Recently my dears in blog honored me with awards for what they feel am right person to have. I sincerely thank each one made my days so happy and wonder how truly I admired to get there attention. Thank you so much dears. Now it’s my turn to pass on.

Keshi awards me with Blogging Friends Forever. We share here nearly my blogging years; it means of our long lasting friendship in blogging and wish to see it forever. So on the way this award to goes to:
Balaji – He is a wonderful mate and brother to practice; he love train journeys, observe the beautiful nature and moments he comes across, in sharing with people he is best. He always encourages me, and it’s my pleasure meeting him sometime back.
Amutha – Her tulip speaks sweet. She writes exactly what to be convinced or express. She shares whatever interesting and important event with pictures. I wish all her 2008 resolutions exist, wow she have a new car right now ;)
Sivanesan (GP) – He is my great brother, who really cares ever I miss in online and bolgging (that doesn’t mean none cares than him). He is a science fiction writer, interacts with human, universe, ghost and dreams. He is another one been in touch with me almost blogging.
Priya – As she already received the brilliant weblog award, so I pass this to her. Her thoughts are worth, and anyone can agree as those bring positive changes. She flows like stream of poems, to read it feel beautiful and nature. To add she is a good photographer, introduce many new bloggers through her site.

Brilliant weblog award given my
Priya, now I pass this to:
Karthik – Even though he is no more, his reflections are more. I never know him before visiting his blog, but learning about him through his mother (now my mother too). I really wonder at his intelligent and bet someone like him to born is very rare. A perfect person to praise this award! If karthik was special to earth, just think how that could possible without his mother, who brought him to this world as best person? So I giver this award to Karthik Amma!
Kavi – He has his style of writing and made to wonder with interesting matters. Wherever he goes, capture the moments in pictures and express with words truly. These days he watches more Hindi movies and comes with neat reviews.
Sameera – She is a wonderful short story and prose poetry writer, she brings the exact scene to feel into fantasy. Her poems are more on Love and as social message. A lovely blogger :)
Meghna – She is a very young and sweet sis in 13. She could inspire anyone through her creative and gives pleasure her own fairytale stories. She shares her school experiences and pranks of loveable, and she is a reading enthusiastic.
Annie – She have the patience more than enough waiting to become a published writer. More confident person and pretty talented writer, and spent more time with nature. A wonderful photographer and turns to welcome visitors with a cup of tea ;)
Kalyan – On every events he was there to highlight the occasion and decorate with pictures and provide information regarding. Everyone can enjoy the feel in his description and whatever it may, takes us along. This Eden garden native, take us through the heavens garden of India and its culture, heritage and tradition, cuisine, peoples lifestyle ect...

Lalitha awarded me this, so I pass it to:
Keshi – What she write is right from her heart and there is a wonderful writer in her. She is more fun loving person, truly enjoys her exist and her words heal our courage. My favorite blogger in the world.
Vishesh – He is very intelligent and his teen does nothing to his knowledge! He flow stream of thoughts and questions through poem. He comes out with interesting ideas and makes us think what his picture speaks!
Thooya – She is a Tamil blogger who got more affection on language and people, which brought her here. She shares her sorrow and experience in Elam, sometime gives interesting facts around. She is one sweetest and loving friend of mine and she cooks well ;)
Krystyna – She is a wonderful person in heart, prays for peace and happiness to all. She gives more useful tips to stay healthy and she read more books related to health and share with us. She has very cute and sweet grandsons, and cares more for Kevin who is undergoing chemotherapy for leukemia. ‘Don’t worry dear, we all here to pray for him, and wish for positive indeed.’
Shiva – He writes more on social awareness and beautifully poems on nature, people, poverty… he have good memories and shares his experience whenever. Think he travels more to not update often, but he doesn’t miss sharing my posts. Thanks dear :)
Jeeves – She simply writes poem, lovely and what it means more.
Prema – She shares techno information; thoughts and any interesting experience. She loves children, pets and more cars!
Lakshmi – She writes her journey experience and describes the places which rarely noticed by people. She interested on exploring history, heritages, people culture, practice ect... more than enough pictures let us visiting the place and lots of information provides her blog.
All our bloggers deserve this awards; if I left someone don’t feel, i love you all for whatever u r right now if i missed.