours who had arrived early.

For some time we all hold to the street, standing opposite to our house and staring at it. It was an anxious moment for every one of us and what’s funny was those who are insensitive or brave enough to bear the tremor looked at us from there balcony was really indifferent and I couldn’t face those whose faces were like nothing happened. I was thinking now and then how a small tremor has brought us to street even we own a 3 story build! Nothing could save us in this inevitable world that anything could happen at any time and what we hoped as strong and inbuilt couldn’t help at time and we go in search of ground which is only certain.

After sometime and certain that quake won’t come again, we all moved to the home in unrest mind and later some of our neighbours come home and discussed about the quake experience while watched the news about its effect in other areas, and since it happened at early night by 8 we went to bed with a tremble.

Ok guys; share your experience of earthquake if u really has something to share about your first quake experience.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A pretty house, now and then

The house in the picture below is opposite to our native home in Adyar, Chennai, has the only open space in the area devoted to garden and greenery, surrounded by coconut trees from the adjacent compounds. This house is the only unchanged in our area since my remembrance and its even years older than me remaining same except cut off in short in garden and trees.
A old beautiful house
I took this photo lately with my Nokia 2.MP cell phone camera and the quality was content to make believe hardly it was taken from a cell phone. The house and garden are belong to an ex-wing commander, whose age by now is more than 90 and he sustain almost inside the home these days except coming out for an early morning worship of sun. I never see him after shifting our home to the adjacent area called Thiruvanmiyur – the south end of Chennai, 6 years before and I get to know the activities of this home through my uncle’s family who still stays there.

The ex-commander is a very active person then and even after retirement he continue to go jogging and go to playing tennis in his classic back Fiat Premier Padmini every early morning. I used to check him often while he is reversing his car from the narrow pathway leading from the car shelter and until less than a decade he self-driven the car. But his son who is taking care of him and maintaining the home now is opposite to him who never tried anything like him except driving his only scooter which in turn to be scooty today.

This house used to appear very beautiful then with bougainvillea bloomed across the compound wall like a colourful fencing from preventing public sight has also couple of flowering trees which boom in orange and pink flowers and among them the pink one blooms only in spring or winter, which I am trying hard to remember, never fail to get attention from anyone. The guests and relatives visiting us always envy seeing this home and we used to be glad having such a beautiful bungalow opposite to our home.

Since we stayed in first floor we get to notice the activities going on the garden and it’s the ex-commander who used to roll the manual grass cutter on the lawn to level the green pasture. Today his son has taken the response for maintaining the garden and we could see him in morning and evening doing garden work and cutting the overgrown leaves and grasses with the help of a man.

I still didn’t install the digital camera software in laptop but I easily downloading the pictures taken from my cell phone via Bluetooth and so happen to post this photo which inspires to write this post.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

No plaster pls

Last week took a master health checkup from a familiar diagnosis center here resulting almost normal has confirms diabetic existing at basic in blood has stimulated the need for restrictions at high. It was an expected cause since my hereditary holds it and even advised by our doctor to go for sugar free yet before ahead but this soon is something disturbing somehow thinking about the results and causes that yet to produce.

I went on diagnosis at early morning in empty stomach; I took the blood test first followed by X-ray and ECG they gave me glucose to drink before taking PP sugar test after two hours from then. At fasting blood sugar shows 125mg – 15mg higher than the normal 110, and 236 at PP which is abnormal to ref. range of 70 – 150 has put stress upon another result of identifying cholesterol in blood at base increment are two causes which even imposes me a lot not has diffuses little charm from me freaking to unnecessary.

I still have a doubt that PP sugar has increased is due to dirking glucose juice which is unusual since before it’s a test taken two hours later having breakfast or lunch, but I need to believe that I hold sugar in name of diabetic. A think I don’t like or feel painful more than attending blood test was peeling the round plaster they stick to the skin on where blood was taken is harm I feel. Mostly I avoid sticking to plaster even if I get injured from childhood which is painful I feel every time peeling it out and if it is a blood test, I simple go for fold arm than stick to plaster which I unmindfully did this time and felt the pain.

Ps. still working on laptop system restoring process and yet to load data’s from the early desktop after recovery process finished and was learning more about Windows 7 operating system which is simple and easy more than XP.

Friday, September 09, 2011

My Laptop

Bought a Dell laptop (Inspiron 15R) yesterday and it was very cool in operating and very easy and fast at progress. First time moving with a touch pad is little tough even tapping was easy... it was very convenient for me sitting anywhere from home to operate the system connected via wi fi has more than enough features what my desktop had or hadn't.
With 6 hour long lasting batteries, the system runs on Windows 7 sitting on the i3 processor has 4GB Ram and 360GB hard disk is four sizes faster than my previous desktop. The 15.6" WLed screen discloses everything crisp and clear and very bright in a dark room is something disturbs slightly... anyhow it is a super model in style finished layout and stunning in color.

It was a long time wish to have a PC personally for me has been fulfilled by this and the system is in need of system recovery process and installing some more software’s to quite configuration. The system has two OS in which Linux has to be removed to make some faster the computer... is waiting for our service bro's deed.

For a month or less i was reading about the laps and planned to get it through a friend while he return from US, but the impatient mind and need can't wait for another 3 months since his work times has been extended. I'm very much content with the laptop that brought me independent to work at my favorable time and whenever i need without waiting for other to finish or work with a mind that i'm taking away the other time.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Festival greeting

Happiness is the wealth of health
Thus festivals and celebrations...
Are ideal source of this.

Image courtesy : google

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hanging... stay away

The 12 days hunger strike by Anna Hazare, supporting a strong Lokpal bill against corruption in India has ended on Sunday as partially successful since parliament accepts his plea has brought a lot of hope on public union. The hunger strike which reflected across the country has witnessed an enormous support ever from public for a common cause has shown the people power to authorities that whatever we are differ individually in thoughts on erasing corruption has an overwhelming support even if it’s a single step to the miles to go destination.
Following the nationwide strike against the corruption has induced the Tamils in Tamil Nadu who were already in sense of combat against the hanging to death of 3 Tamilans on conspire to assassinate former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. Murugan, Santhan and Perarivalan has been constantly resonant though media since there mercy appeal been rejected by President of India requesting to relieve them from hanging to death which commanded to September 9th.

Whether they are innocent or criminals that up to law and evidence, sent to imprison in order to hang to death on penalty has stretched 20 years of imprisonment by now has been the cause to go strong against supporting there death. I think perhaps as soon the order by court could had put them to hang couldn’t have erupted this much struggle, but wanna putting them to hang after 20 years of imprisonment is contempt to court and order and as per conscience there couldn’t be any cruel punishment than imprisoned what hanging could do than just taking a life.

For me there couldn’t be a worst or best punishment than one realizing their fault, once they realized its hell every minute on earth. I wish there shouldn’t be sentence to death anywhere in this world, and if there, there couldn’t be a difference between us and terrorist… how can us, knowing the preciousness of life and government in response to save as savior is ready to kill someone in name of punishment. One could think if there isn’t a fear of death, won’t the crime rate increase… but I believe one who experienced the imprisonment life within a prison would not like to go back or seldom involve in crime.

In addition, the prison should not alone be a cell of imposing penalty but also should be a campus of educating conscience and treat with wisdom. As a solace to the grievance, the Madras High Court has stayed the death penalty imposed on the three Tamils for eight weeks from today, and the TN State Assemble has also took a decision to recommend the president to reduce their penalty.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Life on earth

Life on earth
The picture captured after one showering day, the leaves spread on the floor.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Corruption drive

Who is Anna Hazare...? Until lately he took hunger strike against corruption in India, no one knows him quite. The Gandhian on the footsteps of Gandhi Ji boosts every citizen at the nook and corner of the country to go against the corruption has erupted as a peaceful struggle with the enormous support from the youngsters, stresses the central government to strengthen the Lokpal with a replacement of Jan Lokpal Bill created by Hazare team to bring down the corruption.
Anna Hazare’s fight against corruption hasn’t began now, he had been fighting against it for the last 33years after he left the battle ground in Indian Army. Voluntarily retired from the 9th Maratha battalion when he was 39 years old, he returned to his drought-porn village of Maharashtra’s Ahmadnagar to find farmers struggling to survival has promoted him to pioneer rainwater conservation which put his little hamlet on the world map as a model village.

Today the 74 year old on a constant hunger strike has impressed a lot the world to look after India on its peace war II against driving away the corruption within its country with a draft in hand. I wish in any way the struggle survives before reaching its core its better for the people government in center to consider a strong Lokpal or Jan Lokpal bill, but whatever law brought into survive could not sustain or least exists if not individual responsibility and obedience is retain.

What fueled a lot the erupted was the arrest of Anna Hazare on the day he began his hunger strike was a transparent unlawful against freedom of speech and struggle is something has put contemplate the people to jump into the ground and support the bill. We can’t say that no one corrupts except politician and government servants and officials… those who give bribe to get there work done easily or interrupt the law as their favor are also included in it.

No man can give a clean chit about life, sometime what we do unlawful is right at moral and conscience at decision but what we need to heed was to consider a conscious involvement in it which undisturbed others. Not that I am trying to make right the wrong but there’s always truth hides behind and the man imperfect need to realize that corruption or illegal is a itch that won’t stop scratching until get treated by law and order.

Image courtesy : The Hindu

Friday, August 19, 2011


(Click image for enlarge to read)
Inspired while watching via evening sky. The sky photo was captured while visiting Avalanche dam, near Ooty .

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Across 1000

It isn’t a great achievement but it causes something special to feel about crossing 1000 posts in my blog. Began in mid 2005, only now I could reach this point which immeasurable before the content and happiness you showed or I shared with you all. I don’t want to repeat the same statement as it’s impossible without you all which obvious the reason said overtime here and all; I thank you simply strong for putting your effort on reading and precious time to comment your message of encouragement and thoughts which boost and teaches me a lot.
I don’t know how to continue this post and mind goes off what and whatever I could say about you all won’t be enough because without a support nothing stands alone and you are all the pillars of my blog helping to build this 1000 blog post globe. This is my 1001 post and what I wish this moment is to pursuit more or less at least to develop this blog into one of the best content of my life. Those close to me could understand what blog means to me and what I write here aren’t lie to die or wealth one can’t buy or sell to only share which is worth than anything. Thank you all. Keep u r encouragement up for me hehe...

Friday, August 12, 2011

Deiva Thirumagal

Based on a strong emotional bond between a mentally challenged father and his 5 year old daughter, the movie enhanced in splendid acting from Vikram as a 7 year old mindset brought exactly on screen. Deiva Thirumagal – holy angle, is seldom to Tamil cinema coming out from the director Vijay’s innovation perhaps is a experience of smart innocent irreplaceable by any other actor except Vikram in lead.

The movie comes out as a refreshing to audience as once in a while rainbow, touching deep in heart feeling how wonderful our artiest are at phase bringing emotions real on screen isn’t a delight without the sophisticated directors and actors. As a message of love, courtesy and grace the movie embraces the beauty in presence of cute expressions and the camera captures everything in delight so well natural and meld with settings.

To say about Nila particularly, she is such an adorable child artist unique in smile and visage; perceived the character well and expressed beautifully. Like a second hero on the second half, Anushka stressed her vigor to unite the separated father and daughter as a junior lawyer, goes against the undefeated senior lawyer (Nazzar) is a challenge that ends with emotion defeats ethics.

The conversation gesture between the father and daughter at the court room is a best emotion ever seen on screen, is unique which moved me a lot going through a sense which inexpressible. The humor part of the movie wasn’t great but little bit innocent is lovable… and the fun part happens when Krishna (Vikram) search for his friends in the hotel lobby.

Every other character in the movie helps to build the mound and Amala Paul as a bond corresponded, her attitudes towards the child is an example I wish everyone follows so. The songs doesn’t outstanding here since it goes off adjacent with the scenes, the silence impress in background where no scoring exists. The story telling song could have been composed better in picture and Vizhigalil Oru Vaanavil (a rainbow at vision) is quite poetic and adorable.

Deiva Thirumagal – is unique to Tamil cinema, derives people to theater!

(Below is a beautiful photo video song from the film album. )

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Good morning

Good morning
Inspired by the poem written by my dear friend, Dawn! The picture captured at one early morning in Kotagiri by me, goes well with this poem… so included it do add pleasant. Hope u all liked :)

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Birthday revel

Happiness is something exists by sharing with others and that too it was with those close to our heart means something, remarkable, which happens via my birthday on Sunday is significant of love, concern and care that everyone got for me. The special day of mine turned very special is simple goes to my aunt and sister who wanna celebrate it with biryani for lunch and cake cutting event for evening greets with their special greetings and gift is still perhaps uneven their words from heart.
B'day cake
It was families’ get-together on Sunday in our native home at Adyar, Chennai, is fun filled with the arrival of uncle’s kids and chitchatting with dearest ones is worth sharing of a void of anything possible by words. My aunt come up with a gift of cell phone which I wasn’t aware when I was requested to suggest her a best model that suppose to be handover to me and sister in her simple way of greeting touched my heart deeply like those verses where penned for us.

To the immense happiness, my grandfather is at our home now. After the Sunday sleepover at uncle’s home in Adyar, we brought our grandpa along with us after a lot compel in lately since grandma is out of station, he agreed to stay along with us for couple of days… which I wish it extends some more days. I aware the specific place everyone haves for me and the care and concern at phase which I am suppose to be worth or not, I feel more comfort within their circle of love and emphasis that enclosed me thoroughly leaving me in lack of expression.

Thanks so much for all your birthday wishes and greetings via emails, face books and greeting that I am grateful to you in a simple yet Thank you.

Friday, July 29, 2011

My grandfather

The health condition of my grandpa worries me lately more as he’s losing his physical ability slowly and internal problem due to old age he’s in need to take care by someone now. Less than half a decade ago he was healthy and normal alike anyone in his age and only retired a decade before from his own café after we all forced him to take rest, which he was running for more than 2 decades after leaving his job as a cab driver and lorry driver early.
With my grandparents
(with my grandparents, taken in our last year’s visit to Valparai.)
Unlike earlier who was in his wheels always around touring South India as a cab driver, never out of town except seldom attending functions like grandma, their lives revolved around the café and bull shed which are adjacent to home. Only with the income of driving car and later with cattle and café he grows his four children – mom among one as a elder child, putting elder two into English medium and other two in state language, only my aunt (mom’s sister) went to college to do her and uncles did their diploma in automobile.

With the income of thus, he get my mom married by building her a new home replacing dad’s hut along with the savings among him, put everyone at surprise since my grandma and dad are siblings. Next he gets my aunt married in an enhancing manner with the help of uncle who had began his own garage in the land of great grandmother’s – dad’s mom, who’s also mother to my grandma.

Later it was uncles’ marriages, with our lives at almost comfort and welfare brings a lot of things unimagined to realize and it continues still with the realization of our dreams and wishes by exist. It’s quite nearly almost happens because of him and no one can deny that and I won’t allow anybody rejecting him and if he’s the director of our family then my uncle is the hero who did magic in our lives with the wand of love and affection towards us.

Today we miss him very badly and a place which never replaceable by anyone and I wish everyone gets such uncles in their lives to help in succeed and support in unconditional love and care. Sometimes grandpa recall the moment of me going out with him in childhood, pointing out the buildings we come across to express him my wish to built something like that one day and how I call him by nickname ‘thathu’ – which is a Tamil word for grandpa with least change in pronunciation.

I always like to have him around and take him wherever we go or he likes to go… but considering his troublesome health at judicious we haven’t did a long trip along with him after nearly a year before, now I willing to have him at home. Our homes about 2kms in distance, it wasn’t a problem checking with him and this time the grandma who take care of him is on a trip to Gujarat for 10 days is suppose to give us chance to have him along with us, but grandpa who doesn’t want to give us trouble thinking he might be adding burden to my parents who take care of me indeed, avoid to be.

I’m in need to convey he’s someone significant to me and more than anything, he’s my sweet grandfather who shows me lot of intense care, love and hazard free life. My heart craves for him to be stable good always and wish us everyone at our each step to success.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Children of heaven

Watched the movie Children of heaven from the director’s of the Song of sparrows, Majid Majidi has crafted a real movie for children in their own world of heaven. The 1997 movie describe the tale of Ali and his sister Zahra whose struggle over a lost pair of shoes what Ali missed back bringing from shoemaker after mending.
Understanding the family’s financial trouble and fear about let knowing their parents, the siblings comes to an agreement to share Ali’s shoe, which Zahra go to school in morning and return to Ali after her midday class so that he go to school wearing the shoes, as it continues… with the warning of principle couple of time being late to school, Zahra find her lost pink shoes one day worn by another student was intend to followed her till home, brings back Ali to find her father was a blind.

In meantime Ali and his father go to Iran’s posh area in search of gardening work in their cycle, press the intercom of every bungalow to receive unfavorable response, but with the help of Ali, his father get a work done while he plays with a little boy whose grandfather pay more than enough pedaled them happy in mood caught with an break failure to slightly crashed with injury. Ali, who gets to know about the interschool footrace hold with the price of a pair of shoes, put all his effort to challenge the race… won with the tears of conflict at end!
Since Iranian, language wasn’t a problem with no subtitle it was remarkable understanding via gestures. Ali’s eyes expresses the emotions truly profound than what he speaks about, thus was Zahra’s adorable visage and her endeavor to grab one of the shoes that fall into a running canal lets us include in her curious attempt. Ali’s father, the one who runs being the ostrich in ‘song of sparrows’ (Reza Naji) did a similar job wonderfully and his tone is something even mom remarks from kitchen thinking I’m watching the SOS again.

Things I liked in the movie were the big baked chapattis that were fold like clothes and wrapped; followed by the shatter of a large candle wax by Ali’s father which I wasn’t certain until observed closely. The small tank in the courtyard of Ali’s home and the fun the siblings share over blowing bubbles while washing their white shoes and Ali’s foot being massaged by the golden fishes in the tank after extreme footrace were significant!

Children of heaven, a must watch by children!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fall of rain

Fall of rain
(Click image for enlarge to read)
The picture captures a little falls followed by a stream on way to Dolphine Nose near Coonoor in Nilgiri district. I added few words to this pristine beauty in a sort of instant photo frame.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Belair cottages

The day begins for me with sunrays waking me at my bedside besides melting away the moisture dewdrops on the windows panes; I open my eyes to see the colorful flowers wiping away the windows screen. Dreaming away somewhere, the sound of twittering birds awake me from asleep inside this vintage cottage with taller roofs from the British period. Landing here at night full of darkness and mist, I missed to see how beautiful the place was where I slept asleep amid coldness without realizing how pristine and peaceful the existence was.
Daisy beauty
The chirping house sparrows from their home among the wooden portico rejuvenates smiles seeing them after long back losing their little feet’s in our neighborhood in cities were sweet surprise sweeping my first sights of birds in Nilgiri from the recent trip to Kotagiri. The mynas were everywhere put there feet’s at green grasses and lawns are pretty nice to watch while pecks seek grams and nothing more even a little flower grasp easily the eye sight very beautifully here. The lawns are something always invites to roll on and I was touched by the dewdrops at the end of grasses through the sense was refreshing.

The Belair cottages nest in the 80’s British bungalow has a lot to admire within its premises and its wooden floor was something soothe to our foot and bringing down the coldness inside. The hanging Japanese art in the hall was beautiful and the curtains screened windows bring light embrace into the room where an indoor fireplace framed in simple designed wood. The pink painted building festooned by bloomed creepers along the front porch beings fairness feel to this simply tiled roof with two pretty vents on top.
Indoor fireplace embrace light
Similar to homes stay sort, the Belair treats with homemade dishes served by the Manipuri’s thus have an attached restaurant at its backyard in a dome style also services at our doorstep with advance booking an hour before. The whole stay was somewhat comfort and very pleasant attended to the chirping birds and hills mound of tea estates and green carpet nearly with a heart of patch brings a destination itself. Less than two km from the Kotagiri bus stand, the Belair brings a feel of partially surrounded by tea gardens, lonely if there’s none occupies either portion.

Since visited in April I recall the moments often in dream, refreshes every time thinking about want to do a post on it... perhaps a lot more to write, I looking forward to constant motivation which I lack lately to write.
pretty gateway
Two more post here and here related to this

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Jingle bangles

Jingle bangles
Replacing glasses into gold
the dream of young girls
is wearing colorful bangles

Hands turn more beautiful
once women worn bangles
are said to have happy dreams

The jingling glass bangles
clink the heart of girls, who
sparkle smiles in delight

Like anklets, bangles pop
sometime as a sign of love
or message to her sweetheart

However girls perhaps grown
life rejuvenates, once
colorful bangles are worn.

- Jeevan

ps. The lovely hands belong to my sister was captured by me some time before, while she worn colorful glass bangles. This photo got to my sight while browsing the photo folders and thus come out this post inspired by bangles.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

180 – No rules

Watched this beautiful movie named Nootrenbadhu (180) last evening in drive-in with my uncle and cousin since parents doesn’t show interest on this movie, the theater was empty within fingers count of vehicles. The movie’s plot wasn’t unusual to Tamil cinema, which I don’t like to enter, but has a modern way of viewing with stunning visuals and enhanced love scenes.
Kickoff ashore of Varanasi, the visuals began to behold with some sophisticated slow motions is a techno- treat which continue to behold by various aspects till the end, captures happiness, fun and flirting amusingly that almost take place in the first half bears pieces and bits at rear. Holding the suspense till partially after the interval doesn’t emphasis unexpectedly but without touching deep in emotions the movie keeps moving in a hope unlike any other movies that end with regret.

The 180 – symbol of days, revolves around Siddharth, who break the rule in Boys stunts now there is no rule via reentering into Tamil cinema after his debut. He looks very smart and acts indeed well, expressing his emotions are good at phase except somewhere overrules and without a guess what his next move was. The movie has two cute heroines – Nithya menen and Priya Anand, gets our attention next to the visual enchanting and there each gesture expresses sweetness and every move has been captured lovely into the frame.

The director being an expert in Ad film making has made the movie without losing the prettiness on screen but at many places his ad sense arise away without logic which is similar to almost fairy tale advertisements. The concept behind the 180 days of rejuvenate is a good decent entertainment and enjoying the day today life is what many younger’s dream of today has well portrait even the reason has been different, and least flashback is the pulse of first half.

The sequence of songs has been captured in a remarkable way of appreciation and the no rules song is a great challenge to cinematography and composition of the song. The other one which is very sweet among them was Nee Koorinal… which is one of a best romantic songs so far has been captured very beautiful unlike ever. I just love this song for its adorable music and love expressiona… Niyayam Thana is too good! 180 – Behold everything beautifully but lacks to hold everyone’s attention.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Secret lover

Love ashore
Moon, the light of night
glisten brightly like her
who sits beside me
on this full moon night

We never know each other
and ever gonna know
but I enjoy her presence
and adore each gesture silently

She don’t mind me seeing her
because she never know
I admiring her beauty, since beside
she kept giggling with her friend

Words become silence to express – her beauty
because she’s a beautiful flower
resume always fresh in mind
ever still without fading away

Sometime her keen eyes wander sky
lips whisper something sweet – and gesture
which I never understand
unless I become a friend alike hers

The wander eyes come pause
when she adjust her hair
leaving behind her salwar scarf
she expresses an excellent style!

The active eyelid closes
when she comes into mind;
and I come across many lasses
but none stays like her in mind (e).

PS: Something beautiful happens a year before but only now get inspired to write about. The picture above was taken by me on a full moon night lately in beach, where a couple or perhaps lovers sitting ashore in the company of moon light and whispering waves which bears the silver shadows of the moon. I was just focusing on the moon and its shadows, but it comes out lovely with the couple inside. So sweet isn’t it. :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sony, the sound of music

The electric which goes off often these has gone immense without a limit and extends beyond the scheduled times has become a challenge for everybody and the worst thing was as it goes away at mid-day when heat waves fold away. People believed the new government will solve this problem as soon it take oath, but whoever forms the govt. could not do anything unless wind blows, rain stores the reservoirs or plants produce high electric.

Its sorrow to see people suffer from power outage and its wonder how some act like that only now it’s getting hot and experiencing a summer for the first time that heading out home or the a/c room will burn into ashes. I’m not against people getting comfort from a/c rooms and getting cool themselves from summer heat but speaking without sense struck me hard as if they are the only survivors in this universe and those works for sum under the scorching sun will do with no option to survive.

Ok. Come to the post, it’s a dream come true for me after days or years of waiting for a best sound system that could content my heart listening to music and watching movies. It’s more than a decade I went to an enclosed theater where sound quality would be best at experiencing a quite movie but being a regular visitor to a Drive-In theater was not that greater to say about sound except good viewing at our leisure.

I always believe Sony is the best for music and so brought a home theater with lot of expectation that could meet my LED TV and satisfy me in various forms in which getting a best sound system and easy to control which has never become balanced so far. The new DVD Home Theater (DAV-TZ210) was the least cheap and best product from the Sony connects almost all digital devices which response in high definition and controls all connectivity in one remote.

I’m overjoyed by the product and listening to my favorite music and songs sounds so good and best at tempo and clear bass discovers many hidden species so far appears nothing and I haven’t checked with movies yet the installation has not done, the system is waiting for the company guys to demo and arrange the speakers. I connected few speakers and woofer with the help of mum and wonder how would it sound if surround speakers installed at its position. Awe... I am so happy with it and enjoying one of my passions for music and cinema.

Monday, June 27, 2011


Sunrays poem
Wrote this poem inspired by the stunning rays, I captured while nearly Bangalore lately.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Happy B'day dear mom

Happy B'day dear mom
A real life angel, mom
born this day
especially for me
20 years early before
I come into this world

Today, there isn’t a world
without her and dad
who bear me unbearably
with concern, care and kindly
standing behind me, lifting above.

To say about mom
she’s the foundation of home
and wellness of our family of 4
who nod for everything alike
despite getting scold from dad

In my smile and happiness
lies her sacrifice, very strongly
despite however trouble
she never shown strain on face
instead, care and love beyond pain

I don’t believe in god’s exist
but never denied anything
she brings in love, in what she believes
and whatever I say
the black won’t fill at all

I no need to say enough
because she is everything
and there isn’t a day without her
and in my every action
she reflects a lot.

I just don’t want to think a lot to make it more impressive, I just write what I feel this moment. Today is my Mother’s Birthday, so I wish her all the best and good health... forever to be strong.

There’s another sweetheart born this day is our friend Keshi. I could not forget her Birthday easily as there no need a reason to say. Wish u very Happy B’day Keshi.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Fuel-less vehicle, cycle
never runs out of gas
unless air loses in tier.

Cycling is an exercise; almost today
was once touched
the entire lifecycle of human.

Pedaling the bicycle was fun
and once the cheerful rides
were totally different today.

Once life changed
the lifestyle changes along;
resist holding the handlebar.

At its edge survival, bicycle
holds the way to restore
the environment at better position.

- Jeevan

Monday, June 20, 2011

Six years old

My blog has grown six years old and I still write with same enthusiasm and whole hearty and have come across a lot of people who in turn continue to follow me as a reader, friend and many who left the blogosphere but still continue to support me as a silent reader has brought many changes into my life and I have learned a lot through there blogs and visits that encouraged me to withstand the strain I go through life has perhaps shaped me as a person to work with more confident and sustain here thus far.
Its me
(Its me, photo captured in kotagiri.)
Today many social networks and forms have come but like blogging nothing gives me content feeling and doing something worth to keep myself occupied and sharing my thoughts, experience and feeling with others. I just believe that best is yet to come even I am content with things happening and this attitude makes me progress and inspires to write more on places I explore and explain my thoughts and deeds in detail.

I take this chance to thank you all for being beside me, encouraging and supporting from overseas and I am still blogging is because of you, whose comments and messages convey me your direct support which influences a lot in leading my blog. I not alone thank you, because this two little words is not enough really to show my gratitude whose kindness and attitude in accepting the variants in thoughts and sense are not an easy thing to appreciate but accepting the truth is what I appreciate about blogs and being reliable to either is the source of this blogging.

Whatever I say, sometimes I write for myself. It’s the pressure that I need to release somewhere and things I can’t accept being abnormal and incredible against the sense and passion that derives me not to leave this space created for me to voice in society and access communication with others. There are networks like Facebook, Orkut, and Twitter… but nothing satisfied me like writing a blog. Yours truly!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

I become a pilot

There’s no age to play things and it depend on mind completely and such things happen sometime seeing someone playing with something. I wish to play always and never feel I am growing except my thoughts and no one complain about it since mostly everyone treats me at home and families as a kid and I agree with it and only sense and knowledge have grown and physically I’m in a child’s stage.
RC helicopter
I was at HAL Aerospace Museum in Bangalore recently checking the amazing old and renovated aircrafts at display and at the end of our walkabout inside the museum; we enter the main building to find out something and got to know about this remote control helicopter. First I wasn’t liked as I was looking out for RC Car, knowing my cousin’s interest and the helicopter takeoff really I want to go for it and it was wonderful from then to see it flying and operating was very fun and enthusiastic.

I enjoy it so much operating it and now I gave it to my cousin who’s in behind buying it to enjoy as much and it’s not easy to operate a copter in real and I was happy to be a pilot for this little helicopter sometime. The copter takes off 30 feet in height. Here I post a video (below) operating RC Copter. Mission impossible! :D

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Haiku on moon

Haiku on moon
The moon in the picture was taken on Super-moon day couple of months back. The Haiku was inspired by the Lunar eclipse i missed to check yesterday.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Wow… it was a super cool evening at last amid hot weather, the rain that last couple of hours yesterday reduces the temperature partially, leaps out frogs and mosquitoes outside the home and water stagnant on roads. I was just refreshing in the drops of rain at doorstep and the fragrance of soil that stimulates in touch of fresh raindrops and the wind that blows off pretty warm and later cool.

The day not alone end the hot weather was also off to summer holidays due to schools reopen today after two months holiday which extended by a week and so by the confusion behind bring the Samacheer Kalvi (Uniform System of School Education) for 1 to 10 std from this current year which brought by the latter government to give parallel education to everyone in the state opposed by the new govt. is in supreme court to seek justice as their favor to reestablish the syllabus from next year.

As per court order an expert committee has to be formed to clear it in three week, but schools reopened today what kind of lessons the 3 weeks going to teach the children has been put pause along with confusion which going to bring an extreme pressure esp. for the 10th std students who faces the public exam . This is a wonderful opportunity I think for schools to educate children about life and activities that bring out their creativity and moral sense which has to be developed and follow along their syllabus.

It’s obvious that there is a political game behind it and whatever it might be, when it comes to social interest and important, beyond ego, selfish and personal rages the significant has to be forced immediately. It’s quite foolish decision taken by the govt. to stop the uniform education system after a whole lot of books have been printed and yet to distribute, it doesn’t looks like public favor. The situation of opening schools from the actual date has never been too late like this and it could make children happy to go to school just to play and have fun with friends but the real pressure beyond their happiness is in cope with lessons.

I wonder why such things never happened in our life, so that we could have enjoyed going to school just to go play and have fun except nothing to study. Hehe… The cousin who has been along with me almost the whole summer vacation has left now with a lack of space of entertainment and support, it was wonderful learning many things from this vacation and traveling and it seems true that only we get closer we understand a lot about others, for good as well as to avoid certain things to continue a smooth relationship.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mist Haiku

Mist Haiku
Just thought to write something and tried Haiku style of poem, inspired by the cool mist.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

The lawn

While it dawn
the dewdrops widespread the lawn
the sun rises
down, to break the yawn

Fresh in the morning
the mind rejuvenates,
while the mild sunshine
back with hope rays

Lass and kids
kiss the droplets at feet
while hanging around
lowness at lawn

In spirit and pride
like a crowned queen of hills
in the little feet
march-past the little myna
- in the lawn

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

A note on Bangalore trip

The city elevated from nearly thousand meters above sea level has very pleasant weather to stay among cities and even the sun beats down, the cool wind blows off the trees in and around the garden-city maintain the temperate but the critical and worst part was traveling within its boundary. No one stops the vehicle for any reason unless forced to stop it and it’s a challenge to outsiders to drive into the city and tough moving without guidance, it seems like conducting a race among the residence is easy and thus how rashes they drives. I know I know… Bangalore isn’t an only city to experience the worst traveling and many metropolitans perhaps more or less produce a similar challenge for riders but compare to Chennaites, Bangaloreans are fast moving and whatever the means of source it showdowns the worthiness of life and things.
Glass House -  Lal Bagh
Lal Bagh Glass House
Leaving away the nonstop challenge on roads in Bangalore and any other cities in India, it was very pleasant staying at a friend’s place in their care and comfort and guidance. Karthik’s mom who invited us to her home in Bangalore take care our complete stuff single handedly and arranged for a guided tour into the city, which helped us in checking out the Cubbon Park, Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum, HAL Aerospace Museum, Ulsoor Lake and Lal Bagh.

To say about the places visited, everything has something interesting and worth visiting esp. the Visvesvaraya and HAL museums are remarkable by its facts and figures at display and operating each simple mechanism and instrument was fun. To say the most beautiful thing about Bangalore was the Lal Bagh, which brings the garden city feel within its premises unlike Cubbon Park which is parted by inner roads used by public vehicles.

Captured at Karthik's home
We stayed at Karthik’s home in National Games Village, Koramangala, which he bought before his depart and now his mother takes care of the things along with his memories and she never fails to visit his home ones in a month and she feels completely with his son the times being there and it’s the only solace and depression she bears in life. All over her home it was Karthik’s photos and she arranged his things and awards in the hall along with his bike he used at last.

Apart constant and carelessly driving fast, few are people friendly and helpful knowing we are from other state by indentifying our car number guide us at few places and on other day when we are on our way to Nandi Hills, a man in his middle-age drives beside us in his Maruti 800 until we take diversion to Nandi hills and his advice to maintain less than 80kmph helped us from getting fined. It was very difficult to find route on our own in Bangalore which hold partially Tamil speaking people and even they know Tamil they are avoiding to speak – may be they hesitate that it will affect their living.
Cubbon Park, Bangalore
Roses bloomed in Cubbon Park
We could see many luxury cars used as taxies in Bangalore alike in foreign countries and it was wonderful seeing Bangalore leading a international living in country and thus could be the reason everyone movies very fast in making money and lack giving due attention to others while driving and just moves fast even dash with other or make accident with lives. We witnessed two incident where both were taken casually and moves faster even someone bleeds. I wonder what a life they are living, keeping their everyday life as a bet to survive with money. I’m not complaining but just say what I think about.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Leaving to Garden City

The garden city is the nickname of Bangalore which has many gardens to derive its names from. I have come across Bangalore couple of time but only now got a chance to stay over and discover the places those are familiar with names of garden.

One of our friends, who come to know and become familiar via blog, had invited us to her home in Bangalore. The plan has been on consider for very long time and only get approved by us now, so leaving to Bangalore tomorrow with a list of places to visit and take rest in the presence of much better and very pleasant weather unlike Chennai, and moreover it’s the warmth and care wanted us to stay at her place.

Here I come up with few pictures captured from the Botanical Garden in Ooty, from our latter visit.
Fern House
The Fern House (above pic) in the Ooty Botanical Garden is home to many ferns and orchids. Established in 1894, this house is dedicated to W.C. Mc. Ivor, in whose response the Garden has been developed to this stage from the then a patch of vegetable garden and wilderness of Shola and shrubs and the lower part as a swamp traversed by deep ravines.
Green lawns of Ooty Botanical Garden
Green lawns of Ooty Botanical Garden
Flowers show in Ooty Botanical Garden
Display of flowers : Ooty, famous for its annual flower show had begun recently in the botanical garden, with varieties of roses and flowering plants at display, and creation of sculptures using colorful flowers. Keeping in mind of India won the World Cup in cricket, a floral replica had been created which expected to attract more visitors this year.

Friday, May 20, 2011

KO - my view

Being a cinematographer himself has taken the photo journalism as the plot for his movie KO; K.V. Anand had directed a superb movie where I could see similar thoughts and dreams take stage on screen. As a believer in young people could change anything, with their tireless, energetic and exuberant I could follow my dream until the climax where things change with intend to end the story. Many scenes reflect what is in my mind and the camera played an important role rolling parallel to the fast track screenplay and discloses the media’s interface in bringing change in society.
As a photo journalist, Jeeva had a wonderful opportunity to play an ever powerful role as a smart hero with an introduction by chasing a tempo traveler to shoot the photos of the bank robbers and further blocking their progress, was a fantastic action scene could easily challenge the Hollywood. I think there couldn’t be a perfect time to release the movie which revolves around the media and politics what played a revolution recently in the rule of TN. The media had been portrait well and its importance and risk involved in collecting news and producing the result give an idea how things happen.

Ajmal in a young leader character who want to bring change into politics resemble how someone would be in near future if youngsters enter politics and rule the govt. Not to forget the two sweet and cute heroines, Piaa and Karthika – the daughter of latter heroin Ratha, wasn’t just pretty, but exhibits really good expressions to be real in acting and cheerful in songs. The Piaa was as sweet as pie and best suited for a girlfriend character that anyone would like to have one alike her.

A movie from a cinematographer turn director doesn’t need a thing to say about how picturization would be, it was fantastic and outstanding. The song related sequence and actions are excellent and capturing exotic locations esp. the places around the cliff of Prekestolen of Norway for songs are fabulous and treat for eyes. To say about songs and music, it’s rare to come across a whole album which quite delights and to become all my favorites. To watch a decent political related feature and to experience the worth of delight in photography, KO is recommended.

The title slides resemble the flicker stream! I watched the movie yesterday at a night show in Drive-In.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Kotagiri – at arrival

Leaving home in Chennai at 7 in morning and reaching Kotagiri about 8 at night, the whole day went on traveling via en route Dharmapuri, Mettur, Sathyamangalam... it was partially wonderful as we travelled half the way through state highways which are my favorite routes that goes through small towns and villages. We stopped at Mettur Dam to have our fish fries for lunch and the home we know through our past visit treated us with fish fires identifying our latter visit.
Porridge vendor
While the fish fries get prepared; we explored the nearby shops by buying sweet corns, murukku, color candies… and the mobile vendor who selling porridge got lot of attention from people and being a hot summer day cousin’s chose to have it. We moved further from there and stopped for our lunch break under a shadow tree and after sometime leave to Sathy in search of rooms as we had book for only 3 days in Kotagiri and wanted to stay in Sathy and go to Bhavanisagar and Bannari temple, but we couldn’t get any rooms in ground floor so called the Belair cottages in Kotagiri and they were glad to advance a day in our booking and we went directly.
From Sathy to Mettupalayam, it was a wonderful evening time passing through the winding roads and Eastern Ghats followed by the Western are very pleasant while the sun settle down with different shades and shapes of clouds at various moment. After reaching Mettupalayam we took the Kotagiri road directly without going through Coonoor and the adventure begins here as we passed through the forest road that bears the warning signs of elephant crossing. As we were looking for something interesting, a wild elephant come into our way and it wasn’t hindering but standing beside the road eating bamboo leaves and leaving the dung on the road as a sign of exist.
Wild Elephant
We didn’t expect an elephant to be standing on a bend and we managed to pass him without fear unlike either vehicles standing on road to let him move and the thrilling part was when a guy suddenly tries to turn his car in scare of seeing an elephant interrupted our path with elephant behind. Parents and the drive come cousin whose fear about wild animals got little tension over this and I and other cousins who were expecting something like this – I mean the elephant, were excite more seeing a wild elephant.

The cold increases in atmosphere as our elevation rise, we had our coffee at a roadside shop near a small village, where a Toda festival was going on and the speakers were singing aloud a Badaga song which we couldn’t understand anything but my cousin identified it was Badaga as he’d studied a year in St. Jude’s public school, Kotagiri. The adventure doesn’t stop and it continued this time in form of mist and it was enormous to quite hide the road for a while nearing Kotagiri and nothing could be seen opposite except a gray screen. We stopped somewhere to let it clear, but it never seems to be so we moved slowly following the road studs laid on the center of the road.
Even it is difficult to dive in mist I feel wonderful moving into enormous mist and cloud that last for nearly an hour, sitting next to diver seat. It was very cold and lightning crosses the sky with thunder when we reached Kotagiri and things become normal soon and we felt very comfort at the Belair cottage. We were allotted to stay at the main building built in British period which is at ground level with couple of steps was very easy for my wheels to get in and the new blocks were at elevation. The people at Belair are friendly and lean any help and in order base they provide lunch, dinner and breakfast and on the opening night we had chappathi-kuruma. The preparations and serving are made by Manipur guys.
Belair cottages
mom in front of Belair cottages in Kotagiri

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Something extreme

What disturb me more than I was were the rising vehicles, pollution and population of people in India. We all know it doesn’t take place in India alone and everywhere it cause an effect, but unlike ever it causing much trouble because of its never ending progress of increasing concern. I wonder where we are going uncontrollable on the road which no one knows where it would leads so and the environment we are creating today and for tomorrow is to stay cool inside the home or vehicle to switch on the air conditioned wind to inhale than going out breathing fresh air.

In cities, bikes has turned less than owning a car’s intention being raised took away every space to play as parking and owning two to three vehicles per home increased incredibly traffic on road and more than driving into the city it’s becoming easy driving far away from the crowd. The pollution has become slow poison to city dwellers and breathing fresh air has become a rare occurrence in cities except less space for parks and beaches where people gather a lot to exercise their breathe, but where to go when everyone need there space to breath.

The weather is becoming hot everyday and climate has been changing day by day but the cause to reduce these has becoming a mirage every time leaders gather to debate on conferences to end without a confidence to defeat. The income of the people has been increasing phenomenally when even recession and inflation has taken place the people hadn’t took much care outside their homes where the actual cause began or needed to be tackled down.

The replacement and building constructions has been taking place everywhere and often into the city, the debris and dust has been sent into the living space and spread into the homes and dishes that we eat into infections and disease. I had the worst day out into the city, moving in the traffic and the black smoking silencers and the noise has threaten me with caught and headache, even we were partially enclosed in vehicle I wonder what trouble the bike riders and pedestrians could suffer from. It’s incredibly worse what the way we are living by just reducing our life time to these strong odors, chemicals and in name of sufficient and carrying our family we disturbing the civilian society which includes one of us.

We could seek justice for everything and things happens in need and taking steps further increasing our status and none could deny it, but when things goes out of control or concern we are responsible for our future and upcoming generation. Everyone’s wish and concur comes closer or in line sometime to experience what others appreciate in life and there’s nothing wrong in it and we need to work with concern and sense.

Just wrote what I feel and thought about something that exists and come across in mind.

Friday, May 06, 2011

Fire summer

The ferocious summer heat is back here with never before fierce to make sure we suffer from its violent rays and struggle to beat it in various ways but still the construction of heat has been going strong unlike before. The Chitirai, the Tamil month that marks the begin of summer bears the period called Agni Natchathiram, which means ferocious summer heat that last for 21 days sharing the Tamil months Chitirai and Vaigasi on calendar.
(image: sunrise captured at kotagiri)
No one could say how intense it could be in coming days, but sure it going to be same or more unless a low pressure happens of either sea’s of Indian Ocean or the beginning of southwest monsoon which we all wish for. Whether we call it by any name, the world is become warmer day by day and a part of its reflection is what we experience in this summer season and the increase in using refrigerators and air conditioners can give a temporary state of comfort and cooling but they are preparing our earth to a intensify state of warm outside our home.

Chennai has been measured the highest degree in temperature across the state, which is 105 today and most of the cities in Tamil Nadu had scored more than a century. When the news flashes the beginning of rage summer heat in state, happily many part of it had witnessed storm rain and Kotagiri which we visited last week had high rainfall of 90mm. To our great disappointment, most of the places we came across last week with intense heat had gone cool over night due to sudden rainfalls had enthralled us.

The disappearance of clouds had given hand to the blue sky to flash direct sunlight on our poor people who were mostly scare about summer heat had began to frighten more than ever thinking about the skin disease had made distract more easily. The showers that where hot without heaters and the clothes get wither so easier in the heat waves could be grace, but the chart of cutoff current across the state esp. at the midday had been worst than anything. I myself being an open window delight couldn’t stop agree closing the doors to only open in evening for the sea breeze to take off which usually take place after noon had been delayed these day.

Hope and wish the intense heat expires soon…

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Back from Blue Mountains

Last week I was in Nilgiris (Blue Mountains) for a week vacation and stayed in Kotagiri with parents and cousins. It was a wonderful journey traveled across the Blue Mountains carried by enormous mist, twittering sparrows and fun floating amid cousins and the space for breathing fresh breeze off valleys and mountains are fabulous. Couldn’t still come out of the sights and scenes that carried on mind and memories still inhale the fresh breeze of Blue Mountains, which are greener and sandstones taking place.
Bliss - wild bellis
Wild bellis
Traveled on paths that have never been or even imagined and checking the innermost nature as it is through mind, sense and images are a greater opportunity I got through this travel. It was well comfort and pleasant stable at Kotagiri for 5 days and 4 nights in the Belair cottages surrounded by somewhat tea plants and green lawn are best at leisure.

The intend of this travel was to visit avalanche and to stay in the forest rest house for at least a night, but I couldn’t get the chance as it was booked for nearly 2 month, we just checked in and out getting permission from forest office in Ooty. It was an awesome ride into the dense forest of Avalanche and Upper Bhavani, and the whole ride was among road-less with either sides of shoals and grasslands.
Belair cottages
Belair cottages kotagiri
I decided not to release any pictures that captured inside the prohibited area as it is worth to be protected from outside world knowing that it could attract anyone easily to be disturbed and I never know that I need to travel through this thick forest to check upper bhavani backwaters. Throughout the way it was astonishing climate and weather and was splendid beautiful. There was an excitement carried on within everyone as there was no man’s activity along the way and it was quite silent except for twitter birds and streams and falls noise.

Most of the travel happens between Coonoor-Kotagiri and Kotagiri-Ooty as the places we wanted to check were laid on northwest we touched either city to connect the roads and was suppose to be tire hold to the many curves. Partially it was a successful and dream come true travel, but still I hang for these places to be revisited and wanted to go beyond these place next time. Thanks to the Scorpio and its tubeless tires, and excellent driver come cousin and without them it’s hard to move into this off-road terrain in and around avalanche towards upper bhavani.
countryside ooty
Countryside near ooty