Saturday, January 14, 2006

My Kaanum Pongal Celebrations

Childreans celebrating Kaanum Pongal in some Village

The fourth day of Pongal is known as Kaanum Pongal. On that day people go to there relatives house and some tourist sports, to get relax after celebratingof Pongal. Many time i have gone out with our famile, usualy my uncle used to take us out, to some toursit spot and some relatives house. I think 10years back we take a Maruti Van and went to our relative house in Changelpattu (a town in South India) on the Mattu (bull) Pongal day evning, so we got a good chance to see many people taking there Cows to Temple, and travell in Bullcart (Mattu Vaandi) with decarations, and we stayed in our relatives house that night and next morning, we and our relatives, went out to celebrate the Kaanum Pongal.

First we went to Vedanthangal Bird sanctury, in pongal time the season will be winter, so on that day we saw many birds, it was really wondeful to watch birds in early morning, it was a big lake with many trees, we can see many foreign birds lay eggs and after the season is finished it will take its child birds to there country. I have gone to that sanctuary 3 time, it is a very beautyful place, one side birds and another side is field. on Kaanum Pongal days, when we travel on village side roads, we can see many people going in Mattu vandi (Bullcarts) and tractor to the fav
orite places. we can also see like this in chennai's suberbs or urban areas. After watching birds we went to Mahabalipuram, Mahabalipuram it is a gift for us by Pallava king, some years back it was called as Mamallapuram.( when i want to tell about Mahabalipuram, i have a lot of memories, so i will tell you on some other days) and while returning from mahabalipuram, me, my brother, my aunty and my cousin Uncle had sit in the Dickey of the Maruthi Van and open the door, we can feel the fresh sea breeze when we go like this and we saw many people who are going to there favorite place and we told Happy Kaanu Pongal to them, all the people have surprizingly looked us, it was very funny. That days are very sweet memories.
Some districts in Tamil Nadu, will condect Jalli Kattu (catching Ox) on Kaanum Pongal.

Friday, January 13, 2006

My Mattu (Bull) Pongal celebrations

The Next day of Pongal is Mattu (Bull) Pongal, so on that day i will go to my Grandfather house, because my grandpa has many cows and Buffalo. Mygrandpa is used to bath the cows and buffalo's, (some times me and my brother also have put bath cows, by using the spray tube, some times my aunty will also join with us and spray the water on us, and we pore the water on her, and get scolding from grandma) and paint on there kombu (bough) and fix bells in the kombu and some designed belt on its neck. My grandma will cook Pongal and give it for cows and buffalo's and put pooja's for them and we used to shout Pongalo Pongal mattu Pongal. in that area my grandpa only have bulls, so neighbouring will gather and see our pooja's.

And my uncle and grandpa will take the cow to Temple, and we also used to go with the cow, but we will come in 20 feet gape with the cow, because some times, it will ran. We have a big buffalo, and we used to tie near a wall, so every time it will sharp the his Kombu (bough), i always have fear on that, one time when mygrandpa take that Buffalo to temple, that many people brought there Bulls to temple, when our buffalo saw the bulls, it started running, and all people who are all stand near the temples have feared and run see the buffalo coming towards them, and it became very hard to control it. After that incident we have stoped going with cows to temple. My Grandpa neighbour have a bull cart or bull vehicle and they will decarate their cart and take childreans on that to temples, i also like to go on that cart, but my grandpa will not allow. For me every mattu (bull) pongal give different experiance. when we go to villages on Mattu Pongal, they will celebrated this festival very grand.

Some times we will go to our grandpa village 40km from Chennai, on the Mattupongal evening, and we go to the fileds and see the farmers, who theycelebrate the Mattu Pongal. every time when we go toVillage, we go to the fields and take bath on the canals and the in Pump set (where they take the water form the well and spread to the fields. and eat Nungu (kernal of tender plamyrah fruit) and elaneer (tender coconut) and will return on Night, when we returning in night, the road will be very dark and the two sides of the road is forest. it will be very fear to travell on that road.

Pongalo Pongal (Boiling)

Wish You All a Happy PONGAL

Before i tell my Pongal celebrations, First we see, why we celebrate Pongal.

Pongal is a four day long harvest festival celebrated in Tamil Nadu, a southern state of India. For as long as people have been planting and gathering food, there has been some form of Harvest Festival. Pongal, one of the most important popular Hindu festivals of the year. This four-day festival of thanksgiving to nature takes its name from the Tamil word meaning to boil and is held in the month of Thai (January-February) during the season when rice and other cereals, sugar-cane, and turmeric (an essential ingredient in Tamil cooking) are harvested. Mid-January is an important time in the Tamil calendar. The harvest festival, Pongal, falls typically on the 14th or the 15th of January and is the quintessential Tamil Festival. Pongal is a harvest festival, a traditional occasion for giving thanks to nature, for celebrating the life cycles that give us grain. Tamilians say `Thai pirandhaal vazhi pirakkum, and believe that knotty family problems will be solved with the advent of the Tamil month Thai that begins on Pongal day. This is traditionally the month of weddings. This is not a surprise in a largely agricultural community the riches fgained from a good harvest orm the economic basis for expensive family occasions like weddings. The first day is celebrated as Bhogi and second day is celebrated as Surya Pongal, third day is celebrated as Mattu (Bull) Pongal and The Fourth day is known as Kannum Pongal day..

My celebration

On Pongal day, i usualy wake early, take bath, wear New Cloths and watch Specail Program. My dad will go to shop and buy Sugarcane and turmeric, at 11.30 or 12.00 we take the Pongal Pot to the open space in front of our house to do pooja. Every time i ask my mom to keep pongal on the fire, until it flows, but my mom dont hear my word,and take it as soon as it ready. I will argue with here, that when the pongal flows form the pot, that is the real pongal. I also like to eat the pongal which was cooked in pot, but my mom used to cook it in cooker. On last pongal i compul my mom to buy a new pot and cook the pongal on this, because when we buy a pot for pongal, it will help the poor people who sales pots and they also will celebrate the Pongal. after keeping the pot in open, we show camphor (in tamil Karpuram) to the sun god, and we will shout pongalo pongal. after finishing the pooja, we will be read to taste the Pongal, Vadai and sundal. and will continue the Special programs in TV. I like to celebrate atleast one pongal in Village.

Tommarro will tell about My Mattu Pongal celebration.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Jeevan's Bhogi celebrations

Tommarro is Bhogi Festival. The first day of Pongal known as Bhogi Pongal is a day for family gathering and is dedicated to Lord Indra, the king of the deities and God of the Clouds and Rains. Offerings are made to him to please him so that he blesses us for the plentiful harvest. It is also the beginning of the New Year according to the Malayalam calendar and before sunrise, a huge bonfire of useless things in home is lit that is kept burning throughout the night.

Some years back i used to celebrate Bhogi, before the Bhogi day, i will buy buffalo-hide drums. me my brother and ourneighbouring friends will beat little buffalo-hide drums known as 'Bhogi Kottus' till night 11pm and we will plan how to celebrate the next morning. we all will plan to wake in morning 3.00am, but me and my brother will will wake only after 5.00am. we will not audomaticaly wake, our friend will coe to front of our house and beat the drums.

We will burst, old Papers, and Mats, my friends will tell us to burst Tyers, but my mom will not allow to burst tyers. then finish bursting, me and my friends will go a round in our area, with giving sound on our drums. while we are in round, we need to give heat to our drums, so when ever we see some one bursting fire on front of there house, we will go there and heat our drums, an continue our rounds, we will go rounds untill 7.30am in our round, we take sugarcanes with us, when we get tired, we used to eat. All of them will tell us to broke the drums and put it in fire, but we will not do that, we used to beat drums untill out Pongal Holydays end, we will heat our drums in the cooking stove. some time i will hide the drums some where and tell my mom that i lost my drums, and i will take the same drum next year and beat. My brother will buy two drums every year, he will broke one on before bhogi day, and buy another on early morning. In villages some people will cook pongal in the Bhogi fire, but our neighbours will heat water for taking bath. For the last 3 year we have not burst Boghi and beat drums, because we have grown now no.

Every year on Boghi day, we hae school, because we have studing in christian school, so they will not give leave. when my mom tell us to get ready for school, we will start crying and tell, that our friends all have leave so we also like to put leave, them my mom will complain to our dad, but our dad will tell, only one day no, its ok. on Boghi, we clean our house for next day boghi. Boghi is the last day of Margazhi month, so my om used to put big kolams in front of our house, and we will put colors on that. they are the very happy and unforgetable days. Wish you all a Happy Boghi.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I like to Live

Now a days i am not blogging properly, because of my ideat Computer.

Two days back i was reading Tamil magazine Kumutham. i read the interview of a Mother, and i really worrd & little panic, why i read that. That her son was affected by Duuchin Muscular Dystrophy, she said, that every year , a organ is getting failear for her son. and doctors said that her son will live only for 10 years. why she give this interview because, she thought, any one in this world, will tell i will treat your son or anyone will announce here is the treatment DMD. This news was very shock, for me, because i also a Muscular Dystrophy no, but i have Limb Girld MD. Most people are affected by Duuchin, very rare people are affected by Limb Girld in that way i am little lucky. You know, after reading her interview, i was totaly disturbed and i was cried that night. When i read that he will live for only 10 years, i was thinking how many year will be my life time. some months back also i read in the same book, that a DMD boy was died at his age 25. Now tell, my fear is right or wrong? I like to live many year, and i too hope, but i dont know what god has writen on my head. when i see my age guys on the road, living normaly and being happy. i also like to be a normal boy and like should enjoy this world. i can live like them only in Dreams. I like every one to show the Love (anbu) on me, when they show there love, their was a doubt standing for me it is Love or Sin (pavam parthu) for my Disable

I think the Name of the boy affected my DMD name Eshwar, you know his friends are Sachine Tendulkar, Anil Kumble and Shawalk. What i pray for god is , please take me too my childhood days i have to forget this life, should become free and enjoy with kids. When i saw the small kids, shouting, laughing and Playing with there friend, i was hating my life. i was thinked for long time, can we write this in Blog or not. Now i want a person to hear my feeling, i want to drop my worry anywhere. But where can i go and talk my emotions freely. Can i talk about this to my Parents, no, i dont like to give them my weight, already they are worried about my life, that's why i share this things with you Friends. I am very sorry to tell my feelings and hurt you all. some friends tell me that day we are all here for you, you can share your emotionals with Blogs.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Bore and Happy days

For a week long my computer indicating me there is a virus in my system, but I dint care about it. On Tuesday 3rd my computer hanged and dint open. We call the service and he closed the virus and reinstalled my system, but he can’t connect the internet, he and I tried to connect the line, no use, today came and reinstalled the internet and system and we got the connection. For five days it was very bore, all schools are open, my cousin kids also gone.

This week I had drawn a lovely drawing, of Titanic, will post it here soon. On Wednesday went to Prathana Drive-in to watch Aaru. They can chance the name Aaru as Aaruva, because the main artist of this movie is Aaruva. Surya is handling different getups in every movie; in Aaru Surya is act like an original slum guy. Trisha looks beautiful in this movie, she is very nice is the song Pakkatha enna Pakkatha… in sari. At least in this films Trisha has some sceans to act.

I am spending at least 45 minutes every day in front of my new home, there is a open space have some plants and water was standing, everyday I am seeing different birds, Crane’s, I think there should be some small fishes in that water that’s why the birds are coming, hear some good and new sounds from birds and some beauty full butterflies drinking honey form the flowers. These thinks give me new feel and have a change. I also saw, water snake and two mongooses. The main things I like in my new home is cute kids, there was a small kid name Soundhariya very nice girl, having a beautiful smile on her face every time, some times call me Anna, Anna. Nice to see them playing and driving cycle.

Yesterday a interesting cycle race happen between kids, in this Soundhariya and another kid sitting on the cycle and two girls push them, in 2nd round the two girls pushed the Soundhariya’s cycle and gone some were, the another kid started crying, and got angry went near to the wall and crying for long time, when some one go near her, she start cry loudly, it is very hard to control and peace her. I also experienced like this in my small age. One day my brother and neighboring friend gone some where in my cycle, I waited for long time, and they dint came. I go to my father and cried that Jayanth (my brother) and Karthik (neighboring friend) were gone some were in my cycle and said I want the cycle now, my father try to peace me, but I dint hear his world and fall down and rolled on the floor and cry. I remember that incident when I saw the kids yesterday.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Top 10 Tamil songs I liked in 2005

1. Andankkaka Kondakkari from Anniyan. the Harris Jayaraj music and dance are very nice. They have painted with colors on the Houses in Kumbakkonam and in the end of the song, the fields are very green and nature. The special of the song is Randakka Randakka…

2. Sutrum Vizhi Sudara form Gajini. the Harris jayaraj music is excellent and the song is very beautiful and Asil looks cute in this song, the camera played well. I like the last line of Lyrics Mazhai Alaka, Vaiell Alaka, Konjum pothu Mazhai alaku kannalana Kovapattal Vaiell Alaku.

3. Kummari… from Anniyan. In this song the special thing is beautiful flowers of Amsterdam, the flowers in this song will grow only for 10 days in a Year. The color of the flowers and the dress of Sadha (the yellow dress) the combination are super.

4. Pani Thuli, Pani Thuli… form Kanda Naal Mudhal. this song is very melody and romantic, the voice of Kay Kay & Sherya Ghosal is good and laila looks nice in this song, in I think in other films he dint look that much. And another song in this movie Merke Merke Merke thaan Suriyankal Udiththiduma is also very nice.

5. Uyire Enn Uyire from Totti Jaya, this song is very melody. The lyric of this song is excellent, and the tunes are great. In every movie mass songs will be hit in simbu films now the melodies song is hit.

6. Mayilirage Mayilirage from Ah Aah, the music of A.R.Rahman is very nice this song has some Malayalam tunes. The Soundhariya’s graphic effect is good, importantly when they walk on the water the water sparks is great.

7. Kodambakam area from Sivakasi. The dance of Vijay and Nayanthara is good and this song is better that the three loud songs Vada vada, Deepavali and Ennatha solvanungo. In Kodambakam song the dress of Vijay is not good, he looks like joker.

8. Kaatril Varum Geetham from Oru Naal Oru Kanavu. The Voice of the singer is super, I think this song is singed by Bavatharani, it is very melody. This is my second favorite carnatic music song, after Nila Kaaigirath from Indira sung by Harini.

9. Thee Pidikka Thee Pidikka from Arindhum Ariyamalum. The Yuvan Shanker Raja has remixed the old Bahavathar song. This music is very different. Arya and the gal Dance movements are new.

10. Kumbida ponna Thaivam from Thirupachi. This song is like Devote song, which will put in Amman temple in festival seasons. The voice of Malathi is like devotional singers. The dance of Saya Sing and Vijay is funny and good.

Except this 10 there, are many songs I liked this year, like Unnai Saranadaithaan from Thavaramai Thavamiruthu, Paakaatha Paakaatha from Aaru, Thigu Thigu from Ah Aah, Pou Puthatthu, Thottam yar pothathu from Mumbai Express ect.

The Superstar’s Chandramuke’s all songs are great, so I dint add Chandramuke songs in this list.

Read the self-repairing paint on Car's Here

Monday, January 02, 2006

World 2005 Part Ends

There is another Post in Shyam'sssss, about self-repairing paint on Car's.

The Boeing 737-200 shook violently second after take off, veered to the left and slammed onto a busy street in Indonesia’s third-largest city, bursting into flame, at least 147 person died many of them on the ground on September 5.

Junichiro koizumi re-elected as Prime Minister of Japan on Sep 21.

New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark has won a historic 3rd term on October 1.

Australian’s Barry J.Marshall and Robin Warren have won the 2005 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. American Roy Glauber and John Hall and Germany’s Theodor haensch won the 2005 Physics Nobel Prize for their work in the field of optics. Yves Chauvin of France and Americans Robert H.Grubbs and Richard R.Schrock won the 2005 Nobel Chemistry Prize for development method in organic synthesis. The IAEA and its chief Mohamed ElBaradei won the nobel Peace Prize for 2005 for their work in stopping the spread of nuclear weapons. Israeli and U.S. citizen Robert J.Aumann and American Thomas C. Schelling won the 2005 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for their work in game-theory analysis, in October.

The re-entry capsule of China’s Shenzhou-6 spacecraft carrying taikanauts Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng, landed on earth safely at 4:33am (local time) marking a complete success of china’s second manned space mission after it put the first Chinese national in Space 2 Years ago on Oct 17.

The E.U. declared the spread of bird flu from Asia into the E.U. a global threat requiring international cooperation, saying Western Europe is ill prepared to deal with an influenza Emergency on Oct 18.

A Nigerian airliner with 116 people aboard crashed after take off from Lagas and then were no signs of survivors.

In a scatting final report documenting massive corruption in the U.N. oil-for-food program, investigators have accused more than 2.200 companies and prominent politicians of colluding with former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein’s regime to defraud the humanitarian operation of $ 1.8 billion.

The civil unrest in France and neighboring countries was a series of riots and other forms of violent clashes between thousands of youths (predominantly of French Muslim background) from poor suburbs and the French Police (as well as the police of neighboring countries).The riots began on 27 October in the banlieues of Paris.

The overall coast of the Oct 8 earthquacke that hit the Pok and other parts of the North West Frantier Province is estmated at $ 5.2 billion, on November 12.

Sri Lanka’s 5th Presidential election concluded on a largely peaceful note. By the close of polls at 4.00pm, an estimated 75% turnout was registered outside the northeast, on Noveber 17. Sri Lankan Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakse was declared election the island-nation’s fifth executive President on November 18.

Ratnasiri Wickremanayake, Sri Lanka’s Minister for Interior and Buddha Sasana and Deputy Defence Minister in the outgoing cabinet, was appointed as the new Prime Minister by the President Mahinda Rajapakse on Nov 21.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon quit the governing Likud party, announced the formation of a new party and called for early polls on Nov 21.

Conservatice leader Angela Merkel was elected as Germany’s first Femal Chanceller, taking power at the helm of an unwieldy alliance of the Right and the Left that faces the tough job of turning around Europe’s biggest economyon Nov 22.

Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has won Liberia’s Presidential Vote, becoming Africa’s first elected women head of state and embarking on a 6-year mission to lift the war-torn country towards prosperty and reconciliation on Nov 23.

Palestinians formally opened a boarder crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt that will allow Gaza to travell abroad freely for the first time since Israel occupied the coastal territory in 1967 on Nov 25.

On Nov 29, Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin’s embatted Liberal minority government was ousted by a no-confidence vote in Parliament, kicking off a likely frosty election compaign over the Christmas holiday .

China has developed its first AIDS drug with independent intellectual property right, the producers announced on Nov 30.

A powerful Earthquake shook central and east Africa, on December 05

119 people were died when an ageing Iranian military C-10 transport plane suffered engine failure and smashed into a densely populated residential area of Teheran, on Dec 6.

More than 100 people were feared dead after a jet airlines crashed on landing in the southern Nigerian city of Port Harcourt on Dec 10.

A series of Explosion rocked one of the U.K.’s biggest oil storage depots, near Hemel Hempstead, about 50km north of London, causing injured to about 40 persons and considerable damage to properties in the area on Dec 11.

Two months after the devastating October 8 earthquake, a strong tremor at dead of night jolted people in Kashmir out of their sheep and sent them scurrying on the streets on Nov 13.

The 6th ministerial conference of the World Trade Organization got under way in Hong Kong with lowered optimism about the nearly 150member countries arrived at a consensus on the future course of multilateral trade on Nov 13.

On Dec 19, Warlords, former communists, Taliban defectors and women activist were sworn as members of the first Afghan Parliament in more than 30 years amid hope of national reconciliation after decades of bloodshed.

The former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, alleged that he was tortured by Americans, who have imprisoned him for over two-years on Dec 21.

In the biggest ambush since the February 2002 ceasefire agreement, suspected LTTE rebels blew up a convoy in the northern Mannar district, killed at least 13 sailors and injuring several others on Dec 23.

The Tsunami affected countries observed the 1st anniversary of tsunami on Dec 26.

A first satellite in the E.U.’s Galileo satellite navigation programme was launched from Kazakhstan, a major step forward for Europe’s answer to the U.S. Global Positioning System on Dec 28.

Indonesia completed the withdrawal of its 21,000 non-local soldiers form Aceh as part of a peace agreement to end a 29-year separatist insurgency in the tsunami-ravaged province on Nov 29.

Russia has vowed to cut off all natural gas supplies to Ukraine on January 1 as talks on the new gas price fell through: on Nov 30.
India 2005 will come soon.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

World 2005 Part II

The former South African president Nelson Mandela announced retirement form public life to lead support to a new global campaign for abolition of poverty on February 3.

The wreckage of the Afghan passenger plane with 104 crashed near Kabul on February 4.

The President of Tango, African longest-ruling leader died on Feb 6.

After many years of bloodshed, the Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, and the Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon declared a formal end to violence kindling hopes of a possible revival of the stalled peace talks on Feb 8.

The British Government gave the creator of Dolly the Sheep a license to clone human embryos for medical research on Feb 8.

An explosion in a Coalmine in China killed at least 203 people on Feb 15.

Disease fuelled by freezing weather has killed more than 120 afghan children, in Feb.

A powerful earthquake, which measured 6.4, in southeast Iran at least 500 people died on Feb 22.

The founder of Amnesty International, Peter Benenson, has died on Feb 27; Amnesty is the world’s most important Human Rights organization.

Million Dollar baby captured 4 top awards at the 77th Academy Awards including best Director Clint Eastwoon, best Actress Hilary Swank. Jamie Fox won Best Actor award. The Aviator, which has the most nominations, 11 in Oscar Award in Feb 28.

Former U.S. president Bill Clinton undergone a new round of hear surgery on March 11.

China’s parliament elected President Hu Jinta as chairman of the State Central Military Commission on March 13.

James Callaghan, the Labour Party stalwart who served as Britain’s Prime Minister in the late 1970’s died on the eve of his 93rd birthday on March 26.

A huge undersea earthquake measured 8.7 hits northwest Indonesia at least 2,000 people are feared dead on March 28.

Zimbabwe President, Robert Mugale’s ZANU-PF won the Parliamentary election on April 1.

Iraq’s new parliament chose a former Kurdish rebel fighter, Jalal Talabani, as the country’s first freely elected President on April 6.

Russia and NATO signed an accord facilitating joint military training and transit of troops through each other’s territory on April 21.

Accused of 9/11 attacks, Zacarias Moussooui said that Osama Bin Laden, personally chose him to crash a plane into the White House in a second-wave attack planned for after 9/11 on April 23.

After a gap of 29 years, Syria has withdrawn almost all its forces from Lebanon on April 26.

Singapore’s beloved and versatile former President Wee Kim Wee 89, passed away on May 2.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair was back in Downing Street after leading the Labour Party to an unprecedented 3rd successive term in office on May 6.

In a historic vote, the Kuwaiti parliament has granted Women the right to vote and stand for Parliamentary and local election on May 17.

Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne’s “The Child” about a 20-year-old petty crook suddenly faced with the responsibilities of fatherhood, won top honors at the Cannes Film Festival on May 21.

BBC journalists and other employee’s observed a one-day strike over job cuts on May 23.

Natalie Glebova of the Canada was Crowned Miss Universe 2005 on May 32; the 23-year-old was born in Russia but emigrated to Toronto as a young girl.

A week of torrential rains and heavy flooding has killed at least 200 people in china on June 1st week.

Famous Hollywood Actress Anne Bancraft (73) winner of the 1962 best actress Oscar as teacher of a young Helen Keller in “The Miracle Worker has died as cancer on June 8.

Pop Star Michael Jackson 46, was cleared of all charges in his child molestation trail hearing the world’s not guilty uttered 14 times in a deathly still courtroom on June 13.

The U.S. is at war in Iraq because of the 11/9 attacks, U.S. President Bush said. we went to war because we were attacked, and there are still people out there who want to harm our country and hurt our citizen’s on June 18.

Indonesia confirmed its first human deaths form bird flu on July 20.

At least 88 people were killed in a string of bomb attacks that rocked this tourist-packed Red Sea Resort in Sharm el-sheikh (Egypt) on July 23.

On July 23, The London police shot a innocent man Jean Charles de Menezes who had been living and working in London for 4 years.

On July 26, Discovery and 7 astronauts blasted into orbit on America’s 1st manned space shot since 2003 Columbia disaster, ending a painful 21/2-year shutdown devoted to making the shuttle less risky and NASA more safety-conscious.

A U.S. Astronomer announced that he had discovered a new planet larger than Pluto in orbit around the sun on July 30.

Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd (84), who had been ailing for some times, died, ending a 23-years reign on August 1.

On Aug 3, A space walking astronaut gently hulled two potentially dangerous strips of fabric protruding from the Discovery’s belly with his gloved hand, successfully completing an unprecedented emergency repair job.

A Russian naval mini-submarine with 7 sailors aboard is trapped some 190 metres down on the sea floor off the Pacific coast after becoming caught on a fishing net, on Aug 5.

The space shuttle Discovery glided back to Earth to a predawn landing in Edwards Air Force in California, nearly 14 days after its 9.28-million-km journey began on Aug 9.

Sri Lankan Foreign Affairs Minister Lakshman Kadirgmar (73) was short dead by an unidentified gunman in Colombo on Aug 12. The island nation declared a state of emergency to track down the assassins of Kadirgmar.

NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance orbiter blasted off into Space on Aug 12.

An Ecuadorian ship with 113 migrants on Board sank in the pacific off Colombia killed 104 on Aug 17.

Russia and China have lunched the first ever joint War games seen as a demonstration of the two nations resolve to challenge the U.S. dominance in world affairs on Aug 18.

The Israel military has evacuated all settlement in the Gaza strip to end 38 years of occupation of the Palestinian territory on Aug 22.

Robert Moog, the man who transformed the sound of popular music with his Moog synthesizer has died age 71 in North Carolina on Aug 23.

Oil prize topped $ 70 a barrel for the 1st time as a powerful hurricane wreaked havoc in the crude-producing Gulf of Mexico, home to 25% of U.S. oil and gas production on Aug 29.

At least 1,000 Shia Pilgrims are feared dead following a stampede on a bridge while they were on their Way to a Shrine in Baghdad on Aug 31.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

World 2005, Part 1

At least 90,000 people were killed and many people were seriously wounded in Pakistan and POK, on October 8th in a powerful Earthquake measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale.

The Hurricane cyclone Katrina, Wilma, Rita and Beta attacks US in September, thousands died and many lost their things and house.

Britain was in a state of shock after a series of explosion ripped through London’s underground train network and Double Decker bus on July 7, in this at least 70 people were killed and several wounded, and causing mayhem in a city which only hours ago witnessed scenes of jubilation after winning the bid to host the 2012 Olympic. The world’s most powerful leaders united to condemn the wave of bombings in London, saying they would not bow to terrorists but the attack clearly sidetracked the ambitious G-8 suit agenda for easing poverty in Africa and tackling climate change.

England Prince Charles married his 30 year long Royal Lover Camilla Parker Bowles in Windsar Castle for Guildhall on April 9.

Miss Iceland, Unnur Birna Vilhjalmsdottir, a part-time police officer who wants to be a lawyer, was crowned as Miss World 2005.

On January 18, Airbus A 380, the double-deck super jumbo, the World’s largest passenger plane introduced in France, that has an 262-ft wingspan, a tail as tall as a 7-story building and coast $13 billion to develop, seats 555passenger in 3-class layout or 800 passenger in single class.

January 9 Palestinians went to the polls to elect a successor to Yasser Arafat. On January 10 Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, has won a landside victory in the election. On January 14, Mahmoud Abbas, sworn as the Palestinian Authority President.

On January 20 The U.S. President George W.Bush sworn as 42nd President in an inaugural in White House, Washington, he start his 2nd fourth year.

The first African-American women Condoleezza Rice sworn as U.S. Secretary of State on January 27.

A NASA spacecraft with a Hollywood film name Deep Impact blasted off on 13th January to smash a hole in a comet and give scientists a glimpse of the frozen primordial ingredients of the solar system.

The former Chinese Communist party chief, Zhoo Ziyang, died of illness.

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake, the focus of which was about 10km, below the seabed in the Pacific Ocean struck in Japan. A tsunami warning was issued for a group of islands on January 19.

Ukraine’s Central Election Commission has declared the pro-western opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko, the official winner of the disputed Presidential election.

On February 1, King Gyanendra dismissed Nepal’s Government and declared a state of Emergency, cutting off his Himalayan Nation from the rest of the world as telephone and Internet lines were snapped flights diverted and civil liberties severely curtailed.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Will return soon

Hello friends, I got my Internet back, I dint expect the Internet guys will give connection in Rocket speed, Thanks to them. My new home, is very spacious, and very comfortable. But I am very sad to leave my old house, where I live for 20 years, from my birth. I hope I will get a change in my life. In this new home, there are many small kids in neighboring houses, it is very nice to see them playing. This house has much space for walking. Front of my house there is an open space and in night the frog giving sounds, it is a different sounds for me. An amazing thing is this house look like how I imagined.

I will return to blog world with in 2 days, but i will try to read your blogs. My Aunty there children’s and my sister came to my house for vacations, so I will spent my times with them. And I also plan to go out with them. I dint thing I will see you all before the New Year, very happy. I have bought a cell phone; I have talked and sent SMS to some blog friends and chat friend. Here I have some photos of my new home.

Me and My Brother(cousin)

My dad, mother and sister(cousin)

My dad and mom doing ganapathi homem

This photo is front of my home, (from left my aunty, another aunty, my grandma, uncle and in back my brother (cousin)).

Sunday, December 25, 2005

A Break

Hi Friend, I am changing my House, so I cant blog for some day. Because my internet line will cut, as soon as I get my Internet, I will start blog. Now Break.

Wish You All a Happy New Year.

My friend, the sea...

Photo of the Year 2004

But deep inside, they also know that one day it may turn against them again. Until then…

A quiet fishing village Kokillamedu, near Chennai, on the southern coast of India. The houses that stood on the shorefront have given way to grass and plants. A little distance away, the sea is a light blue and the waves play gently on the beach. The sea seems to stretch to eternity, going far beyond the horizon. It seems friendly and almost welcoming. But a year ago, the sea changed its character. For one horrible day it swept inland, taking with it anything and anyone it could find. It was a tsunami and the people were shocked, they did not know what was happening. Even the oldest resident of that village said that he had never seen something like this before.

Kesavamurthy, a student of Std. VIII, says he was playing by the sea that Sunday when suddenly he noticed the strange behaviour of the waves. They rose up high. Almost as high as that coconut tree," he says pointing. I ran home, because I knew my sister was alone there. She is only four." Together they ran away from their home and their friend, the sea.

I was helping my mother with the cooking , says Valli, Std. VII. I heard shouting and running and then I saw what was happening. Yes, I was very frightened." One year later, the memories of that day linger on. Luckily for us, there was no loss of life here. But we lost all our things. They were just washed away, says Balasubramaniam, Std. VII. Looking back, the children are stoic, they remember the tsunami as one of nature's vagaries. "The sea is there. It won't do that again, says Arunachalam, Std. IV confidently. But sometimes when the wind howls through the trees it is a bit frightening, says Pandian.

I don't see any reason for fear. We have lived here for so long and the sea was always close by. Why would it want to hurt us again? says Manjumadha, Std. VI. Life goes on much as usual. The village elders ensure that everyone gets their share of the aid that comes in. Boats go out to sea early morning, bringing back hordes of fish. The women take the fish to the market to sell. While the men sleep off their tiredness, the children are at school. Vijay, Std. VI, is philosophical in his outlook. The sea will not harm us, he says. Though he is not able to state reasons for this confidence.

Since that fateful day, the children have been reading, studying and watching the television for news about tsunamis. Having watched it close up they wanted to know more. In Japan, tsunamis are a common feature, they say. They have learnt to live with them. The children go to school, play cricket on the shore, play in the sea, lie down on the beach all the while knowing that their friend the sea may one day turn against them again. But for them, their home is by the seashore and the sea will always be their friend.

On December 26, 2004, the Indian coastline experienced the most devastating tsunami in recorded history. According to the National Institute of Oceanography, the tsunami was triggered by an earthquake of magnitude 9.0 on the Richter scale at 3.4° N, 95.7° E off the coast of Sumatra in the Indonesian Archepelago at 06:29 hrs IST (00:59 hrs GMT). The earthquake epicentre is located relatively at shallow depth, about 10 km below the ocean floor. The high magnitude, 9.0 Richter scale, of the earthquake and its shallow epicentre may have triggered the tsunami in the northeast Indian Ocean. These travelled in open ocean of the Bay of Bengal and subsequently transformed into a train of catastrophic oscillations on the sea surface close to coastal zones of Sri Lanka and east coast of India.

Read the Review of Citroen C6 here

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Diamond cake

Diamond Cake
A diamond Christmas cake was on display in Japan. It's one of 17 diamond-related designs in an exhibit called "Diamonds: Nature's Miracle". The Tokyo pastry chef who created the work of art said it took six months to develop the design and one month to actually make the cake. The fruitcake itself is edible — apart from the 223 small diamonds on it. It goes on sale at Christmas. And it could be yours. The asking price? $1.65 million.

Special winter games

Winter games play by Santa's

Santa Clauses from all over the world were in Sweden recently for the annual Santa Winter Games. The games started in the city of Gallivare as a local Christmas event in 2003. But word quickly spread. This year's competition included Santas from seven countries.

More than 50 Santas competed in classic Santa events such as sleigh and reindeer racing, porridge eating and chimney climbing. Last year's winner, a British Santa, had to hand over the coveted title to this year's winner, a Santa from Estonia.

Santa with gifts

Santa's House

Was it Santa's birthday?

The glitter and the gifts of the season seem to have sent the reason for the Christmas celebration into the background.

It is the season to be jolly, fa la la la la la, so went the carol from the MP3 player filling the room with its sweet melody. Christmas greetings including the e-cards had been sent, not a single important carol concert missed, hopped from one party to another, and the Christmas tree was ablaze with ornaments and lights. Mom had put the final touches to the plum cake and pudding. The star atop the tree seemed to twinkle with an ethereal light. The brightly wrapped gifts were placed beneath it.

It was December 25. In a short while the family returned after attending the Christmas midnight service. The cake was cut and a little wine sipped. It was time to greet one another A Merry Christmas to you!

Aunty Coral asked little Roshan whose birthday he thought they were celebrating. "Santa Claus", came the answer, quick and sure. One look at the roly-poly figure of the red-clad Christmas Father placed near the tree, and Roshan was sure he had the right answer. The stocking seemed bottomless. Gifts, can't seem to have enough of them. Seven-year-old Shanthini was cross: "Why didn't Uncle Prem in Germany send those yum Hershey chocolates this Christmas?"

Mom thought it time to put the record straight. Pointing to the manger scene at the foot of the Christmas tree, where baby Jesus lay and to the halo all around, she said, "Christmas is Jesus's birthday. Roshan interrupted, "But isn't it Santa who gets us the gifts?" "True," said Mom, "but December 25 is Christ's birthday. The birthday baby himself is the greatest gift to all who will accept Him. He is the reason for the season." Shanthini remembered the lines from the solo she sang at the school carol programme and she began :

Christmas isn't Christmas till it happens in your heart.
Somewhere deep inside you is where Christmas really starts
So give your heart to Jesus, you'll discover when you do
That it's Christmas really Christmas for you.

Friday, December 23, 2005

What happens on December?

December 22

Maths Genies Ramanujam Birthday.
Mother Saratha Devi Birthday.

December 23

World Farmers Day
Scientist Jahadesh Chandraboss Memory day.(He proved that like humans, plants also have feeling).
Tsar King first Alexander Birthday, 1777.
Geovainne Kasini discovered Saturn’s Reo Satellite in 1872.
BBC’s Daily News Radio service started in 1922.
Pirteein, Prattein and Chocla discovered Transistor Radio in 1947

December 24

Father E.V.R.A Periyar and former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.G.R memory day.
Farmer Indian Prime Minister Narasimmaraw died, in 2004.
Portugal malume and sea inspector Vascodagama memory day.
Soviet Russia’s spaceship Luna landed in 3 moons.

December 25

Former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee birthday.
Freedom fighter Mathan Mohan Malaviya birthday.
Rajaji memory day
Egypt President Anvar Sathath Birthday
Famous Comedy actor Charley Chaplin died in1918
Mikail korpasaave sworn as Japan’s emperor in 1926

December 26

Tsunami attack’s 15 countries, 3 lakh people have been died, including16,000 people died in India, in 2004.
Charles Babage discovered Computer in 1792
Chinese captain Ma Sa Tung Birthday, 1893
Mare Curie and Piare Curie discovered Radium in 1898.

December 27

World bank started in 1945.
Founder of dog bite medicine Louie Pastor birthday, 1822.
First train track was put in England, 1825.
Soviet Russia invaded on Afghanistan, 1979.
After 40 years the democratic rule begin in Spain, 1978.

December 28

Famous Hollywood actor Densil Washington Birthday, 1954.
Builder of Eiffel Tower, Kastave Eiffel died, 1923.
Sun Yatsen elected as President of Republic China, 1911.
Women’s give permission for putting Vote in England, 1918.

December 29

Discoverer of Vulcanizing method, Charles Good Year Birthday, 1800.
Cubic water discover was officially announced, 1931.

December 30

Nobel Prize winner and famous Writer Rupyarit Kipling, Birthday, 1907.
Sri Hanuman Jayanthi
Swanskin gets insurance rights for Electronic Television.

December 31

The actor of Gandhi film, Pen Kingsele Birthday, 1943.
East Indian Company put there steps in India, 1600
Mary Quire gets Nobel Prize for second time, 1911.
Euro Currency came to circulation in 12 European countries, in 2001.
Panama canal rights came back again to Panama, 1999.

There is another post in Shyam'ssssss about 5 stars for Citroen C6

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Sachin’s World Achievement

A punch in the air and a half-relief-half-joy kind of look marked Sachin Tendulkar’s Test century no. 35 at the Feroz Shah Kotla in Delhi on December 10. It was more than just a milestone for the maestro at the fag end of the first day of the second Test match against the Sri Lankans. It was the sum total of his 16-year international career punctuated with pleasure, pain, hardships and remarkable achievements, not to mention the odd disappointment. Fans for whom cricket is religion elevated him to the status of God and then questioned his greatness. They conveniently forgot his 72 international centuries and doubted his ability to make a comeback after a long lay-off, thanks to a tennis elbow.

Such was the inevitability of his breaking Sunil Gavaskar’s record for the most centuries in Test cricket that when the moment descended, it was almost an anti-climax. The achievement also opened a window into the Sachin of now more open, emotional, intense. Earlier, each achievement, each essay highlighted a man in total control of the action on the field and his emotions. Today, Sachin continues to perform but does not hesitate from talking about the difficulties he is going through. There have been very few moments when I have felt emotional, he admitted on that wintry Saturday in Kotla, but this time I felt very different.

Sachin has scored centuries against all oppositions, in all countries: 16 of them were scored at home just like Gavaskar and 19 away, one more than the predecessor. Gavaskar called him he closest thing to batting perfection this game has ever seen. Sachin has established his stamp over all types of attacks. In fact, some of his most memorable essays came in adverse conditions. There have been those rare occasions when he looked entangled at the crease. But largely, he has been the dictator, giving nightmares to bowlers like Shane Warne.

By the time he was 19 he had already scored six Test centuries in places like Manchester, Sydney, Perth and Johannesburg encountering the likes of Alan Donald, Merv Hughes and Craig McDermott. After century no. 35, the cricketing world has already started speculating on where he would stop. Gavaskar has put his money on 50 Test hundreds. Sachin is only 32 and should be able to play for another 6 years at least, if not 8," he said in a statement after the record was broken. The path from here on is one of endless possibilities for the little genius. He has already conquered the world and all he needs now is to conquer his own will and of course that elbow which made many speculate about his career.

Sachin's 10 golden knocks will come every day in the bottom of every post.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Child warriors

Many children in Jammu and Kashmir are being forced to work for terrorist groups like Suicide machine.

On July 12, 2005, Mohammad Akram (11) was on his way home from school when he was stopped by a group of terrorists. They asked him to throw a grenade in the local market place, and promised him Rs. 500 for the task. Terror-stricken Akram did not have a choice — he had to do as the men said. But before he could fling the grenade, it exploded in his hands, injuring him severely. A few days later, Tahira (9) from Pangai village, Poonch district, was seriously injured when an improvised explosive device (IED) she was handling exploded. She too had been forced by terrorists to place the IED on a road often used by the Indian troops.

Various terrorist groups in Jammu and Kashmir are using an alarming number of children as terror tools. The children are used as spies, porters and as guerrillas who throw grenades and plant IEDs. The children (some barely nine or 10 years) are even used as shields in encounters and deployed in operations against Indian security agencies. "The terrorists sometimes give Rs. 100 for throwing a grenade. In most cases, either the children get hurt or they miss their target (security forces), which results in many civilians being hurt. That's why there are so many civilians dying in grenade attacks these days. Srinagar Police said There are many examples where unsuspecting children have been used either as couriers to send messages or to ferry arms and explosives. A security patrol would never bother to search a child earlier. But now we need to change our strategy.

Increasingly, the army has been discovering several young warriors working for terrorist groups. Abdul Gafoor (12), from the remote Udhampur village, was recruited by terrorists and used for operations against the security forces. He travelled with the Hizbul Mujahideen men in the thick forests of Pakikot, Narla and Larki in the hilly belt of Udhampur. Terrorists killed his father in 2003 and his mother was kidnapped for allegedly having links with security forces. The first two months, he was made to wash utensils and carry their load as they moved from one village to another. Later, he was trained to use the AK-47 rifle and handle explosives, narrating his experience after being rescued by the security forces in 2004. Gafoor was also used as a spy and as a human shield during attacks on army patrols.

In June 2005, during an encounter in the Pir Panjal Mountains, the army found Muzaffar Iqbal, barely 11, working as a porter, guide and part-time guerrilla. Iqbal was recruited in February 2004 at gunpoint while returning from school. He was also made to carry sorties (raid or an attack)...he was not aware of the bigger game plan of the terrorists. Mohammad Altaf, 13, was with the terrorists for more than a year. Five other children and Altaf cooked for the terrorists and washed utensils. They were also trained in arms and sent to get weapons from hideouts. The security forces claim that along the Indo-Pak border, Pakistani boys, as young as 13-14 years, carrying deadly weapons, have been arrested. Recently, nine such children were picked up from the Line of Control. They revealed they had been trained at a madrasa (religious school) in Pakistan and were sent back to India territory after undergoing basic military training.

At times, these child warriors also get killed in encounters. On August 8, 2003, a 13-year-old boy was killed in the Mendhar sector of Poonch district while entering Indian Territory from Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. The child was among the seven other terrorists killed in an encounter. Most of the children picked up by terrorists are from remote areas of Rajouri, Poonch, Doda, Udhampur and Kupwara, and belong to very poor and illiterate families. In fact, the Jammu and Kashmir police has noticed a clear trend since 2004 more and more children go missing from remote areas.

An estimated 100 children have been reported missing in Kashmir since 2004. "In the early 1990s, only a handful of children were involved. Last year (2004), around 200 were hidden in the mountains. The police only know of children missing when a complaint is registered. If police consider unreported cases, the number of children missing and recruited by terrorists may run into hundreds. The terrorist groups (many of whom have lost several members in recent years) want to save trained terrorists for bigger operations.

There was another post in Shyam'sss (petrol vs diesel)

Monday, December 19, 2005

How the cyclone got its name?

Cyclones are named to provide easy communication regarding forecasts and warnings.

Those of you who live by the sea would know that the cool, sea breeze blows on land during the night. You must also have read about the devastating cyclones and hurricanes like the recent Katrina that sweep across the sea and strike the land without a warning. All winds are caused by changes in temperature. Whenever air gets heated, it expands and becomes lighter. The lighter air rises and the heavier cooler air rushes in to take its place. The speed of movement of this air makes the wind blow at varying speeds.

In 19th Century, Sir Francis Beaufort, a British Admiral, designed a scale to categorise wind. On this scale, zero represents absolute stillness, and five, a gentle breeze. Force 8 represents a moderate gale, which breaks twigs off trees, while a storm is a wind of Force 10. Storms of intensity between 11 and 17 are generally known as tropical cyclones. These go by different names in different parts of the world. In the West Indies they are hurricanes, while in the U.S, they are tornadoes. In the China Seas, they are called typhoons, while it is a cyclone in the Indian Ocean. Along the west coast of Australia, the tropical storms are known as the willy-willies.

Tropical cyclones are given names to provide ease of communication between forecasters and the general public regarding forecasts, and warnings. Since the storms can often last a week or longer and that more than one can be occurring in the same basin at the same time, names can reduce the confusion. During World War II, tropical cyclones were informally given women's names. Today, the lists of names generated by the National Hurricane Center, alternate between male and female.

The names are arranged alphabetically. The first tropical storm of the year has a name that begins with A. The second is given a name that begins with B and so on. The list continues to W, but Q and U are omitted. There are six such lists of 21 names that are rotated every six years. A name is retired or taken off the list if the cyclone bearing it was particularly notorious and caused loss of life.

Beginning on January 1, 2000, tropical cyclones in the Northwest Pacific basin are being named from a new and different list. The new names are Asian names and were contributed by all members of the Typhoon Committee.

Link to my Car blog Shyam'ssss

Sunday, December 18, 2005

French Spiderman

A daredevil climber known as the French Spiderman who has scaled skyscrapers around the globe was arrested recently as he tried to clamber up a Houston office building. Alain Robert, 43, dashed from a taxi to the 46-story Houston Center but was stopped just as he was starting his ascent. Police said a reporter had tipped them off to his plans. A tall officer was able to grab his ankles. He was about one or two steps from getting away.

Robert's Web site claims he has climbed some 70 buildings including the Eiffel Tower; the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; London's Canary Wharf Building; the Empire State Building in New York and Chicago's Sears Tower. Houston police charged Robert with criminal trespass.

Read about Cars in my New blog Shyam'sssss

Saturday, December 17, 2005

World's first statue of Lee

Bosnia's southern town of Mostar unveiled the world's first statue of Kung-Fu legend Bruce Lee, paying homage to a childhood hero of all its divided ethnic groups, says a Reuters report. The life-size bronze statue is situated in Mostar's central park, close to the former front line of Bosnia's 1992-95 civil war. Unveiled by its initiators, Veselin Gatalo and Nino Raspudic of Mostar's Urban Movement, the statue portrays the Chinese-American actor, who died 32 years ago, in a typical defensive fighting position.

This does not mean that Bruce Lee will unite us, because people are different and cannot be united and we will always be Muslims, Serbs or Croats, Gatalo said. But one thing we all have in common is Bruce Lee. Gatalo has said Lee a hero to teenagers all over Bosnia in the 1970s and 1980s epitomised justice, mastery and honesty, virtues the town had badly missed.

There is another post in my New Blog Shyam'sssss

Friday, December 16, 2005

Federer will shine in 2006?

At the end of the year, the delectable Swiss chocolate might have melted, but that doesn't take away the delicious fare that has been served, and will continue to be served. Roger Federer might have lost the Masters Cup final, but that is just about the only thing he has lost. The number of Grand Slams that he will pile up in the years to come continues to be a topic of discussion and will not alter by a slight increase in the number of people who have beaten him this year.

If it is true that he is unable to complete beautifully ruthless wins like he did last year, then it also true that he has won 11 titles in 2005. If it is true that his game has come down by a notch, then it is also true that he played the Shanghai Masters after being on crutches, and reached the final with a 6-0, 6-0 whitewash of Gaston Gaudio in the semifinal and even served for the match in the final. He is bruised, but not beaten.

The fact remains that 2005 has been a Federer year. It took supreme performances from Marat Safin (Australian Open semifinal), Rafael Nadal (French Open semifinal), Richard Gasquet (Monte Carlo Masters quarterfinal) and David Nalbandian (Masters Cup final) to take game, set and match against him. Such was his domination, that it was `Who beat Roger Federer?' rather than `Who did Roger Federer beat?' that grabbed headlines on most occasions.

Under the circumstances, can Federer be challenged in 2006? An occasional upset or two might happen but the list of serious contenders doesn't require more than a hand or two. Rafael Nadal, on clay and Marat Safin, if his mind is on the court and David Nalbandian at his best stand atop the list of pretenders. Andy Roddick and Lleyton Hewitt are too one-dimensional and need to add more variety to their game.
A fresh and injury-free Roger Federer will continue to be the man to beat in 2006.

There are thoughts that men's tennis will benefit if Federer is beaten, even occasionally, to open up the game. But is that good for the game?. Despite claims of his domination making men's tennis predictable, there is no better sight in tennis, than Roger Federer in full flow. But for the sake of the game, may the best man win.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

What happen on December?

Read the previes post here and here

December 15

Sairthaar Vallapaaie Patel memory day
Romania’s King, Nero’s Birthday
Builder of Eiffel Tower, Alexander Kastave Eiffel birthday.
Founder Walt Disney Theme Park, Walt Disney Died in 1966.
Thomas Alva Edison gets protection for Phonographic in 1877.
To Produce Nylon in commercial, 1939.

December 16

India support Bangladesh to beat the War against Pakistan, in 1971.
Founder of Simponi music, Lutvik Von Piithaavan Birthday, 1770.
With the reason of no child, Napoleon diverse his wife Jospin in 1809.

December 17

Founder of different Chemical, Scientist Hempiri davi Birthday, 1778.
Struggle for South American freedom, Simon Bolivar Died, 1830.
In American continent, France gives freedom for 13-colony country’s, 1777.
Pakistan sign with India for ceasefire in 1971.

December 18

Portugal Colony’s Goa, Diu and Damn, joined with India in 1961.
Founder of FM Radio, Edwin Armstrong Birthday, 1890.
My favorite Hollywood Director Steven Spillberk Birthday, 1947.
America brought the rights of Panama Canal in 1903.
America’s first Atomic power station start in shipping port city, 1957.

December 19

Soviet Russian President Leonit Presnaiv Birthday, 1906.
Flight services started in between Moscow and London in 1957.
England and China signed for handover Hong Kong to China in 1997.

December 20

Russian great soldier Peter changed the New Year from September1 as January1 in 1699.
The Canada National railway constructed 50,000km railway line in 1919.

December 21

Russia’s Iron human, Josef Stalin Birthday, 1879
Famous Tennis player Christ Evairit Birthday, 1954
World’s first crossword contest was released in New York’s Vairilit Newspaper in 1923.
World first Full-length Cartoon movie Snow white and the seven towarips released, in 1937.
England announced Except National crime; other crimes should not give death sentence, 1964.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

An ear in Patna

Indian Railway Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav’s mind is bordering on depression since his Rashtriya Janata Dal’s defeat in the Bihar Assembly elections. Gone are his frequent one-liners to newsmen. The same applies to his zest and swagger. In Parliament, he leaves it to his minister of State, R.Velu, to answer most of the queries.

These days, Lalu is spending more time in the central hall, than in the House, a mobile phones glued to his ear. Who does he keep talking to? It seems he has made an arrangement with an RJD MLA in Patna (capital of Bihar), who sits in the Assembly and dials Lalu’s number so that the leader can know about the going-on first hand!


There is another post in my New Blog Shyam'sssss

Monday, December 12, 2005


Barry Marshall
Robin Warren
Yves Chauvin
Richard R. Schrock

It’s that time of the year again. When the Nobel Prize winners are announced there’s a lot of goodwill and cheer in the air, a bit of he-didn’t deserve-it and a pinch of scandal. So when Australians Barry Marshall and Robin Warren were told they had won the Nobel Prize or medicine, they greeted the news with disbelief. After all, though it has been 23 years since the duo proved that the H. pylori bacteria causes peptic ulcer, skeptics still hung on to the old causes: stress and spicy food. Receiving the Nobel Prize is the last word in this argument, as it is for French scientist Yves Chauvin and Americans Robert H. Grubbs and Richard R. Schrock who share the prize for chemistry. It is an acknowledgement of their work in perfecting metathesis, a method of organic synthesis, which has helped make the manufacture of plastic and pharmaceuticals a greener option.

Roy Glauber
John Hall
Robert J. Aumann
Thomas C. Schelling

Space travel will get that futuristic edge thanks to Roy Glauber and John Hall to the US and Germany’s Theoder Haensch who created a measuring stick to measure time and distance with extreme accuracy. Perhaps, the strangest combos of joint winners are Israeli Robert J. Aumann and American Thomas C. Schelling, who were awarded the prize for economics. Aumann is a mathematician who loves dabbling in the technical while Schelling in the typical conventional economist; both, however, believe that the game theory (where a group of people take decisions that affect each other) is pivotal to society.

Mohammed EIBaradei
Harold Pinter

Now, to the controversies. When the International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohammed EIBaradei got the Nobel Peace Prize, there were those who questioned his eligibility for the award. But the fact remains that EIBaradei has manoeuvred through sticky situations: irking the US by persisting that Iraq had no nukes and taking Libya through disarmament. The award acknowledges the courage of a man who says Atoms are for peace, not war, and work to ensure it. Then there’s the prize for literature, which after much deliberation went to British playwright Harold Pinter. Meanwhile, Knut Ahnlund, a member of the Swedish Academy (which decides the prize), is not done with spilling venom on last year’s winner, Elfriede Jelinek. He termed the author’s work a mass of text that appears shoveled together without a trace of artistic structure. The other big prize for literature, the Man Booker, was also awarded amid much drama. Critics panned winner John Banville as being plain lucky and faulted the jury for not going for stronger contenders like Julian Barnes.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

My New Blog

Today is my Uncle Shyam's 4th death anniversary day. With his memory I have started a new blog Shyam’sssss. He is a Car lover, he know all details of the Cars in this world. So I am going to write about Cars in this blog and I will post some Photos. I hope you will give full support for my new blog Shyam’sssss.

There is another post below, about Miss World 2005.

Miss Iceland win Miss World

A 21-year old anthropology and law student Unnur Birna Vilhjalmsdottir from Iceland crowned as Miss World 2005. Unnur Birna Vilhjalmsdottir was chosen from among 102 contestants at a ceremony on the southern Chinese resort island of Hainan.

The dark-haired winner was born in the Icelandic capital Reykjavik, but grew up in a small town called Seltjarnarnes. Unnur spent her summer holidays working as a police officer at an Icelandic airport. Her motto was: 'you are what you do' or 'you are what you make.

Second place went to Dafne Molina Lona, 23, from Mexico. Ingrid Marie Rivera Santos, 22, from Puerto Rico, came third after tens of thousands worldwide had voted per e-mail, SMS and per telephone. Viewers had selected two candidates from six regions of the world for the final. Three more candidates reached the final round from additional contests.

The 55th Miss World beauty pageant was broadcast live from the Beauty Crown Theatre to about two billion viewers in 200 countries across the globe. Actress Angela Chow, who is famous in Hong Kong, and U.S. television star Tim Vincent, presented the two-hour show.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Miss World 2005 final today

CAN Conquer CANcer initiative

Will Miss India Sindhura Gadde be the new Miss World? Sindhura is making her last-minute preparations to put up a great show for the nation at the 2005 Miss World pageant. A total of 115 beauties represent their countries in Miss World 2005 being held in Sanya in China. With a record number of contestants, Miss World 2005 is expected to be the most lavish extravaganza in the pageant’s 54-year history.

Friday, December 09, 2005


Mosquito spotted Iguana basking near the pond. She flew up to him and said, Hey, Iguana, I just saw a farmer digging up potatoes that were as big as me!

Iguana was annoyed at being disturbed and snapped, What’s a mosquito compared t a potato? I’d rather be deaf than here such nonsense! And he stuck twigs in his ears and stomped off.

When Python saw Iguana pass be, he said a friendly Hello. Iguana seemed not to hear. Iguana is angry, thought Python. I better hide, and quickly slithered into Rabbit’s hole.

Rabbit was so startled she jumped out of her burrow and hared away. Crow saw her and cawed loudly in alarm. Monkey heard Crow and leaped from branch to branch, shrieking disaster.

Crack! A branch broke under Monkey’s weight. It fell into Owl’s nest, crushing one of her babies. When Owl returned, she was overcome by sorrow and stopped hooting. The Sun did not rise the next day as he depended on Owl’s wake up call.

Lion summoned all the animals. He asked Owl why she hadn’t woke the Sun.

Monkey killed my Owl, she said sadly. I am in no mood to awaken the Sun.

When Monkey was questioned the entire chain of events was revealed. It was iguana who had caused all the trouble! Iguana, of course, didn’t hear a thing because he still had twigs in his ears Lion pulled them out, chuckling.

Now, iguana, what ‘s all this? Python says you snubbed him this morning.

What! I never…I never even heard him! Stuttered Iguana. It was Mosquito! She narrated a tall tale that spoiled my whole morning!

When Owl heard they’d found the culprit, she let out a loud hoot. The Sun rose and the animals cheered.

That’s better! said Lion. But where is Mosquito? She must be punished! All the animals looked around eagerly. But Mosquito was nowhere to be found. She had been eavesdropping all the while and felt so wretched, she dared not show her face. To this day, she suffers a guilty conscience. She buzzes and whines in people’s ears, even as she dines on their blood: “Zeeee zeeee…. Is everyone still angry with me?”

And an irritated slap is all she gets for an answer!

- Adapted from an African folktale retold by Verna Aardema. This story was made into a 9-minute animation film in 1984 and is used in classroom project all over the USA.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

What happen on December?

Continue after 7th December read 1 to 7 here

December 8

America, England & Australia announced war on Japan in December 8, 1941.

December 9

Rajaji Birthday.
Poet Milton Birthday.
Chicago’s Richchartsun get rights for Roller Skating instrument on 1884.
50,000 people died for Earthquack in Armenia.

December 10

Famous Carnatic music singer M.S.Subulakshmi memory day.
Scotland Engineer Robert Thomson gets rights for Nemonitic tyer in 1845.
One of the Worlds biggest Dam Asvaan on Neil River opened in 1902.
Nobel Prizes was first given in Aaslo city, 1901.
U.S. President Roosevelt gets Nobel Prize for World peace in 1906.
Rupert Kip Link got Nobel Prize for Literature in 1907.
Mother Theresa get Nobel Prize for World Peace in 1979.

December 11

Famous Tamil Poet Barathiar Birthday.
World’s First Vehicle Museum held in Paris City, 1896.
Nightres oxide (smile gas) first used for pull teethes in 1844.
Italy comes out of leek countries in 1937.
U.N. Starts International Children’s Emergency UNISEF, in 1946.

December 12

Indian capital shifted to Delhi, from Calcutta in 1911.
Rajarathnam pilai Memory Day.
Marrkone Demonstrated the Radio in front of the public in London City, 1896.
Prince Albert Crown as Sixth George King in 1936.
World’s first Motel started in St.Loues Obispo in America, 1925.
Indian Cricket Player Agarkar Birthday.
The New York City Ban, Smoking, on Bars, Restaurants and office in 2002.

December 13

Thiruvannamalai Thebam (lamp).
Right Brothers first plane Hittehock fly in the sky, 1903.
Netherlands Malume Apal Tosman discovered New Zealand in 1642.
Jerusalem, capital tellave changed as Israel Capital.
London railway traffic changed to Electronic system in 1904.

December 14

World Ability (or energy) day.
Sixth George King Birthday, 1895.
Scotland saver Robin Hood died in 1247.
America’s First President, George Washington died in 1799.
Soviet Russia deleted from Leek Countries, 1939.
America sends Mariner-2 Spaceship to Venus in 1962.

(will continue... soon)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


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Saran, successful director has turned into a producer. Gemini Productions, launched by him has produced Aaru. Aaru has different meanings an abbreviation of Arumugam, which is another name for the god Subramaniam, a number, a river or a signal to cool down.

Suriya plays the role of Aaru, turbulent and angry young man like an overflowing wild river, who cares little for consequences, does what he pleases, as he likes, and who needs to cool down. Obviously and expectedly, the movie promises to be an action flick. My Favorite Trisha is the heroine, and she is upbeat and excited about her performance in this movie. Much of it has been shot in and around Chennai, unlike most of Hari’s earlier movies. Direction is by Hari, music by Devi Hari Prasad. The music is already hitting the top charts and will boost the movies image and popularity. I like the song Thottutae Thottutae...

In Ghajini, Suriya had the half-crazed look of a person with a short memory span, and he was covered with writing, tattoos, etc. In Aaru, Suriya’s hair-style was designed in London to provide the exact touch to his character in this movie. Since the super success of Ghajini, much is expected from Aaru.

Aaru is Releasing this Friday December 9th.