Visiting some places in my area and Adyar broken bridge is one of it I got to check when looking for a place to watch Chennai Air-Show. It was a beautiful place with back waters stays like lagoons and birds flying in groups. Another place I was visiting is Adyar Theosophical Society, after over 10 years. It’s a pleasant travel inside the tranquil place of varies plants birds… I am looking for another opportunity to enter this garden. Again a visit to the village, riding at the dry lake was a joy in it. My birthday was happen to be a remarkable and memorable one in my life, lots of greets from dear friends and family sent me to happiness and friend Narayanan Venkat’s visit to home specially on my B’day gives a great pleasure. My PC system failure in June and without internet for a month is a worst time in the year and was like helpless to contact anyone to know my situation.
Felt happy that I got a physiotherapist to check my activates, but it haven’t exist for more. He was only visited me for two day and contactless till now. There was lots of expenditure in 2007 to buy new PC, my power chair and medial treatment for grandma and dad and for other unexpected expenditure brings harder in managing the family budget. Even spending on treatments there is no further changes in the health and recent days struggle by dad for his arm and shoulder pain because of nerves jam was not consoled. Bringing to side the all other happening, the pain, suffer and emotionally hurts are waited on every day in some shapes and size. Distress was lead role in this year more for my dear parent’s than feeling my own health and relations love but not to live up to wonders neither its destiny or over expectation to help in need.
And the festivals like Ayutha pooja, Deepavali comes in some desired way, where I went to the celebration at my uncle’s workshop brought me the closer of the familiar moment at events and watching colors on deepavali was more enough comparing to past years. I met some new friend this year in blogging; those are very lovable in sharing, carrying friendship and being supportive through my life and hope they would be there and I would be here to share in coming years. With this let’s give a good bye to this year and pray for a beautiful 2008 to everyone. Be Happy :)