There where times when students bring hand video games, trump cards to school hiding inside there bags and play while class was running and in brake times. Then caught by teachers and struggle to get back the thing or pay fine. Haven’t there days moved without cell phones, students never left home without it, no tuition, special class or extra-curricular activities went. Then why we want students to get confused with cell today. Technological gadgets are useful in many way, we have to see what’s necessary at the time and aware of both positive and negative sides of it. I was trying some online games for my cousin in his holidays, keeping him at my side. When he sees something colorful with cars, funny ads, graphic games he just want to check them; I don’t know how to make him understand his innocent on net. Who know what’s behind a click, where it goes. Some ads giving a sign of wrong thing that some may go to abuse sites, it was shocking to know the online games has vulgar characters. I don’t know why I am telling this, but like this some students not aware of another side of cell phones. There are many infringer minds out there without our knowledge; those hands may pull them to land in difference that’s very strange.
In my schools days the cell phone haven’t reach that much, and where not even allowed to tie watch and allowed only from higher class. If any urgent call have to made, with the help of school staffs we can do it. If parents comes late to pickup or any other changes in routine of school time teachers used to call our home from office telephone to contact parents. We feel like being in safe hand till leaving school campus. Ones they practiced with mobiles, they addicted to it, wanted to connect with friends always. Even today’s kids want cell phones; they know everything where elders learn from them. Phones with cam are like adding sugar to taste, it go around through good, bad pics scenes for fun. There was a question only for some doing wrong thing with phone why should it affect others using usefully. School is something pubic to all, just giving excuses to one or two will bring difference in unity, whatever needed must be followed with teachers and officials alone.